Falling into a binge eating disorder? :(

Hi guys :)
Okay, I really really really need some help here. I've joined university recently and its been disastrous. I though I'd be able to manage everything, but ironically it all started falling apart and it began with my weight. I had an onset of anorexia once that i got out of, but I feel like this time its going to be a full fledged binge eating disorder. I've been at college for about 4 weeks now and gained 5 kgs! i don't even know how to be honest, and in all this while I haven't been living on takeaways to be honest. My splurges: chocolate coated peanuts 2 bags, a tub of ben and jerrys, a churros cone, noodles at a noodle bar once, and a chocolate here and there. But the issue is, i'm eating too much of the 'good' stuff too. Sometimes i feel plain sick and filthy and like throwing up. I'm usually home, and since i used to lift weights, doing it at this gym feels too intimidating to be honest. the people are scary and the boys give you nasty looks. I just feel tangled.
I'm usually having a lot of greek yoghurt, fruits and nuts, and a fish here and there, though I havent had bread, rice or pasta in a long while. but i dont know...
i just need someone to tell me to stop please.
i used to be a 31-25-34 and last time i checked in the morning im a 32-27-36! how did i gain two inches on my butt :( I feel filthy. i worked so hard to lose weight and went from 165lbs to 117 and now 130! yikes!


  • Steph109876
    I'm in the same boat as you. I know I eat for comfort, but I can't stop! I wish I could be normal.
  • lauraspberry
    lauraspberry Posts: 655 Member
    I know how you feel. I've been there and stress in school really does make you hungry. I suggest drinking water before meals and eating filling foods like oatmeal and boiled egg. There are lots of oatmeal recipes out there that caters to sweet tooth (I'm assuming that you have a sweet tooth because of the food that you listed) Goodluck! It's just mind over matter. :D:flowerforyou: you can do it! You were able to lost a large amount of weight before, I'm pretty sure you can go through this. You;re a tough cookie :)
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Go to your university student medical clinic. You need to talk to someone about your negative feelings with your body and how you are viewing food. Good luck.
  • Runtivated
    aw thank you! :') That was such a cheerful message it almost got my hopes up!
    Eggs are a really good idea, and I suppose I'll have to get rid of all the nuts and stuff in my cupboard though :( I try to stay out more, but i could eat normal for a day, go on a night out and im back in the morning and its the same cycle all over again!
  • Runtivated
    Steph, its so strange isn't it? Its like you KNOW you can simply not, dont have and dont want to eat that but you will anyway. :/
  • lambchoplewis
    I am a binge eater also. I do really good and for some unknown reason - I start eating and can't stop. I am getting better at knowing this is going to happen but... I wish it would not. I have gained back around 10 lbs since I lost and maintained. I want it off as my new clothes feel tight. We can do this. It is a life long journey and it might never go away - I just want it to be less and less.
  • lauraspberry
    lauraspberry Posts: 655 Member
    Don't cut back on the nuts just control your portion :) and try low calorie recipes for things that you really like. That's how I got over bingeing :D restricting will make you crave more. :flowerforyou:
    I had a good week so far but when I start eating candy I feel a binge trying to surface. I may have to give candy up for a while)
  • jaireed
    jaireed Posts: 333 Member
    STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do what's healthy for your body. Make each choice you make about food count. Don't fall into the trap of allowing food to control your life and your self esteem. Love yourself. Hit up the gym. I'm sure there are other girls you can go with. Find positive healthy minded friends. Talk to someone if you are becoming obsessed. Be good to yourself. There is only one you and you will only pass through this way once. Do it right!!! Good luck!!!
  • Runtivated
    I am a binge eater also. I do really good and for some unknown reason - I start eating and can't stop. I am getting better at knowing this is going to happen but... I wish it would not. I have gained back around 10 lbs since I lost and maintained. I want it off as my new clothes feel tight. We can do this. It is a life long journey and it might never go away - I just want it to be less and less.
    Aw yes we can! I suppose we really do have to look back and see how far we've come. We did what many couldn't, surely we can't be like 'everyone else' now and go back to it!
    aaagh, just have to keep our head up and be a bit fierce I suppose!
  • Runtivated
    STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do what's healthy for your body. Make each choice you make about food count. Don't fall into the trap of allowing food to control your life and your self esteem. Love yourself. Hit up the gym. I'm sure there are other girls you can go with. Find positive healthy minded friends. Talk to someone if you are becoming obsessed. Be good to yourself. There is only one you and you will only pass through this way once. Do it right!!! Good luck!!!
    Ah, thank you! Trying so hard to do this, but I think too much and it all crashes. The fruit diet, the low carb diet, the keto, the this, the that...and then strength training or cardio, weights heavy or light, dance or running...its just too many choices!
  • Runtivated
    I had a good week so far but when I start eating candy I feel a binge trying to surface. I may have to give candy up for a while)
    Happens to me too! Try buying those mini packets of candies and stuff, and keep only one of each around, so even if you do have them, you'll have no choice but to moderate!
  • Runtivated
    Don't cut back on the nuts just control your portion :) and try low calorie recipes for things that you really like. That's how I got over bingeing :D restricting will make you crave more. :flowerforyou:
    True :( But there is no low cal option for nuts, and i'm quite nuts for nuts to be honest :P
  • lauraspberry
    lauraspberry Posts: 655 Member
    Just control your portions and you'll be fine :) and nuts are quite filling anyways :D it's all good hehe
  • Runtivated
    Just control your portions and you'll be fine :) and nuts are quite filling anyways :D it's all good hehe
    ahaha, portion control it has to be. and nuts are so not filling! they are like chips. enough said. :P
  • karlospiklington
    karlospiklington Posts: 143 Member
    Going away to University is extremely stressful so don't beat yourself up about gaining some weight. Comfort eating in that situation isn't unusual and by the way, your measurements aren't big so don't be so hard on yourself!

