Can't wait to reach my goals!

Hey everyone!

I'm looking for other people who are around 20 years old who are on a weight loss journey. This is the third time I've been on this site, and I usually have success. I've been slacking on my nutrition, and I'd love to have some supporters so I can finally get to my goal weight. Feel free to add me!


  • Feel free to send a friend request! I log daily and am an encourager :)
  • Hi, i'm 24 and currently log daily. I too have been back and forth with my weightloss but find this site really helps.
    Feel free to add me :)
  • feel free to add!!!
  • txslady
    txslady Posts: 3 Member
    Good morning group, I am new to the site so I am not sure how this is going to work. My name is Becky I am 44 yrs old. I have been struggling with my weight since I had my first child in 1987. My highest weight I was 325 pounds in 1999. After the birth of my 3rd child I managed to drop down to 220 pounds. I have maintained this weight . I want to lose more so i can get off the diabetic medication I am on.

    With life it is very stressful so I normally turn to food for comfort & it is the wrong foods.

    I am not sure on how to add people here but Ihope I can make new friends on here ot help me stay on goal.

    Thank you
  • vdolmstead
    vdolmstead Posts: 17 Member
    :smile: I've been around 20 years of age for 50 years. I'm on the journey and I see the finish line, even though it's still 80 pounds away! Once before I lost a bunch of weight with the help of NutriSystem but it didn't last because losing weight and keeping it off is a lifestyle matter. It's not a diet. (You know that old joke: First three letters in the word DIET say it all.) So, recently I was channel surfing and, for the second time in that last six months, I ran into Dr. Joel Furhman raising money for a local PBS station. His message seemed even more insistent -- being heard for the second time. So I visited Amazon.Com and bought two of his books: Eat to Live and Nutritarian Handbook & ANDI Scoring Guide. Minus 30 pounds plus later I have a set of eating habits with which I can be at peace for life. I'd gladly compare notes and shout encouragement (and receive encouragement) with anybody!