anyone lose weight just dieting?



  • lauraspberry
    lauraspberry Posts: 655 Member

    diet to look good in clothes

    exercise to look good naked

    THIS! ♥ Personally I don't think I can "diet" without working out. I dont really do any diet I just eat clean, the less processed it is, the better. If I dont workout, I have nothing to be guilty for when eating so it's binge binge binge all the way to +10lbs
  • Smcnie
    Smcnie Posts: 12
    just wondering if anyone has lost weight just by watching what they eat and counting calories. i have and lost 20 pounds in 3months

    diet to look good in clothes

    exercise to look good naked

    :laugh: Soooooo true!!!!
  • Eleonora91
    Eleonora91 Posts: 688 Member
    I don't like working out so I'd just prefer not to eat instead, but unfortunately you need some exercise too. The amount of food you can eat to lose weight without exercising is very low. You might feel like wanting to eat more after a bit, and the only way to do so is exercising a little - so that you can eat your calories back. And get a bit active, especially if you're not just overweighted but also lazy and tired.
  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
    I lost two stone before I even started exercising. Exercising helped shape my body.
  • jennz81
    jennz81 Posts: 194 Member
    A combination of eating at a deficit and working out. Adding weight lifting and HIIT to the mix had made a huge difference.
  • Trisha_Williams
    Trisha_Williams Posts: 33 Member
  • hi there. I have found that I did lose quite a bit of unhealthy weight when I changed my diet to whole clean foods plan and cut out the sugar and gluten. I am mostly vegetarian with the exception of the occasional lean chicken or fish. Drinking half my body weight in oz of water every day made a huge difference too. What really kicked up the body sculpting wellness for me was when I found an amazing superfoods meal replacing shake, which gave me so much energy I felt the URGE to work out! Now I am doing an Awesome workout from home that is really FUN and I am hooked! Would you like to know more about that?
  • It has to work or sick people in hospital would not lose so much weight. My dad had major surgery, hospital 2 weeks and home rest for 6. Hardly ate anything and lost 25 lbs. But, he looks terrible. Muscles are gone and he is sunken. So... exercise to keep a little definition and energy.
  • CherylP67
    CherylP67 Posts: 772 Member
    I did for the first few months, then I started exercising too. I lost 35 pounds before a few people noticed my weight loss. After I started exercising, I gained and lost same 3 pounds for about 10 weeks, but that's the point that everyone really noticed my weight loss and started calling me skinny. When I tell people I still need to lose 20 they tell me I'm crazy. I tell them that they're just used to big me, and I'll tell them I told you so when I'm looking fab at goal.
  • vampirequeen1959
    vampirequeen1959 Posts: 196 Member
    II never used to like exercise and tbh I still have to push myself but I actually like the way it makes me feel especially if I manage to do something that I haven't been able to do before.
  • jigglyone
    jigglyone Posts: 410 Member
    all i am doing is dieting with barely any exercise. but i would like to start soon cause i dont want the skinny-fat look lol however,im scared to see the weight on my scale go up, even if its muscle.
  • I don't exercise much but I've lost already just by counting my calories. So I say yes
  • I lost 50 pounds (gained that back plus more but that's another story) with diet and walking my dog for 5-10 minutes and sometimes I didn't do it every day. All I ate was fruits and vegetables. Water only as well. But make sure you exercise along with dieting. The weight will fly off quicker that way too. And plus exercising will make you feel a lot better.
  • Camera_BagintheUK
    Camera_BagintheUK Posts: 707 Member
    all i am doing is dieting with barely any exercise. but i would like to start soon cause i dont want the skinny-fat look lol however,im scared to see the weight on my scale go up, even if its muscle.

    Take your measurements - and try to resist the temptation to weigh!
  • egrusy
    egrusy Posts: 196 Member
    Yes, I lost the pounds by cutting calories only and I have a sedentary job. I have since added some exercise to my routine and very glad I did :smile:
  • I just lost about 12 pounds in 24 days and feel great. I changed eating habits and exercised...a little help from some supplements for energy but I think I needed those since I needed energy due to the less calories I was getting.
  • hgycta
    hgycta Posts: 3,013 Member
    I have :) But am I proud of it? Not completely... even though you can lose weight without exercising, doesn't mean you're healthy, or as healthy as you could be. I wish I wasn't so darn lazy .-.
    I've only lost 20 pounds by dieting, but I was fortunate and got a hold of things before they got out of control, so I didn't have much to lose and I'm maintaining now (and still not exercising, shame on me).
    My mother has lost 60 pounds just dieting before, but then she gained it back :/ it should really be more about a lifestyle than "dieting".
    So if you're looking for comfort in the idea that you don't need to exercise, well, you don't.
    But exercising is important nonetheless and will have more noticeable effects.
  • jigglyone
    jigglyone Posts: 410 Member
    thanks everyone!
  • GardenOfSongs
    GardenOfSongs Posts: 37 Member
    I started off doing the 30 Day Shred but have become rather lacklustre of late on the whole working out thing - I just try to stay active and keep under my TDEE and still losing/have actually noticed more muscle tone - I think because I'm losing body fat my muscles are becoming more obvious? I supplement with light strength training 3-4 times a week
  • swaggityswagbag
    swaggityswagbag Posts: 78 Member
    Haven't done any exercise at all. Plan on starting strength training when I get a little below goal weight. I'd start now, but seeing the # on the scale decrease more slowly would be kind of discouraging.