9-5 Office Job Diet Plan



  • LisaNBorchers
    I work 730-430 in an office job and the boredom is killing me...all I want is potato chips!!!

    That being said I don't eat them...I bring egg whites for breakfast and microwave them, will add spinach or salsa for a veggie addition. My snack is fruit, I precut my fruit and put it in a plastic container and eat with a fork. I tend to graze on this all morning...

    Pack my protien and veggie lunch, snack is yogurt and almonds and snap peas today. Again I measure out the almonds and peas to be searving size and graze for the afternoon.

    To get my water consumption in I have a 1.5litre bottle I fill every day and pour into a glass or cup. For some reason it is easier for me to drink more from a glass than a bottle. I also try to make sure that I drink a glass an hour getting in my 8 cups a day.
  • tanyewest
    Mmmmm almond croissant!!!!!

    I work 8.30 til 5.30 in such a quiet office! I get so bored that I really have to try not to snack!! ATM I have fruit or the odd Sula sweet and keep little things like beetroot in the fridge that I can just go and pick at!

    Mimi, I feel you pain, we have stocked cupboards too, and currently 2 bleberry muffins that are just CALLING me!!!

    I work in a quiet office too, there are currently only 5 people on my floor and it's so quiet I constantly feel the need to snack. I last ok in the mornigs, but after lunch I just want to eat eat eat. I've been snacking on rice crackers and fruit bars, that's ok right?

    I do make sure I go for an hours walk at lunch, so I guess I am burning off most of what I eat whilst walking as I am a brisk walker (:

    What nuts are good for you that don't contain a high amount of fat? I'm finding it very difficult! T x
  • sparklepants
    sparklepants Posts: 149 Member
    Yeah there's nothing wrong with rice crackers! What are the fruit bars? Could be high in sugar?

    All nuts are quite high in fat, but almonds are supposed to be the best, David Kirsch even recommends eating 5 a day! No more than that though!! I love them with flame raisins!
  • tanyewest
    I love almonds so that's perfect (:
    My mum told me to try Brazil Nuts, they're not high in fat apparently and very good for you (only in moderation of course)

    Not a fan of Brazil Nuts though, just looking at them they don't look nice ha!
  • Candiceg13
    I work in an office with a LOT of different people and cuisine choices, and there is always someone going out to eat and bringin it in. And I am on the committee that plans all the potlucks, and stuff, so I am constanlty in charge of mass amounts of yummy food that is always placed in front of my desk!

    I try to maintain healthier choices by bringing my own lunch and snacks, especially since I am breastfeeding, I need to keep my caloric intake to about 1,800-1,900 cal/day. Hard to do that eating healthy, you have to eat all the time...

    I eat imediately following my am workout, so this is my eating schedule:

    5:30 Breakfast
    8:30-9 Snack
    12-12:30 Lunch
    3:30-4 Snack
    6:30-7 Dinner
    9:00 (occasional dessert)

    I make sure I have at least 10g protein w/each meal and close to that with each snack....

    It is hard, since I have to pump during my breaks and lunch, I do not get to walk outside, but as soon as LO is 1, I will be ending the breastfeeding and getting back into my usual routine...
  • TnTHawkins
    TnTHawkins Posts: 285 Member
    I eat dry cereal for breakfeast, then 2 hours have another snack and drink my daily water in the morning. 2hours later I eat lunch and have a snack in the afternoon unless I'm busy. Your body will digest the food better if eating in small quantities.
  • ellatoni
    I have just started working in an office, after working in bars and restaurants and I'm finding it hard to keep the weight off after being used to such an active job.

    I try and eat 3 meals a day (plus snacks) but am finding that I snack more than I should.

    My meal plan tends to be instant oats (made with water, not milk) or a pack of belvita/weetabix breakfast biscuits on a morning, for lunch a pack of supernoodles or a cup-o-soup, dinner tends to be sausage and mash, spag bol/chilli or some form of pasta, normally with chicken. I tend to drink 3 cups of tea/coffee a day plus about 2 glasses of water. Snacks generally include a pack of low fat crisps or a slice of best of both toast with light margarine. About every other day/every three days I also have a can of fizzy drink.

