Buffet = disgusting decision

atynk Posts: 400 Member
Well since I am close to goal and am not really in a rush to lose that last 5 or so lbs, my husband and I decided to use a gift card to our casino buffet to celebrate selling our house last night. BIG MISTAKE! whoever thought of buffets was an evil person. I ate 3 plates of food and 1 giant plate of dessert! The food is always just so so and you feel like you want to eat your moneys worth so you keep going back for more. By the end of the dinner you feel super sick and disgusted with yourself ! I would have rather had a nice meal at a restaurant than 1 tonne of food that wasn't even that good.
No more buffets for me!! You feel like cr&p after and you know you consumed your weight in fat lol

BOOO to Buffets!!


  • hmrtym
    hmrtym Posts: 49 Member
    You are SO right!!
  • Whiskey5JDA
    Me and my better half just avoid buffet's all together - except on our free days. Even then we try to make the healthy choices and stay away from what is fried. Golden Corral is a absolute no-no for us
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    I think you hit it on the head... it is better to spend you money and calories on a good meal at a nice restaurant then to belly up to the buffet at the Golden Feed Bag. :happy:
  • lynn1985
    Totally agree - Buffets are evil!! :devil:
  • lfondots
    lfondots Posts: 216 Member
    My kids talked me into a chineese buffet. They like it but everything was 'so so' and so many calories. I felt ill after eating and didn't even eat that much. Stayed away from the deserts which I'm proud of. I agree!!! No more buffets for me. I would rather be able to get something good for me and yummy.
  • DawnOf1969
    DawnOf1969 Posts: 726 Member
    After seeing a child sneeze, wipe his nose, grab the mashed potato serving spoon, help himself, and then put the spoon back INTO the mashed potatoes (handle and all) about 10 years ago, I've never ever been able to eat at a buffet again. The thought the grossness on the handles of those serving spoons just turns my stomach.

    So I have no issues with buffets and me :)
  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    Agree - BUFFETS are YUCKY!!!

    Not only what you consume when you go to a buffet - but even how people hover around the buffet... Who knows what's in there! And who knows what's cooked in there. I stay away from buffets after going to a Chinese buffet where I live - it was SO yucky!!! I'd rather pay the extra$ for a real yummy meal prepared just for you!
  • Kera885
    Kera885 Posts: 59
    I know how you feel, I'm strangely addicted to this chinese buffet near my house. Their food is awful and likely packed with MSG and I always eat so much food that I feel like crying by the time I crawl into the car. I leave every time swearing "never again" and somehow I always make my way back there every month or so while I'm visiting, luckily I'm only home for 3-4 months a year now lol.
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    The only buffet I ever found worthy was the Bellagio in Las Vegas (for obvious reasons)!

    Other than that, you're totally right! It's sensory overload and you convince yourself you have to eat as much as you paid. YECCHHHH! Lesson learned, girl!
  • soze
    soze Posts: 604 Member
    I think you hit it on the head... it is better to spend you money and calories on a good meal at a nice restaurant then to belly up to the buffet at the Golden Feed Bag. :happy:


    Yep, gave up those things several years back. I just ate way too much.

    Last time I was at the Golden Feed Bag I saw a man and woman walking out and it reminded me of a John Prine song, "Its a Big Ole Goofy World". One line in the song, "There's a big ole goofy man dancing with a big ole goofy girl". Ironically my wife (ex-wife) and I were much heavier. Can anyone say the word Hypocrite!

    I started singing the song too. I'm just surprised I don't get punched out more than I do.
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    It's in the past. Love yourself no matter what food choices you make.


  • Melora
    Melora Posts: 65 Member
    I dont like buffets because I cant take home my leftovers!! I so enjoy putting half my dish into a to go bag so I can have lunch the next day. It really ends up being MUCH cheaper than a buffet anyway!
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    This reminds me many years ago when I worked as a waitress. The owner had a "All You Can Eat" buffet. He changed it to "All You CARE to Eat"... He said the word "can" came across as too much of a challenge rather than an invitiation LOL:laugh:
  • c7eat2live
    c7eat2live Posts: 308 Member
    totally! stay away!
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    LOL! When I was a kid in 5-6th grade my brothers (5) were involved in sports in Jr High and High school. They were as skinny as rails! My Grandpa was visiting and took us to the buffet for dinner out. Mom and I were hitting the salad bar pretty heavy, but all my brothers, Dad and Grandpa were hitting the MEATS! They all went back for 4ths and 5ths! The manager very politely asked us not to come back!!! Ohhh that was funny! We never did go back to that place. We went somewhere else and were never bothered.
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    brtgirl, thats so true......my buddy who is a pediatritian says most of his kids that are sick with flus, coughs, etc all seem to be havens for germs.........and like you said, parents dont monitor kids in a buffet rest

    My Dr buddy said that last place people should eat is at an all you can eat resturant

    I know they put up sneeze guards, but thats like putting a band aid on it........it doesnt work

    After reading this, Im content not to go to an all you can eat...................Thanks for this post, it was good.........Lloyd
  • tbernard
    tbernard Posts: 54 Member
    I don't do buffet's very often, although we do have a very nice buffet spot for breakfast down the road where staff fill plates...not children... There a couple of tactics I always use when eating at a buffet..

    1. I like my food hot. I also don't like to waste things. Knowing this I make a conscious effort to not see how high I can fill up my plate. I really only want a couple of items. If I load the plate up, everything I eat is just cold by the time I get to it anyways, and tastes have become mixed in with other things. I remind myself that I am free to just go get more food anyways... This isn't a race or a competition. This gets me better food, keeps it hot, and gives me more pauses during eating to realize that I am no longer hungry.

    2. I'm quite in touch with the discomfort of being overstuffed. It isn't a good feeling. Too me that discomfort is far more powerful that anything else on that menu. So what if I don't have the cheesecake today.... They will stiff have it next week, or next month. I'm an adult now. There is no longer a need for me to eat as much as possible "because there are poor starving people who don't have the privlege". I even feel quite fine about not finishing my plate. I've already take precautions against huge waste by putting smaller portions there in the first place.
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    i hate to say this, but the last time i was at a buffet, i simply looked at the other customers. that was pretty much enough for me to not have any sort of urge to frequent them.
    we go every once in a while, but it's really only when i don't feel like cooking at all, which is rare.
  • dandynick
    Hit a Mandarin chinese buffet today for lunch. I've looked up as much as I can remember, but some of the stuff is not available so I'm gonna exercise a little harder and take this as a day of falling off the wagon. Just throw in an arbitrary amount of quick calories. I've come to realize that we can't control every single calorie nor should we all the time.