Should I get a tummy tuck?



  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    You don't have very much loose skin, give it some time. I personally have ridiculous amounts of loose skin. My inner thighs look like meat curtains. :(

    LOL I literally laughed out loud because I to have lost a boat load of weight and also have this issue but never thought to label it as meat curtains but think from here on out that will be my new term as well.... ROFL.... OP I do not think you need surgery, hitting the weight room for some strength training and time should tighten things up... Best of Luck
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Honey, you are not a surgical candidate. You have very little "loose skin" and I think you're probably being very hypercritical of yourself. The little you have will get better with time and hitting the weights will help. Best of luck.
  • fivethreeone
    fivethreeone Posts: 8,196 Member
    A girl on my FL went and spoke to a surgeon about doing a tummy tuck because she has lost over 100 lbs.

    He said you should wait until 18 months AFTER you have started maintaining to even think about it, because it takes 18 months for your body to adjust to what it will actually be.

    So for now, do some strength training and don't worry about it at all. Just recognize that that's not the final product.
  • m24x7
    m24x7 Posts: 3
    How much time does it take to start showing? I mean I have only recently begun my weight loss journey and I am so scared to even look at my tummy right now. I just need some motivation as to by when will I expect to see the signs of my tummy getting in shape.
  • losttogain
    losttogain Posts: 84 Member
    As someone who had reconstructive surgery to remove excess skin, I don't think you need it.
  • Bama56
    Bama56 Posts: 101 Member
    at 40 lbs lost there is hardly enough loose skin to worry about, just let it be for a while and see how it goes. After a 220 lb weight loss i have a good bit of loose skin and it is slowly (very slowly) starting to shape back up. i don't know if i will go that route down the road, but for now it will just let it stay how it is and see how much it will do on its own.
  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member
    Do you want a tummy tuck? Get one. If your surgeon tells you that you're not a candidate, there's your answer.
  • TigerBite
    TigerBite Posts: 611 Member
    Strength train and eat at maintenance (search these threads for "body recomp"), with some special attention paid to the core (maybe ask for some Pilates reformer classes for Christmas ... or an actual reformer, they sell them on QVC, I have one, I love it) ... I know it bothers, but in all honesty, if you are concerned with that little pooch, then the scar won't be worth it and will probably bother you even more ...

    ETA: Given your age, and the fact that 40 LBs isn't a TON of weight (enough to really stretch the skin beyond the point of no return), the loose skin issue is probable just the result of losing weight a bit to quickly (40 LBs in 3 months is a lot) and not really working out while doing so, you have to give your body time to adjust ... Not to be rude or pooh-pooh your success, but if you had exercised (strength trained and some cardio, but mostly strength trained) and lost the weight a nit slower, you might not have had such an issue ... Congrads on the weight loss thought!
  • Lalasharni
    Lalasharni Posts: 353 Member
    You're out of your mind if you would put yourself through surgery and the resulting scarring for that tiny little bit of loose skin.
    you lost the weight too quickly and didnt give your body a chance to catch up - but it will repair itself. Be patient.
    If you have a 12" overhang, then the advice would be different, but this is minimal. Suck it up and exercise it . Your muscle will eventually develop and the skin will shrink of its own accord.
  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member
    You're out of your mind if you would put yourself through surgery and the resulting scarring for that tiny little bit of loose skin.
    you lost the weight too quickly and didnt give your body a chance to catch up - but it will repair itself. Be patient.
    If you have a 12" overhang, then the advice would be different, but this is minimal. Suck it up and exercise it . Your muscle will eventually develop and the skin will shrink of its own accord.

    You're out of your mind if you think telling people they're out of their minds is the way to win them over to your way of thinking.