    When I got stressed at uni and began to eat too much of the bad and the good I started going for long walks. It got me away from the food I was tempted by and had the effect of making me feel better naturally thanks to those sneaky endorphins. Simple but I found it really effective.

    If you truly think you have an eating disorder then I would advise you to talk to a doctor or nurse at uni, but if not then you may be able to manage your stress by walking. Plus walking is a great way to lose a little extra baggage if you need to!
  • lauraspberry
    lauraspberry Posts: 655 Member
    Girl! You're nuts! HAHAHAHAHA loljk sorry for the bad pun :laugh: :flowerforyou:
  • Renata2388
    Renata2388 Posts: 4 Member
    Cut out all sugar. It causes massive cravings and triggers the binges. I'm speak from experience. It sucks, but you can do it!
  • lauraspberry
    lauraspberry Posts: 655 Member
    Cut out all sugar. It causes massive cravings and triggers the binges. I'm speak from experience. It sucks, but you can do it!

    Partially true, i dont think you can cut out all sugar since even fruits have sugar in them and our body needs sugar but you can try avoid food which have a high glycemic index, I've noticed that when i eat a banana I get even more hungry afterwards since it has a high GI compared to other fruits try googling the low GI diet :)
  • ohheygtan
    Hello! First of all, I commend you for being so honest with your binging struggles. It can be hard to come to terms with! Secondly, I recommend cutting yourself some slack. We all "fall off the wagon" from time to time, and although it's natural to be unhappy about it, stressing out over it may actually trigger you to eat even more. It's the worst kind of feedback loop!

    So be gentle with yourself. Imagine you saw another woman treating herself the way you're treating yourself when you feel like you've messed up. You'd probably want to hug her, tell her everything's gonna be okay, and help her get back on track, right? You don't deserve any less.

    Another thing that may help is by making an effort to be around other people, particularly friends and family. I've found that I'm most likely to binge when I'm feeling some sort of negative emotion and I'm alone. Spending time with people you love, chatting with them about how you're feeling, and just being around people in general can keep you distracted, comforted, and remind yourself how loved you are. :D

    Hope this helps!