Don't really know where to put this but was prescribed Sertraline by my doctor today and was wondering if anyone had any experience of taking them


  • SixFourTwo
    SixFourTwo Posts: 31 Member
    Hello. I was prescribed the same a few years ago and took them for a few months. They didn't help at all and I ended up trying various different ones at different strengths with various effects, not many of them terribly positive.

    I wouldn't ask you publicly - I think a lot of it depends on why you've been prescribed. Low mood can be quite different to depression and treatments can really vary.

    Did you feel the Doc was just prescribing them without massively exploring with you - or more that you asked fo some help in this area?

    Exercise is one of the best natural anti-depressants you can employ but it takes time, sometimes quite a lot of time to care for yourself and gently find a way to recovery xx
  • Rai007
    Rai007 Posts: 387 Member
    i wish you both a healthy mind and body :)
  • smc864
    smc864 Posts: 570 Member
    I am currently taking Wellbutrin XL 300mg and since I began I have lost 20 pounds (in the last 2 months). I told my doctor I wanted to take this one because it is "weight neutral"... meaning it isn't supposed to make you gain weight. Some people say they lost weight without even trying but that's not the case for me. I have been eating 1200 calories/day and busting my a** at the gym for the last two months. I've never tried Sertraline. You may want to use the search function and see if you can find any threads that were started about Sertaline. Best wishes to you!!
  • MrsFrogLegs
    I take 150mg of Zoloft, which is just the brand name of what you are taking, daily. I take it for anxiety., although I di have bouts of depression. It does take a few weeks to notice a true effect. Start journaling how you feel while taking it. This way when you go back for a follow up you have info on how it effects you! It can cause weight gain, but as stated earlier exercise is great not only to keep the weigh off but to help with your brain chemistry. It maybe hard to get out there to do it especially if you are feeli.g depressed. I would start small, like a 10 minute walk each day. Then build up to more minutes and/or more strenuous exercise. Dont beat yourself up if you miss a day, because you cant get out there. Be kind to yourself. In the long run you might not tohave continue taking it or you find a different anti depressent works better.

    Feel free to add me as a friend and chat if you'd like. Good luck.
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    I got switched to Zoloft when it was a bit of a fad for docs, and it really didn't work for me. It was like it had no active ingredient in my system. I take Lexapro and it works great for me. I don't notice anything like side effects from it. I never think twice about taking my antidepressant every day, and I only notice anything if I go off of them. Then I notice! ;)
  • MissPerfect2012
    MissPerfect2012 Posts: 21 Member
    Wouldn't say I'm necessarily depressed I get bad mood swings and can switch moods almost instantly sometimes and take everything out on the people I care about I get really anxious at times too and its hard for me at the moment
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    If this was prescribed by a GP instead of a psychiatrist, I'd try to schedule an appointment with a therapist's office that has a prescribing psychiatrist pretty soon. If you really lean towards bi-polar instead of depression, an SSRI is not always the best choice. That said, I'm not a doc and your doc is, so don't take my advice as anything more than seeing a therapist once or twice soon :)
  • MissPerfect2012
    MissPerfect2012 Posts: 21 Member
    I was offered counselling to help with my anxiety issues but don't like the idea of talking to someone I don't know,
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    I was offered counselling to help with my anxiety issues but don't like the idea of talking to someone I don't know,

    Nobody does, lol. It is important, though. The medications are different depending on your condition, and the very best way to get an exact diagnosis is by therapy. Therapy is wonderful in other ways, too, but at least do it to know you are being given the best med! Some of them can be odd feeling if you take the wrong one while trying them out, so best to start with docs who are very informed about any symptoms you have.

    Good luck :)
  • jennyc1270
    jennyc1270 Posts: 25 Member
    I was offered counselling to help with my anxiety issues but don't like the idea of talking to someone I don't know,

    Interestingly, most of the medical research shows that counseling is actually better for mild to mod depression. If you are having more mood swings, a psychiatrist is the way to go but never underestimate a good therapist. Many people say that figuring out your problems and working through them can help control the feelings instead of just medicating them.
  • lsapphire
    lsapphire Posts: 297 Member
    Everyone reacts to medication differently. The important things to remember is keep communications honest and open with your doctor and don't get discouraged if it doesn't give instant success.