Looking for ideas/opinions on a strength program


I'm looking for opinions/ideas to research in choosing my next workout program.

So a little about me...
Weighs about 120 lbs
16-17% BF
5' 4"

I plan to bulk now through the end of the year.
I'm more interested in strength vs. muscle size
I'd like a routine that has me at the gym 4-5x/week and has me in and out in 45 min
I'd probably do a Bench Day, Squat Day, DL Day, and OHP Press with accessory work after the main lifts.

I've looked into 5/3/1 so far and am going along that route but am interested in hearing about any other opinions



  • koing
    koing Posts: 179 Member
    A few of my mates have enjoyed 5/3/1 :)

    Strength after the initial beginner stage is a function of muscle size.

    Make sure your SETUP and TECHNIQUE is completely nailed for the
    Bench press, are your arching your back? Feet planted and buried in to the ground? Shoulders back? Is the bar touching your sternum? Elbows tucked in? Pressing in a reverse J shape?
    Squat, weight on your heels? Chest up all of the time? Driving through heels? Driving hips forwards back under the bar as you come out of the squat? Are you focusing on going up as fast as you can once you reach depth? This doesn't mean to drop the last 2-3inches of the squat though!
    DL, back tight? chest up? Driving hips in to meet the bar and getting your head up high as the bar passes your knee?
    OHP, are you taking a big breath before you press? Your trunk has to be uber tight to transfer the power properly. If you are soft you will lose drive and your body will in effect absorb your pressing. Are you pressing the bar behind your head once it goes past the top of your head? Are you pressing the bar straight up and not around your face?

    Make sure your take a deep breath before you do your first rep. Set your position and then do it. Your position never improves as you do the rep, it only degrades so you better make sure your form is as best as it can from the start.

    You will see solid gains from this already.

  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    5/3/1 is a solid program that's easy to follow and tweak. And there are literally 100 different ways to program your assistance.

    I used this site to set up my 5/3/1 template

    5x5 is great for just starting out, also. But becomes pretty challenging, especially without a spotter.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i use this as a 5/3/1 calculator

  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member

    I'm looking for opinions/ideas to research in choosing my next workout program.

    So a little about me...
    Weighs about 120 lbs
    16-17% BF
    5' 4"

    I plan to bulk now through the end of the year.
    I'm more interested in strength vs. muscle size
    I'd like a routine that has me at the gym 4-5x/week and has me in and out in 45 min
    I'd probably do a Bench Day, Squat Day, DL Day, and OHP Press with accessory work after the main lifts.

    I've looked into 5/3/1 so far and am going along that route but am interested in hearing about any other opinions


    Are you still able to make progress in strength on a linear model?

    If the answer is yes then I would stay with a linear approach before doing 5/3/1.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Not familiar with 5/3/1, but will check it out. You might also check out the book, New rules for lifting for women, it helped me put a plan together, there's also FitnessBlender.com. You can watch the videos on YouTube, but if you go to their website you can easily filter to the type of workout you want to do. Good luck.
  • scimitarslash
    scimitarslash Posts: 9 Member
    Another good site to check out os aworkoutroutine.com lots of good info on traing for strength, as well as muscle gain.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    5/3/1 is a great program, though most beginners will see more/faster progress with a 5x5 program. But to your preference... lifting 4x week sets up very well for a 2-day split (upper/lower, push/pull, etc).

    Regardless of what you do, try to keep your workouts centered on bigger compound lifts whenever possible. IMO, every routine and every session should be based on squats, deads, bench, OHP, rows, pull-ups and dips. Throw in a little accessory work as appropriate and you're good to go. 30-45 minutes per session is more than reasonable.

  • mamacoates
    mamacoates Posts: 430 Member
    Check out the Bodybuilding.com website. There are lots of free resources and success stories, depending on your goals. That is where I go when I am looking for ideas to change up my routine.
  • lrmall01
    lrmall01 Posts: 377 Member
    Some good options.

    Stronglifts 5x5 - A lot of people start with this and then migrate to the Wendler 5/3/1 that others have mentioned. Medhi's free overview of this program is great. It is very similar to the Starting Strength program by Mark Rippetoe if you prefer to pick up a book.

    Joe Defranco outlines a good program he calls Westside for Skinny B*stards. It would work fine for you as well. Probably his "washed up meathead" routine which doesn't have the sport specific workouts would be best suited to you.

    I also like the stuff Mike Matthews writes. He has a book call Thinner, Leaner, Stronger that you can get on e-readers (from Amazon or B&N) for like 6 dollars.

    Best of luck!