    I know I need to eat healthily but find it hard to find things that I can keep at work that aren't perishable but are healthy.

    I also get up for work at half 5 and get back home at about half 6/7 so find it hard not to make convenience/quick foods

    Any help/ tips would be appreciated.

  • Azurite27
    Azurite27 Posts: 554 Member
    Work an office job. How I manage is by drinking water and pre-planning my snacks so that they are mostly healthy and I can munch on food all day without feeling guilty. Also, I've found that recently uping my water intake has helped a lot.
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    I bring my own lunches in too, but someone pointed out to me that it is mainly full of carbs! I need to get in the habit of eating more protein and more veggies - I'm such a fussy eater though which doesn't help. It's now 11:30 and I haven't snacked once, I'm doing well :) T x

    To help with protein, I cook chicken breasts on Sunday and put them in tupperware. I chop them up in the morning to use in salad or whatever my lunch is that day (if I am doing the chicken). Otherwise, I do egg salad, tuna salad etc... I discovered a love for raw spinach so I use that instead of lettuce :bigsmile: I can make a mean salad :laugh:
  • Jewelsfla
    Jewelsfla Posts: 41 Member
    I've read in a few places that peppermint tea helps with bloating.
  • angieroo2
    angieroo2 Posts: 973 Member
    The hardest thing for me is the tons of food choices to resist. I bring my lunch every day and I have loads of snacks in my cabinet. I try to make sure my first snack is a fruit (typically an apple). I drink lots of water throughout the day.
  • melissat888250
    melissat888250 Posts: 79 Member
    I will bring baggies of chopped up veggies (cucumbers are best, since carrots/celery can be a little loud to eat at your desk!) or apple/pear/banana to snack on. I have a box of the maxwell house international delight coffee mix (this month it's vanilla caramel latte) in my desk drawer along with a coffee cup, so if I have the urge to stop and buy a fancy coffee I resist and just make a 60 calorie cup of fancy coffee at work instead. This usually saves me 100-300 calories. I use my coffee cup as a water cup and usually drink 6-8 cups of water to curb snacking.

    Gum helps in the afternoon when I want something sweet or if I run out of snacks. I leave a pack in my desk.

    I also go to the gym right after work, so I get out all my pent up energy then.

    Hope this helps!

    Breakfast at home: 7:30
    Snack: 10 (fruit)
    Lunch: 12
    Snack: 2:30 (gum or fruit)
    Gym: 4:45-5:30
    Dinner: 6:30-7
  • iperceive2
    iperceive2 Posts: 72 Member
    I sit on my *kitten* all day and i have to find reasons to get up! I do squats, I have light weights on my desk that I use, lunges and just marching in place. When Im sittng i suck in my tummy and sqeeze my but and hold ...lol...i do several reps of that. There is also a deskercisers group on here and we do something every 30 mins just to stay active at the desk!! I snack on almonds i play a game. I count out 13 and eat 2 every 2 mins. Also maybe think of adding more protein to your breakfast. I did and it helps.
    Good luck!!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member

    I know I need to eat healthily but find it hard to find things that I can keep at work that aren't perishable but are healthy.

    I also get up for work at half 5 and get back home at about half 6/7 so find it hard not to make convenience/quick foods

    Any help/ tips would be appreciated.


    Bring an insulated lunch box with yogurt and cheese stick, fruits, veggies. Microwave popcorn, a whole bag is filling and low in calories.
  • SlytherinPrefect
    SlytherinPrefect Posts: 64 Member
    Here's something to consider:
    I don't have a plan to lose some specified amount of weight by some specified time. I don't even really have a plan to lose weight. My plan is a lifetime of health and fitness. Therefore, every choice I make is a reflection of that. In general, I want to be healthy and fit. Do you ever wonder why people that obsess about losing weight never really do? Because there is no over-arching goal that transcends the silly goal of losing weight. If you ask, "why do I want to lose weight", and keep asking why to that answer, and again, and again, until you get to the core of the issue. When you get to the bottom of it, that is your reason. It's probably not about losing weight, truly. Losing weight is just a symptom of something else.

