Advice re: Too big to exercise enough help w. food



  • aimforhealthy
    aimforhealthy Posts: 449 Member
    Walking out of doors while listening to some music might be nice for you. It cheers me right up! All that fresh air and sunshine.

    I strongly suggest getting a digital food scale and measuring everything. Makes a huge difference in figuring out portion size. Good luck! you can do this. The journey of a thousand miles starts with just one step forward.
  • I recently started teaching a class at work. When it's my turn, I have to stand in front of the class for 3-4 hours at a time. By the time I sit down, my back is killing me! So I know what you mean. Like others have said, for you the most important thing is to pay attention, don't eat in the car, and don't do OTHER things while you are eating.
    Eat slow so your body learns to recognize when it's full
    Even a few steps are better than none. Park further from work. Walk downstairs instead of taking the elevator. Later, you can add in walking UP stairs, when you've built up endurance.
    Don't sit at your desk all day. Make an effort to get up and walk around the building for 10 minutes every couple of hours. As you become more fit and lose more weight, increase the intensity of your walking.
    Bring your lunch every day. Log the food. Eat, then go walk, even if only for 5 minutes before returning to your desk. Increase your walk time and intensity as you can.
    I wish you well and good luck. Every step counts.

    Thank you for sharing,
    All those little tips are handy
    I look forward to challenging and acheiving
  • I started out weighing 319, this time ( I have weighed more in the past with my highest being 348) and in the beginning I sat in a chair and did wii bowling & tennis. After a while I added boxing, always increasing my time by about 1 or 2 min a week. Pretty soon, I was able to stand while doing the wii and then pretty soon I was able to get on my stationary bike (that has a back and a big wide seat) and started out doing that for 7min. I won't bore you with all the specifics, but what I'm trying to say is do what you can and work up to more. Don't let not being able to start out doing as much you would like stop you from getting started. What is important is that you begin to be more active than you now are. As you begin losing, it will get easier to move and easier to do more. It was quite some time before I could start walking as exercise and then I learned that my stationary bike burns more calories than walking does anyway. I ride my bike sometimes 52 min a day plus do other things like walking and some days water aerobics. I have lost 101 lbs one day, one step at a time. Good luck to you!

    Very inspiring Maria
    Hope to follow in your footsteps
    well done
  • Walking out of doors while listening to some music might be nice for you. It cheers me right up! All that fresh air and sunshine.

    I strongly suggest getting a digital food scale and measuring everything. Makes a huge difference in figuring out portion size. Good luck! you can do this. The journey of a thousand miles starts with just one step forward.

    Scales are on the list!
    Thank you
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    I started out last January at 268. The only exercise I have really done is walking, and not enough of it. The more your lose, the more energy you will have and then you can concentrate more on the exercise. For now, just worry about having a calorie deficit. You can do this!
  • missomgitsica
    missomgitsica Posts: 496 Member
    1. Log everything. The previous posters advice to log everything was very good. Whether the food you ate was healthy or not, having an honest record of your food intake is good in itself.

    2. Just walk. If you are not up to anything else, walk a little bit more each day. Four minutes today, five minutes next week. Any forward progress is good. Check with a doc, and perhaps a chiropractor to see if they can do anything to help it make it easier for you to exercise.

    3. Don't worry too much about jumps in the scale. As long as your weight is on a downward trend, you are going in the right direction no matter how long it takes.

    Yep, this.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Ditto's to walking.

    It is a workout for you right now, and you don't have to do a lot at a time. 5 min 6 x a day, spaced out well enough.

