Problems with different scales?

Me and my mother are on different scales, she has a 'user based' scale, which has the user's height and also accounts that into the weight, when I go to her scale to weigh myself I'm usually 5-9 pounds off of my actual weight, which if that's true, I haven't lost a single pound since I started my diet 3 weeks ago, but the scale I use regularly shows progress. I check in the morning when I wake up and before I go to bed.

When I check randomly on my mother's scale, which is set for her size/ shows me having never lost a single pound. It's upsetting, because I feel I haven't lost but GAINED. I decided to lose weight when I was 309 on my scale, I've dropped to 306 since 3 weeks ago, which is progress. I've eaten since I came home, so I knew I'd weigh more. So, I'm 308 on the one scale and almost 315 on the other scale.

7 pound difference, I KNOW that there is no way it's right, but could it be? Should I just dis-regard that scale all together for myself and stop using it? My mom says she can see progress and it's close to her actual weight, but it's like when I'm on it the scales or different. I know that it's not possible for me to have gained 30 pounds over summer. I know from my last doctor visit that my scale is pretty closet to my weight, maybe 1-2 off of my real weight.


  • Weigh yourself on the same scales and only that scales ! Don't drive yourself nuts !

  • Weigh urself only on ur scales. If the scales are digital it isnt gunna b 100% accurate anyways.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,338 Member
    No retail scale is going to be accurate. That means from scale to scale the numbers will be different. That is why you need to weigh yourself on the same scale all the time, preferably at the same time of day. BTW, entering height in a scale will have no effect on the weight it comes up with as they are completely different measures and 200 pounds is the same whether a person is 5 feet tall of 6 feet tall.
  • howardheilweil
    howardheilweil Posts: 604 Member
    Well, for one thing, it sounds like you are weighing yourself way too often. Once per week tops. Regardless of which scale you get on, your weight will fluctuate daily, potentially by 5 pounds or more. But yeah, every scale is different. In all likelyhood, if you had gotten on both of these scales before you started losing weight, your mother's would have said you were 7 pounds heavier then too. Generally, even if they are wrong, they are consistent. Good luck!