    Look higher. It's easier and not such a struggle when you have focus on something bigger.


    I eat basically all day long. Snack snack snack. As long as it's keeping in line with my macros, I'm in. I usually eat a lot of protein at dinner, so I really can eat what I want during the day.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    I bring my own lunches in too, but someone pointed out to me that it is mainly full of carbs! I need to get in the habit of eating more protein and more veggies - I'm such a fussy eater though which doesn't help. It's now 11:30 and I haven't snacked once, I'm doing well :) T x

    To help with protein, I cook chicken breasts on Sunday and put them in tupperware. I chop them up in the morning to use in salad or whatever my lunch is that day (if I am doing the chicken). Otherwise, I do egg salad, tuna salad etc... I discovered a love for raw spinach so I use that instead of lettuce :bigsmile: I can make a mean salad :laugh:

    I make spinach salads too! A bag does my whole week of lunches, and I add tomatoes and cucumber and some sort of protein source - cottage cheese, tuna, tinned mackerel, etc. I have a few crackers if I want to add some more carbs.

    As a fellow 9-5 worker I make sure I have protein at breakfast - usually muesli and a protein shake. I'll then have a snack around 11am, usually a protein bar or some nuts or a latte. I'll have greek yoghurt with my lunch or in the afternoon and this'll usually keep me going until dinner which will be around 6pm or 7pm depending whether it's a work out day or not.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I am just sitting on that food and not burning that energy up?!

    You "burn up" most of your calories (energy) just being alive. Actual exercise only makes up roughly 10-15% of the average individuals calorie requirements. Yes, it helps to move more because movement increases your calorie requirements...but you "burn" 24/7.

    By the by, I'm also a desk jockey....
  • 53welshlady
    53welshlady Posts: 136 Member
    I find that I am better at work than at home. When I am in work, I may or may not have something like yogurt or cereal for brekkie. I start early so am at my desk by 7.00 a.m. I bring my own lunch, normally either salad stuff or home made soup. I keep cans of tuna in my drawer for lunch. Sip water all day.

    BUT..... the main thing is, I don't bring any snacks and I don't bring any money.

    Yes, I feel hungry sometimes, particularly if I have not had much the day before, or ate earlier than usual. However, I believe that hunger pangs are not going to kill me, and continually snacking, even if within my daily allowance, is not going to help me.

    I feel that sitting down all day, is bad enough, but snacking on top of that is no good.

    NB - I'm not talking here about those folk who deliberately eat X small meals a day for their own reasons, I mean just snacking because you "feel hungry"
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    I bring my own lunches in too, but someone pointed out to me that it is mainly full of carbs! I need to get in the habit of eating more protein and more veggies - I'm such a fussy eater though which doesn't help. It's now 11:30 and I haven't snacked once, I'm doing well :) T x

    To help with protein, I cook chicken breasts on Sunday and put them in tupperware. I chop them up in the morning to use in salad or whatever my lunch is that day (if I am doing the chicken). Otherwise, I do egg salad, tuna salad etc... I discovered a love for raw spinach so I use that instead of lettuce :bigsmile: I can make a mean salad :laugh:

    I make spinach salads too! A bag does my whole week of lunches, and I add tomatoes and cucumber and some sort of protein source - cottage cheese, tuna, tinned mackerel, etc. I have a few crackers if I want to add some more carbs.

    As a fellow 9-5 worker I make sure I have protein at breakfast - usually muesli and a protein shake. I'll then have a snack around 11am, usually a protein bar or some nuts or a latte. I'll have greek yoghurt with my lunch or in the afternoon and this'll usually keep me going until dinner which will be around 6pm or 7pm depending whether it's a work out day or not.

    yummm crackers! I had a veggie scramble this morning (4 eggs - 225g) was like 28g protein - - whoop whoop.. that's what I call breakfast :)