anyone crash dieted?

does crash dieting make it difficult to keep weight off long term?How much did you lose?Tell me your story


  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I'd be surprised if you get many responses on a site like MyFitnessPal.

    Are you considering doing a crash diet? Why? What do you mean by "crash diet"?
  • GuybrushThreepw00d
    GuybrushThreepw00d Posts: 784 Member
    Great plan dude.
    Instant results for instant gratification, not a great tactic.
    Lifestyle change focusing on good nutrition and fitness is the way forward.
    What do you mean by "crash diet"?

    "A crash diet is a diet which is extreme in its nutritional deprivations, typically severely restricting calorie intake.

    It is meant to achieve rapid weight loss and may differ from outright starvation only slightly.
    It is not meant to last for long periods of time, at most a few weeks. Importantly, the term specifically implies a lack of concern for proper nutrition.

    Crash diets are also known as "fad diets" and are often seen as quick fix solutions.
    Contrary to the belief of many who start this sort of diet, this form of dieting is neither healthy nor largely successful in achieving long term weight loss as it provokes a slow down of the body's basal metabolic rate - the body seeks to conserve every calorie and so weight loss becomes increasingly difficult.[1]

    While some initial weight is often lost, the weight is usually regained quickly in the weeks that follow, as the individual reverts to their original pre-crash diet.
    It often becomes a vicious circle in which the weight that is regained is often more than the starting weight, causing the dieter to revert to the crash diet, lose weight, regain the weight, and so on.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Topic: anyone crash dieted?

    Yes, plenty of times. Which is what brought me to nearly 300 lbs. I would crash diet, lose a few lbs (mostly water weight) and then crash since I couldn't continue that path. Then I would put on the weight I lost plus tons more. Crash diets rarely work for long term and often not even for short term.
    does crash dieting make it difficult to keep weight off long term?How much did you lose?Tell me your story

    Yes, they make it difficult to keep weight off long term because you are trying to teach your body to adjust to a completely different lifestyle which is not only against your mentality and nature, but also unhealthy for you. I would try to crash diet by not eating at all or very little and then endup binging. Slow and steadily losing weight over 1.5 years have kept me in a good mental state where I have learned proper diet and workout and I like to think it has taught me how to keep at it long term.
  • fitbulky
    No,I did not crash diet.I lost 23 kgs by lifting & clean eating.However,my weight loss was rather slow & even at an average weight my belly & thighs looks terrible.Sometimes I feel doomed.
  • SuperCrsa
    SuperCrsa Posts: 790 Member
    Plenty of crash diets, lost a lot of weight (up to about 20kgs)
    Was never able to maintain and each time I went off the diet, (cause I cant live like that!!) I would put on all my weight and then some extra.
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    Yup. I crashed dieted for over 10 years. I crash dieted my way up to 290 pounds. Would you call that successful? Sure works don't it. :huh:
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    I did in the 1980's - didn't have a huge amount to lose but it was one of those nasty restrictive diets that had "meals" such as broccoli & hard boiled eggs (just the thought of it makes me heave even now...)

    The result was I got down to my lowest adult weight (11st 2lbs - 156lbs) but felt skinny, weak, unfit and not really me at all. When I saw photos of myself I didn't recognise that person as me - a weedy/puny bloke wearing my face!
    As soon as I started eating normally the weight went back on.

    The longer term effects were an aversion to "healthy" food (especially hard boiled eggs and broccoli...) and a lingering fear of dipping under 12stone (168lbs).

    If you are considering it - please don't.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    No,I did not crash diet.I lost 23 kgs by lifting & clean eating.However,my weight loss was rather slow & even at an average weight my belly & thighs looks terrible.Sometimes I feel doomed.

    keep going, you'll get there!
  • lisa968ks
    lisa968ks Posts: 3 Member
    I did lose 15 pounds on a crash diet. I was incredibly weak, cranky, and by the time I could no longer take the food restrictions, I had learned to HATE green veggies and lean meats. I gorged - and gorged - and gorged. Put on 25 of those 15 pounds. Never again.
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    No,I did not crash diet.I lost 23 kgs by lifting & clean eating.However,my weight loss was rather slow & even at an average weight my belly & thighs looks terrible.Sometimes I feel doomed.

    If you think crash dieting will do anything other than make your belly and thighs look WORSE, you're kidding yourself. Read up on body recomposition and work on lowering your Body Fat % rather than losing weight.