New from South Africa

Hi everyone,

I am a 40yr old female who stays alone and has a zero support system around me, I began this journey on Thursday (14-11-13) and have amazingly lost 3kg by this morning, probably mostly water but I am fine with that. I have chosen to make slow changes, 1 or 2 a week. Only changes made so far was only 1 cup of coffee a day (use to at least 3-5) and have cut out soft drinks and switched to water. In the last 2 days I have had a minimum of 2.5L of water, also a huge adjustment. I have been below my daily recommended KJ intake, not on purpose but i haven't really changed much on the food side but am certainly learning about what I am putting in my mouth, never looked at the nutrient value before or worried about it. Now that i am logging my food it is certainly making me more aware. I eat what i can afford so it's not always the healthiest food off the shelves but am cutting down on portion size.

I absolutely HATE to sweat and get eczema so naturally I do not go out of my way to break a sweat with exercies, but i perspire a lot naturally especially in summer, hate summer.. I know that i am horribly unfit and need to move more, I can dance (or should that be wobble around) for 1 or 2 songs but then the sweat is too much and I am so out of breath. I am going to start doing push ups but against a wall to start.. I cannot afford a gym and have no equipment here at home for exercising... Walking isn't really an option yet in my neighbourhood.. Guess I'm still far too self-conscious.. If anyone has any relatively easy to start with exercise I can do at home without equipment, I would love to hear about them. Don't forget as i am writing this i am horribly unfit, so will have to start really slow...

I am looking for online support and encouragement to stay the course because i honestly believe that if i don't do something now I may not be around to try again a year or two from now. So anyone wanting to be an online buddy and support please add me.. Look forward to meeting new friends and being a mutual support.. I am living in South Africa...


  • ann121212
    ann121212 Posts: 290 Member
    There are lots of little incidental things you can start with around the home (especially if you are time rich and cash poor).

    Stand up when you are talking on the phone,
    walk in place when you are stirring the dinner on the stove,
    vacuum the floor twice as often,
    wash your windows every few days,
    sweep your paths/verandah every morning,
    put away the washing one piece at a time,
    if watching TV stand up and walk to the door EVERY time an add comes on,
    have the cleanest bathroom in town
    mow the lawn
    when out grocery shopping, carry a basket rather than pushing a trolley (when possible)
    park the car in the furthest car spot (when possible)
    window shop to your hearts content (lots of walking there, usually in airconditioned comfort)
    keep your keys/glasses/handbag/mobilephone etc on the floor (in a safe place) so you have to bend/squat to get them

    There is a book called the Clothes line diet - about a woman who was too unfit/overweight/self concious to go out and exercise. But she was determined to do SOMETHING, so she started just walking around her clothes line. Just a few minutes the first day tuckered her out, but she kept going day after day with that simple routine, eventually she added other exercises and eventually wrote a book about her successful journey.

    All it takes is perseverance.

  • Hi, I am Jane from England.
    I have a trainer who held me exercise in the house, and she does lads of simple things.
    Stand up and down from sitting on a dining chair 40 x a day
    Hold one arm in the air and get up and down 10 times, then change arms and repeat
    From standing curl down slowly, walk out to a plank and hold it either on knees or toes, elbows or hands, then walk back up again and uncurl
    lie down, feet bent, curl up to a bridge and hold, repeat
    Lie down and stretch one leg out at a time. Add in scissoring arms backward and forward
    Step up and down on stairs or step, both legs pr sideways on one foot
    Lying on side hold both legs in air, change sides and repeat
    There are more like this, let me know if you would like some
  • FredSetToGetFit
    FredSetToGetFit Posts: 286 Member
    Hi Mrp. Welcome to MFP and first off, congratulations on taking the first step. Everything said above is really good advice. I would like to ad, that you should not feel self concious about walking in your neighbourhood, as you are then better than all the ppl sitting on the couch. It doesn't matter what they think, this is for you, and you alone. This site does work, and it works really well if you do a few things. First off, log everything. Second, weigh everything you eat, as we tend to over estimate very easily. Remember, if you don't log accurately, you will only be fooling yourself. I also find that if you can stick to it for two months, you have a very good chance of it becoming habit, and then it gets really easy. Don't be in a hurry. This is not a race. You have the rest of your life to loose all the weight, as this is not a diet with an expiration date. If it goes slow and steady, it will stay off. Try some form of resistance training as it will help you lose fat, and not merely weight. Lastly, forget about the scale, it is a liar. Measure yourself, take pictures and try on clothes that used to be too small. Wishing you all the success I can. :wink:
  • Keto_Life
    Keto_Life Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Mrp, welcome!

    I am also quite new to the site...but it has changed the way I approach food and exercise a lot. I am also a South African, and understand some of the struggles you might be experiencing. Apart from being self-conscious to walk, it can also be a security risk. And going to the gym is also tricky as it is mostly overcrowded and filled with "pill poppers and beauty queens", so I share your sentiment of training at home.

    I am a new mommy, and had to learn to adjust my work out routine form being in the gym to exercising at home. I have bought myself Jillian Michaels dvds (Mr. Price Sport), as I find she caters for people who are new to training, and her workouts are 30 mins in total, just perfect for our hectic everyday schedules.

    I wish you all the best with your journey...just keep at it, not only does it help you lose weight, but it will boost your self-confidence and make you a more "conscious" human being.

    You are welcome to add me as a friend.

  • Hi there,

    @Ann121212... Thanks for some good tips, being on my own and doing my own housework those could work... Some I had definitely never even thought of :smile:

    @EJaneF1... Some more awesome ideas, thank you, can definitely start with the dining room chair stand up sit down....

    @FredSetToGet.. Thank you for the words of encouragement, I so appreciate them... Unfortunately, walking in our neighbourhoods in South Africa (depending where one lives), safety can also be an issue, but for now taking stairs and walking when shopping and at work will have to do.. I'm certainly hoping to last more than 2 months :smile:

    @Elsabe... Thank you, yes safety is certainly an issue in this wonderful country of ours, and the gyms are full of some very critical 'barbie dolls' :laugh: As soon as i have some spare cash i will certainly look into some of those DVD's of Jillian Michaels :smile:

    To all of you thank you for some real encouraging advice and i am wishing you all the very best in your journey's, please feel free to keep in touch :happy: