Hi - I think I could use some advice

dietrich1223 Posts: 4
edited September 18 in Introduce Yourself
I have been on here for the past 3 weeks or so, so I am not exactly "new" but this is my first time posting because I think I am ready to admit it to myself that I may need a little social support.

The first week here I did great, I logged everything that crossed my lips. Keeping track of my food helped me to not snack in between meals or swipe a bite from my daughters plate as I feed her because I was so conscious of how it would affect my charts. My husband won't let me own a scale so I don't have numbers, but I do feel like my clothes are fitting a little better. However, twice already I have had two 2-3 day periods where I just completely loose track of what I am doing which then ends up in me feeling anxious and then, just like yesterday, I found myself stuffing my face with anything I could find in the kitchen. Seriously, I attempted to log all that I ate and just stopped when I hit the -800 calorie mark. It is so depressing and exactly the reason why I struggle to loose weight.

Has anyone else dealt with emotional-eating issues on here before? Any suggestions on how to overcome them and gain the self control to stop doing it? The entire time I am stuffing my face (or as some would call it, binging) I am conscious that I don't want to do it, that I don't need it, and that it will just make me feel bad afterwards, but somehow I still manage to get the food in my mouth anyways...

ANY suggestions/ideas would be greatly helpful. Thanks.


  • I have been on here for the past 3 weeks or so, so I am not exactly "new" but this is my first time posting because I think I am ready to admit it to myself that I may need a little social support.

    The first week here I did great, I logged everything that crossed my lips. Keeping track of my food helped me to not snack in between meals or swipe a bite from my daughters plate as I feed her because I was so conscious of how it would affect my charts. My husband won't let me own a scale so I don't have numbers, but I do feel like my clothes are fitting a little better. However, twice already I have had two 2-3 day periods where I just completely loose track of what I am doing which then ends up in me feeling anxious and then, just like yesterday, I found myself stuffing my face with anything I could find in the kitchen. Seriously, I attempted to log all that I ate and just stopped when I hit the -800 calorie mark. It is so depressing and exactly the reason why I struggle to loose weight.

    Has anyone else dealt with emotional-eating issues on here before? Any suggestions on how to overcome them and gain the self control to stop doing it? The entire time I am stuffing my face (or as some would call it, binging) I am conscious that I don't want to do it, that I don't need it, and that it will just make me feel bad afterwards, but somehow I still manage to get the food in my mouth anyways...

    ANY suggestions/ideas would be greatly helpful. Thanks.
  • slp2007
    slp2007 Posts: 8
    Seriously, I have done that a million times. I think that is why I am on this website trying to get help. I will tell you that a trick that I have used is drinking a lot of water. Whenever I feel like taking something out of the cupboard and eating it....instead I take a bottle of water out and chug it. This helps with my daily water intake and it make me too full to eat anything than. i will tell you another thing that help is getting rid of the easy to binge foods. That mean that if there are people in your house that like to eat cupcakes and cookies and chips and stuff you need to give them to them. Give these foods to your husband and tell him to hide them where you can't find them. If you do find them then he needs to re-hide them. When you really really are craving a snack than tell him what you want and he will get you one and only one. I will tell you that if you have no support at home than this will not work. Also, last but not least pick your most favorite fruits and veggies and always have plenty in stock in your fridge. This way when you feel like binging bing on some good stuff. It will put a lot less calories, fat, and other bad crap into your body. Hope this helps.
  • tnkitty
    tnkitty Posts: 78 Member
    I am an emotional eater too. When things are tough I gain weight. This is something I'm working on and it's a hard road. I try to not treat myself for feeling bad like, "Oh I had a bad day...I deserve some ice cream.". I think having the ice cream in moderation is okay, but using it to make myself feel better emotionally just isn't gonna work. I totally understand where you are coming from and how you feel. I'm not sure I have many answers for you because I struggle with it too. I do try to think of other things that would make me feel better besides food like setting time aside to myself to read or watch a movie. Anything to keep my mind off food. I also think using this website is really helpful. I have to keep tabs on myself and be responsible for what I've eaten during the day. It's all there in black and white...the good days and the bad days. Stay strong, I know you can do it!
  • Thanks to both of you... it's sadly comforting to know that other people here struggle with this as well. Unfortunately, setting time aside for myself is one of the last things I get to do since I am a working mother of a two year old and married to a husband in the military who is pretty much always at work. My husband tries to be supportive, but he sometimes gets into what I call "boot camp mode" and tells me to "just stop [eating]" and to "go work out again". Lol, yeah right!?! If it were that easy, I wondn't be struggling with it in the first place!

    Thanks again for the encouragement!
  • dgoodo2
    dgoodo2 Posts: 1
    I was a PT for many years, one bit of advise that I would give people is A. just like the one girl said, always keep a bottle of water by your side and drink lots of it, and B. not only should you keep a lot of fruit on hand but keep something like grapes in a bowl on the counter rather than the fridge so you see them everytime you walk past them and snack on those when you get cravings. They are virtually calorie free and do a pretty good job of keeping your tummy full so that when it is time for you to eat you are not starving which will cause you to be more likely to indulge!! Good luck, and remember we all have the days where we feel guilty even thinking about entering our daily food intake and that is normal as long as you try to get back on track the next day. Don't let one...or even two bad days cause a domino effect!
  • apojones
    apojones Posts: 56 Member
    I just recently had a miscarriage and during the 2-3 weeks following the D&C I ate a whole lot of bread. Some of it was emotional. Some of it was because I had to eat something to take medicine and my stomach was feeling queasy most of the time. There was a day that I just had to decide to take charge of the emotional state I was in and remind myself that I could choose to die on this hill or I could keep on fighting for the life and the health I want. I have some great kids for which I want to be spectacularly healthy.
    I keep a picture of how I looked when i was a weight that I was happy with on my refrigerator. It reminds me that I did it once and I can do it again.
    I also buy myself something in the next smaller size when I reach my next inches goal. Exercise is also literally addictive and the high that I get from exercising helps me stay positive and I also don't want to ruin all the hard work I did in the gym each day.
    Hope these tips help. You'll find things that are important to you to help you stay focused.
  • burresv
    burresv Posts: 1
    I'm just signed up today. I thought I'd try this website instead of buying the expensive body bugg that they are selling at the gym. Hopefully this will help me a get somewhere. I've lost 25lbs since Feb 07, but suddenly have hit a roadblock.

    Nice to meet you all.
  • :tongue: Hi im Beckie i have the same problem im such a stress eater I HATE IT!! I Need support to so lets Do it together!!!
  • Hi, everyone eats when they dont think or they are bored. Even though this is my first day, I bet I will loose interest in it at some point and then freak out when I remember and trying to log in everything I ate. But remember that if you think you need to eat something try a piece of fruit, if you really dont like fruit try having a pice of gum that has about 5 calories in it. It will give you the boost you need and keep your mouth busy. I learned that trick from watching the biggest looser. I hope that kinda helps.
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