    And it will set you up well for the future, not only in taking less chances for injury right now, for establishing a great habit for when you can do more.
  • DudeistPriest
    DudeistPriest Posts: 665 Member
    Swim if you have access to a pool. I started @315lbs with bad knees and I walked as much as I could but put a lot of time in the pool. Buoyancy compensates for gravity and makes cardio exercise much less stressful on the joints. Now, 6 months and 56lbs. later, walk daily and still swim 3 to 4 times per week.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Do some you are never too fat to workout. You will be proud of yourself if you do :)
  • I dont know about you but I am a little to lazy to log my foods and plan a head even though i should. I just lost 46 lb in 4 months from drinking nothing but water. I was addicted to soda and juice ,powerades all that.I ate a good size breakfast 4 eggs 1 piece of toast and a little glass of milk. Lite lunch and i had my dinner at 5 pm. I did not eat anything after 5 it was tough but i saw results very very fast .I told myself why take it slow ,lets go hard so I can wear the clothes i really wanted to wear and be healthy. I also did cardio 2 hours a day 4-5 days a week. running basketball all that . My biggest motivator was the scale , I weighed in evry morning .
    Its not hard once you get going.
  • brookielaw
    brookielaw Posts: 814 Member
    I think I started off not far from where you are, but math is not one of my best points. Anyway, I am here to tell you that you CAN do it. I will echo the sentiments about swimming...I started with that because everything else hurt. Like everyone is saying above, you don't have to belong to a fancy gym to find ways to move. Start small. Make better choices. Set lots of goals. Celebrate when you achieve them. Build up your activity and exercise, which will get easier as you lose. The most important thing is to stick to it and never give up.
  • A few years ago I got into the habit of the drive through. It sounds really silly, but I started putting my handbag in the boot (trunk) of the car every time I drove somewhere. I was too embarrassed to get out of the car and get it out in the drive through, and so I stopped going!
  • I started out last January at 268. The only exercise I have really done is walking, and not enough of it. The more your lose, the more energy you will have and then you can concentrate more on the exercise. For now, just worry about having a calorie deficit. You can do this!
    Thank you for your support
  • breaking it up into 5 minute blocks is a great idea thank you
  • I dont know about you but I am a little to lazy to log my foods and plan a head even though i should. I just lost 46 lb in 4 months from drinking nothing but water. I was addicted to soda and juice ,powerades all that.I ate a good size breakfast 4 eggs 1 piece of toast and a little glass of milk. Lite lunch and i had my dinner at 5 pm. I did not eat anything after 5 it was tough but i saw results very very fast .I told myself why take it slow ,lets go hard so I can wear the clothes i really wanted to wear and be healthy. I also did cardio 2 hours a day 4-5 days a week. running basketball all that . My biggest motivator was the scale , I weighed in evry morning .
    Its not hard once you get going.
    Yep trying hard to not eat after 7 , thats by the time i get home from work, def need to do more cardio i like my wii dance for now
  • A few years ago I got into the habit of the drive through. It sounds really silly, but I started putting my handbag in the boot (trunk) of the car every time I drove somewhere. I was too embarrassed to get out of the car and get it out in the drive through, and so I stopped going!
    CLEVER! not silly at all
  • I think I started off not far from where you are, but math is not one of my best points. Anyway, I am here to tell you that you CAN do it. I will echo the sentiments about swimming...I started with that because everything else hurt. Like everyone is saying above, you don't have to belong to a fancy gym to find ways to move. Start small. Make better choices. Set lots of goals. Celebrate when you achieve them. Build up your activity and exercise, which will get easier as you lose. The most important thing is to stick to it and never give up.

    Thank you i need to make some goals that arent scale related
  • domisgone
    domisgone Posts: 59 Member
    I felt I was too big to exercise and felt embarassed when I went to the gym. So I ditched the gym membership when I first started to lose weight, and started going for long walks every night. I wasn't able to run because it killed my knees!

    Cutting calories helped me lose a lot of my weight the first year. And to maintain it, I was able to exercise daily and not feel like everyone is laughing at me.
  • barb1241
    barb1241 Posts: 324 Member
    My heart goes out to you. First, stay away from the drive through. Pack healthy food in your purse if you need to! Chew sugar free gum. Drink water or tea. Listen to books on cd. You don't hve to do tons of exercise to get started. If your legs won't cooperate, flap your arms about. Or just walk a little further to the store or try to walk to the corner.

    It is like eating an elephant-you can't do it all at once, so take it one bite at a time! Been there, done that, believe me! Didn't check out your size, but I know I was pretty big and I couldn't do much for a long time. So I did what I could and now I can do more.

    Add me to your friends if you want!
  • SheridanLT
    SheridanLT Posts: 47 Member
    Log. Every. Bite.

    Baby steps.

    Move a smidgeon more than yesterday.

    You. CAN. Do. This!