College weight loss

Looking for motivation from people who are in my same situation! 19, full time college student trying to lose 30 pounds. I work out around 5/6 days a week (cardio right now, I'm going to add in strength later) and eat pretty clean. Anyways, I'd love to get some inspiration from the MFP community and make some friends, since none of my friends at school are trying to lose weight. Add me if you want, or respond :)


  • zenalasca
    zenalasca Posts: 563 Member
    I'm going to college too! Add me :D
  • Dreaminggg
    Yeah I'm in the same boat. it's quite difficult, especially when non of your friends are in the same boat. you can add me too if you like :)
  • kjennings097
    This is so weird - We weigh the same and are the exact same height. I'm in the same boat as you. Went to college and have gained WAY more than the freshman 15. Haha. I'm just getting started on getting back to where I used to be, and it's hard. You're not alone!!!