Eating 1200 Calories but not losing weight

I am 5'6 and currently 133-135 pounds. I would like to get down to 128. I have been eating 1200 calories net for the past 4 weeks, and I work out 2-4 times a week. I don't understand why I haven't lost any weight, and why my weight fluctuates by 1-2 during the week. It's very fraustrating and I want to give up. Please help!


  • HollieDollieeeex
    HollieDollieeeex Posts: 116 Member
    How old are you?

    You're not eating near enough, hence no weight loss.

    Have a look into TDEE / IIFYM. 15 - 20% less than your TDEE for weight loss.

  • speedy740
    speedy740 Posts: 141 Member
    Seriously 4 weeks and your getting worked up??? Relax keep doing what u are doing. It took years to put it on and u expect it gone in a month??? ????
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    You're already at a reasonable weight, so it takes a lot of time to lose the last few "vanity pounds." I would suggest having patience and setting your calorie goal to something less aggressive.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    You're right in the middle of the healthy BMI range trying to lose 5 lbs. Not impossible but you might have to really track well. I would skip the 'netting' because then you introduce measurement error on both sides-- estimating your intake and your workouts. If you haven't lost in 4 weeks you've taken in what you've burned so something's measured wrong somewhere or else you're retaining water to offset any actual weight loss. Which is also very possible when dealing with such a short time.
  • belletar
    belletar Posts: 14 Member
    I am 33-- so maybe my metabolism is slower now. In the past I would lose the weight very quickly. Maybe I should increase my intake to 1500?
  • belletar
    belletar Posts: 14 Member
    I like the idea of skipping netting... I will go for this and see if it works. Thank you!
  • Dferrynhc
    Dferrynhc Posts: 13 Member
    I agree, the 1200 calories is a low amount. Take a look at the quality of foods that you are eating as well. The better the quality food, the more efficient your body becomes.

    Someone said to be patient. I agree. It will come off. Give it time. :) Have a great weekend!
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    1. Check your methods of calculating your food intake
    2. Be patient.
    3. Proceed.
  • rb16fitness
    rb16fitness Posts: 236 Member
  • _Calypso_
    _Calypso_ Posts: 1,074 Member
    You're trying to lose what many call "vanity pounds" and those are the hardest to lose. At 5'6" - 133 is a fine weight. 5-10lbs are always the hardest b/c your body doens't HAVE to get rid of it. Your body is a machine and know what it needs so it will fight you to get rid of those pounds.

    The science is there that if you are truly eating a net of 1200 at 5'6" you SHOULD lose weight. The adage of "eat more to lose more" does not work for everyone. Eating at a deficit should equal a loss. But again - your body knows what it needs and I undertand your frustration. You need to change things. Maybe you do need more calories (certainly not less). Try upp'ing calories by 100 per day. change your workout routine (add more intensity) as your body may be used to yoru workouts and its become "habit" so your body will not respond as it did before. You can even try taking a week off and let your body rest then get back to it 100% the next week. Log everything and measure everything.

    With only 5lbs to lose it may take 2+ months to do it. I know how frustrating that is....I really really do... but you HAVE to be patient! Keep up your diet and workouts and you will see change!!
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    More than likely your eating much more than you think and not in a deficit.

    Do you own a food scale?

    Do you weigh ALL your food?

    Do you count every bite/nibble you eat?
  • belletar
    belletar Posts: 14 Member
    My diary is open. Am I not eating healthy enough? Please advise!
  • belletar
    belletar Posts: 14 Member
    You're trying to lose what many call "vanity pounds" and those are the hardest to lose. At 5'6" - 133 is a fine weight. 5-10lbs are always the hardest b/c your body doens't HAVE to get rid of it. Your body is a machine and know what it needs so it will fight you to get rid of those pounds.

    The science is there that if you are truly eating a net of 1200 at 5'6" you SHOULD lose weight. The adage of "eat more to lose more" does not work for everyone. Eating at a deficit should equal a loss. But again - your body knows what it needs and I undertand your frustration. You need to change things. Maybe you do need more calories (certainly not less). Try upp'ing calories by 100 per day. change your workout routine (add more intensity) as your body may be used to yoru workouts and its become "habit" so your body will not respond as it did before. You can even try taking a week off and let your body rest then get back to it 100% the next week. Log everything and measure everything.

    With only 5lbs to lose it may take 2+ months to do it. I know how frustrating that is....I really really do... but you HAVE to be patient! Keep up your diet and workouts and you will see change!!

    Thank you! I do need to be patient.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    More than likely your eating much more than you think and not in a deficit.

    Do you own a food scale?

    Do you weigh ALL your food?

    Do you count every bite/nibble you eat?
    This. A lot of your entries are "medium fruit" or half a cup for dry items like oatmeal. I'd invest in a scale. Many times when you measure things with measuring cups you're getting more than a serving. Get a scale, log accurately and reassess after a few weeks.

    ETA: Also, be sure your goals are reasonable. Since you only have a little weight to lose, change your goal to lose about half a pound a week.
  • belletar
    belletar Posts: 14 Member
    More than likely your eating much more than you think and not in a deficit.

    Do you own a food scale?

    Do you weigh ALL your food?

    Do you count every bite/nibble you eat?

    Yes, I do own a scale, and I measure everything I eat. I use MFP's calorie estimates also.
  • belletar
    belletar Posts: 14 Member
    More than likely your eating much more than you think and not in a deficit.

    Do you own a food scale?

    Do you weigh ALL your food?

    Do you count every bite/nibble you eat?
    This. A lot of your entries are "medium fruit" or half a cup for dry items like oatmeal. I'd invest in a scale. Many times when you measure things with measuring cups you're getting more than a serving. Get a scale, log accurately and reassess after a few weeks.

    ETA: Also, be sure your goals are reasonable. Since you only have a little weight to lose, change your goal to lose about half a pound a week.

    You're right.. I'm probably eating more than I thought. I will use the scale now instead of MFP estimates.
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    It took me almost a year to lose my last 5 pounds eating at a net of 1500. The closer you are to goal the longer it is going to take.

    If you are getting frustrated, maybe you should give up. Your weight is excellent for your height. Why make yourself crazy?
  • belletar
    belletar Posts: 14 Member
    It took me almost a year to lose my last 5 pounds eating at a net of 1500. The closer you are to goal the longer it is going to take.

    If you are getting frustrated, maybe you should give up. Your weight is excellent for your height. Why make yourself crazy?

    ONE YEAR?!! O_O
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    How old are you?

    You're not eating near enough, hence no weight loss.

    Have a look into TDEE / IIFYM. 15 - 20% less than your TDEE for weight loss.


    I just have to point out, that that is most certainly NOT the case.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    It took me almost a year to lose my last 5 pounds eating at a net of 1500. The closer you are to goal the longer it is going to take.

    If you are getting frustrated, maybe you should give up. Your weight is excellent for your height. Why make yourself crazy?

    ONE YEAR?!! O_O

    It's called eating at your goal weight and it's a great way to lose those last few pounds. The slower they go, the easier they are to keep off.