    See? :bigsmile:
  • TheGymGypsy
    TheGymGypsy Posts: 1,023 Member
    Tummy tucks cost a FORTUNE. I would give it a year and see if it shrinks on it's own. Persoanlly I think it's barely noticeable but if it REALLY bothers you and doesn't go away on it's own, then you there is no harm in having a consultation with a surgeon.
  • rosemary98
    I wasn't able to view your video, but my advice would be to avoid surgery if possible. you never know how your body will react. i had a c-section and my scar turned into a keloid...raised and red. Doesn't look pretty. a co-worker of mine went in for a necessary abdominal operation and developed a horrific infection. just food for thought.
  • dreambodin2011
    dreambodin2011 Posts: 166 Member
    i think you look awesome and my advise is to always avoid invasive treatment whenever possible. This means staying away from surgeons - as far away as possible! - complications occur too frequently. Unfortunately we always envision the best outcomes...and the medical establishment are quick to take your $money$ and gloss over the very real risks.
    Be careful. Please.
    and Love your body - it is beautiful.
  • BigCupOTea
    Is this a joke? I missed it.
  • MissKitty9
    MissKitty9 Posts: 224 Member
    You can't even tell unless you stretch & pull on it like you're doing in the video--then, yeah, you can tell it's loose skin as a result of weight loss, but like everyone's saying: give it time! You're young, your skin is nice & smooth, just exercise the core for a couple months & it will snap back :smile:
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    No. Give it time. I've had a modified tummy tuck (after 2 kids). They skin on my abdomen is still loose and looks about like yours does now. Full healing took a year and involved a lot of really annoying swelling. Time is very likely to improve the condition of your skin.
  • Isakizza
    Isakizza Posts: 754 Member

    This is a Youtube video of me showing the loose skin on my stomach. My boyfriend thinks I'm crazy. Everyone else thinks I am too. But I wanted some more opinions. Thanks guys :)

    If you have lose skin on your stomach IT WILL eventually repair itself alot of the way on its own, there are threads on this, dont go to extremes, give your body a chance.

    For now lift heavy & eat well, give yourself time.

    ^^ I like this idea.
  • dolphin_queen
    I have lost 170 pounds over the last 5 years...I have been working out religiously for the last year. My skin isn't going away. I am having it done in January!
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Give it some time. You are way too young for a tummy tuck, and don't need one anyway. I've seen lots of guys go from chub to shredded, and no loose skin in sight.

    ETA: Dude, I had a kid at 40 and no tummy tuck (belly photos in profile)! When you lose the fat, the skin shrinks if you give it time.
  • bridgie101
    bridgie101 Posts: 817 Member

    This is a Youtube video of me showing the loose skin on my stomach. My boyfriend thinks I'm crazy. Everyone else thinks I am too. But I wanted some more opinions. Thanks guys :)

    having had one myself I can say unequivocally: absolutely not. Absolutely not.

    it's not worth it for the benefit you will receive, which is not even any benefit. Your benefit would consist of a period of time without a handbag. Only a period of time. Why? Because you are young enough for this to go. slowly, yes. But it will go on its own. I doubt any surgeon would permit you to have this procedure.

    A tummy tuck or abdominoplasty involves slicing your skin across the lower abdomen just above your pubic hair line. then they cut a circle around your tummy button to release it. then they slide their hands up between your skin and your flesh to your chest up to below your pecs, loosening it and pulling it away from the rest of you.

    then they stretch the skin (skin & subcutaneous fat layer) as far down as it will go and cut off excess flesh and skin, then sew you up. They guess where your puku ought to go, cut you a new hole and stitch the puku button around so that it looks like a new one.

    this is a serious procedure done under a general anaesthetic. Recovery time is at least 2 weeks before you can do much of anything and there will be a drain coming out of the wound area for at least a week, after that you are wearing a pressure bandage for maybe a month. This is an attempt at making the layers of flesh stick back together again.

    You lose nervous sensation in that area, and the lower tummy just above the pubis is quite a sensitive erogenous zone for most.

    Cost/benefit ratios are not in your favour.

    benefit: you get your tummy back to taught slightly sooner than otherwise

    Cost: a scar, nerve damage, dangers of anaesthetic procedure and invasive surgery procedure; potential post-operative depression.

    and if you ever put on weight again, you will stretch this unnaturally tight skin. The skin becomes tight.
