How did I get here???

Hi there,

I have been a casual member of MFP for a while on and off. I would sporadically log my meals, usually just breakfast and lunch, and browse the message boards, but I stayed invisible and never participated in any discussions. I'm hoping that putting myself out there will motivate me to take this seriously and finally take control of my weight and my health. I am writing this more for me than anyone else as I'm sure this will get lengthy as I tend to ramble when writing (and it doesn't have any juicy drama to entertain).

A little about me. I am 25 and live in Seattle, WA with my boyfriend and my cat. I was always thin and athletic growing up without much effort. I ate whatever I wanted, as much as I wanted, and never really had to worry about weight gain so I never learned how to have a healthy relationship with food. Even into college my metabolism kept me from gaining the "freshman 15" even though my lifestyle had changed drastically from the activities I was doing in high school.

I started gaining weight when I studied abroad at the end of college (2010 - wow, has it really been 3 years of being overweight already?) but it was only 5-10 pounds and I joked around about it with friends who assured me that they couldn't see it on me. I wasn't actively trying to lose that weight so I just carried it around like a thorn in my side that was uncomfortable but not at the forefront of my mind.

I moved to Seattle that year and met my boyfriend and that's when things escalated to where they are now. Almost right off the bat I gained another 10 pounds. We were infatuated with each other from the beginning and because we live in a city with such awesome food and beer, we ate out a lot. Happy hours 2 or 3 times a week was the norm with a multiple beer event on the weekend like watching the Mariners or going to a beer or music festival. Suddenly, my weight was at the forefront of my mind all day every day. I was so uncomfortable, some of my work pants wouldn't even button anymore and the pants that used to be too baggy to wear were now the only ones that would fit (and they fit snug!). I've climbed another 5 or 10 pounds since then! I feel like I'm out of control. I signed up for classes after work (cycling, weight lifting, yoga) and have gone to less than 10 in 6 months. I lack the discipline I wish I had learned at a younger age. I make excuses, ignore the obvious, and I'm tired of it. I have 30+ pounds to lose and it starts today.

I told you I'd ramble :) I'd love to meet some friends on here that would help hold me accountable and keep me on track. I'm not afraid of tough love!


  • kimdyj
    kimdyj Posts: 224 Member
    Feel free to add me! :)
  • DBiddle69
    DBiddle69 Posts: 682 Member
    anyone can add me if they like...1008 days and counting!
  • lmwoodWA
    lmwoodWA Posts: 5 Member
    Wow, I wish I would have started this process 1000 days ago!
  • HeikkiLaukkanen
    HeikkiLaukkanen Posts: 123 Member
    I think you know what you need to do. You need to find that burning desire that will sustain you when you're hungry and tired or just lazy to get you through those tough days. You need to get your boyfriend onboard too.

    Buy a new outfit in the size you want to get down to?

    Write down your goals and make a progress sheet?

    Plan plan plan. A goal without a plan is a plan to fail. Even make a daily plan including meal planning and a specific workout.

    Good luck. I'm originally from WA. I remember the dark times of the year when you go to work in the dark and come back home in the dark and it's dark and drizzly outside and you just want to curl up on the couch and watch TV and eat. Don't.
  • lmwoodWA
    lmwoodWA Posts: 5 Member
    You hit the nail on the head with the weather thing. I feel like the grey ceiling of Seattle means I don't get to see the sun for 4 straight months. I'm signed up for classes at the gym (a 5 minute walk from my office) but after work all I want to do is go home and curl up on the couch. Usually by 3pm I've convinced myself that I'm not going to my class. I have a hard time holding myself accountable.

    I'll get my boyfriend on board. We work opposite schedules and we rarely have a day off together so in lieu of joint activities, maybe we can have joint goals. I'm thinking a calendar with workout days checked off or maybe a CW-->GW written on the bathroom mirror. I'm open to any suggestions.
  • Elussion
    When your about to get off work and have that feeling of man i'm beat I just want to go home and chill. Remember that's the best time to actually go to your workout because once your finished your so stoked that you actually did it and that moment of positiveness you need to remember so you can keep that train of thought whenever you feel like not going. I still feel like that after I work all day i'm beat but I feel 100% better when I get home from anykind of work out. You can do it!! :-)
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    I'm already feeling the 'gloom' of many months of clouds here in MI.

    Could you work out in the AM? Yeah, I know, I Hated the idea also, but its my only choice.
    Honestly, Oh would it be nice to be able to go to a gym straight from work! I tell myself I would 5 days a week if I could, but nope, I have to pick up kids, dinner, homework, etc... So AM at home for me.

    its 3:43 - oh wait, probably Noon where you are. Did you bring your clothes? NO Excuses... just GO. you'll feel so much better when you do. I promise.

    Add me if you want more freinds
  • SkiMummy
    SkiMummy Posts: 33 Member
    I think it can take a while to find your 'workout type'.
    I am also one of those who signs up for classes I never really attend.
    But in the past couple of months I have discovered that I CAN get up early and work out at home! And I am not a naturally early riser.
    So now I drag myself out of bed 45 mins earlier, pull on sweat pants, and just get it done.
    This helps motivate me for the rest of the day too, and because I am so sleepy in the morning, I barley have time to make excuses ;-)
  • lmwoodWA
    lmwoodWA Posts: 5 Member
    I could work out in the morning if I went to bed earlier, I just tend to stay up late so I can see my boyfriend when he gets off work. I have a old exercise bike from the last time I told myself I was "totally going to work out at home all the time" so I suppose I could hop on that for a bit before I shower for work. I like the thought of having it out of the way first thing in the morning so I don't spend all day dreading it like I'm doing right now. Any other workouts I can do at home without buying a lot of equipment? Recommendations for workout tapes or routines?
  • HeikkiLaukkanen
    HeikkiLaukkanen Posts: 123 Member
    I could work out in the morning if I went to bed earlier, I just tend to stay up late so I can see my boyfriend when he gets off work. I have a old exercise bike from the last time I told myself I was "totally going to work out at home all the time" so I suppose I could hop on that for a bit before I shower for work. I like the thought of having it out of the way first thing in the morning so I don't spend all day dreading it like I'm doing right now. Any other workouts I can do at home without buying a lot of equipment? Recommendations for workout tapes or routines?

    The Beachbody products are great. The workouts are tough but effective.

    So did you get in a workout yesterday?

    Exercise is only about 20% of the weight loss equation in my opinion. You have to manage the food obviously, that's where the bulk of your progress will come from. However I think exercise is critical for health, for your mental state (especially for how you feel when you're trying to live with a deficit), and it helps keep your metabolism going as you eat less. Many people lose weight without exercise but few keep it off in the long term without exercise. I'm sure I'm telling you things that you already know.