What was your final straw?



  • My mother is diabetic because of her weight, I am obese and at risk for diabetes. I kept gaining weight because of binging (recovering from bulimia and trying to stop purging). I have to shop in only plus size stores, and am only 18 years old. All of these are enough reasons for me to finally get back into losing weight! About a year and a half ago I worked really hard and went from 225 to 190. I want to go back to doing good and get healthy!
  • colortheworld
    colortheworld Posts: 374 Member
    BWhen my now ex cheated on me with a girl that was a lot smaller than me. First I wanted to get hotter than she was and make him want me back, and be able to blow him off. About 20 lbs into the loss, I realized I was doing it for me now not for some petty revenge. But I did run into him not that long ago and he definitely checked me out and then tried to speak to me, so I did get my revenge too! :drinker:
  • Wilhellmina
    Wilhellmina Posts: 757 Member
    I grew out of my winter coat and needed a new one. I went to several shops, but all the nice ones were too small. Then the shop owner came with a coat looking like a shapeless bag or something, telling me that would fit, they start from size L up. I was not planning to buy it no matter what! Next day I stood on the scale and that was the final straw for me, I gained almost 30 pounds in 2 years!
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    My mum having a stroke, seeing her struggle and knowing I could go down the same path.
  • 9bars
    9bars Posts: 40 Member
    It was a few things in a short space of time for me. Work said I had to have my photo done for an ID badge I kept putting it off, but finally they insisted and my face looked so bloated and much worse than I thought.

    Then I went to a wedding and felt such a mess, everyone looked pretty, relaxed and enjoyed themselves while I didn't want to stand up from the table. That night I started thinking enough is enough I'm in my 40s I don't want to live like this.

    The following week I booked in to the Drs for a check up and she wanted to put me on blood pressure meds, that was the final straw, I wasn't taking meds for something that was self inflicted. She agreed to let me try losing weight first and would monitor me, thankfully it dropped very quickly and is now normal.
  • Trying on clothes at the store and realizing just how big I'd gotten. Huge wake up call!
  • Eleanorjanethinner
    Eleanorjanethinner Posts: 563 Member
    These are great inspirational stories, thanks for sharing guys!

    I started on this path over two years ago. My mum had cancer and was ill for a few years. As she was getting sicker and sicker I was in a bad place, miserable in my job, miserable about her being ill, wanting to travel and not able to, comfort eating was something I could do to feel better for a bit. But of course, that led to weight gain.

    My mum was overweight and unhappy about it all my growning up (ironic how cancer takes the weight off!). I swore I'd never be size 16 (UK) which is the tip over point between 'normal' stores and plus size but I was edging that way (okay, I was size 16, I just didn't want to admit it!).

    When mum finally died, I was like a zombie for a while afterwards, but logging on MFP was something that I could control and something that felt positive. I started walking 15 min of the journey to work (and that wasn't a breeze - shows how unfit I was!). I started walking for 15-20 min at lunch. I started yoga once a week at work and loved it. I walked on weekends too. I was reasonably strict about logging my 1200 calories and over time I lost about 7kg (about 14 pounds).

    Since moving to England, I've been up and down a couple of kgs, but I've maintained the weight loss and I can happily walk several miles (and regularly do, without thinking about it). I actually enjoy walking and the lifestyle here supports it as we're a 20-30 min walk from town along a pretty harbour.

    I would love to go from size 14(UK) to size 12(UK) but I just need to find that internal motivation to really focus on it and keep pushing through all the busy-ness, distractions and justifications. Hopefully next year will be my time to get down to size 12 and stay there! (At the moment I'm focussing on losing a couple of kg that have crept up on me so I'm not too plump in the run up to Christmas).
  • padams2359
    padams2359 Posts: 1,093 Member
    See for yourself. The picture is on my profile. And that was vertical stripes.
  • I got sick of looking at all the cute clothes in my closet and wondering which ones would and would not fit. I want to walk in and pick an outfit, put it on and have it fit!!! I lost, maintained and gained about 10 lbs back. I am losing it again but I want the clothes to fit!!!
  • THIS........... love it, dont be pissed with yourself... just smash a personal best everyday
  • alphabetsoup2013
    alphabetsoup2013 Posts: 208 Member
    A couple of things

    ....having to ask for the extension belt on an airplane (so humiliating)
    ....realizing that I am going to be turning 50 soon -- and that I needed to deal with my weight problem before I got any older
    ....cringing each time I saw a photo of myself
    ....having pain in the bottom of my feet because it was too hard on my body to be carrying around that extra weight
    ....seeing work-related opportunities pass me by because of my weight (and because I was less confident because of my weight)
    ....worrying that I would die prematurely because of my weight

    Etc. Etc. Etc.

    I am so proud of myself for taking constructive action to tackle my life-long nemesis (my weight problem) this year. And I am so grateful to my MFP pals for being such a terrific source of support.
  • Jewlz280
    Jewlz280 Posts: 547 Member
    There were multiple little things, but 2 very big things. The first was when my size 18 jeans got tight and I KNEW if I didn't do something, I would have to make a trip to Lane Bryant to buy size 20. And seeing that 2 and 0 just killed me. Then we had taken my oldest out for his birthday (he was turning 3) and I didn't even recognize myself in the picture that was taken when it was loaded. I just couldn't believe that was me. I'm now a loose 14, snug 12 and hope to get down to an 8. It's taken some time... I lost then got prego with #2, but just kept going. I've not only maintained what I lost before #2, I've continued to lose nice and slow and steady. No more awful pics or size 20 pants....
  • mdbrookeyak
    mdbrookeyak Posts: 21 Member
    When I saw 273 on my scale...the highest I ever weighed and it scared me I was so close to 300.
  • hannahpistolas
    hannahpistolas Posts: 290 Member
    Going into labor and weighing a whopping 224-- which was 99 pounds from my average post-recovery weight.

    I finally broke down and started MFP again at 190 pounds, because I was frustrated.
  • bebeisfit
    bebeisfit Posts: 951 Member
    Twelve years ago I was 261 pounds. And my then-partner picked up a new pair of size 26 jeans for me. yikes, size 26. Back then, I wore business suits and I was wearing the biggest size most plus sized stores carried. I was also a few months from turning 40.

    I became a regular exerciser and began running to maintain my size 14.. sometimes up to a 16, but I always was under 190 pounds.

    Then I started a new job this year. They have free food..a lot. I ate more pizza in the first 5 months of my new job than the last 5 years! My entire wardrobe was too small.

    I refused to buy a size 18 again!

    I've been using MFP for the last 3 weeks and seeing progress. Back to regular exercise and cooking with more vegetables. Size 16 is still a bit tight, but doable. I can't wait to wear all my cute clothes again!
  • my husband losing weight and getting in shape made me super jealous im ready to drop these 15 lbs .....although i just ate a bowl of meundo =( this is gonna be tough
  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    Medically I've struggled with a condition that made it impossible to exercise half the month. Had a procedure done in March, healed by mid-april and I got myself into gear and have been working hard ever since. No excuses, exercise and counting calories it is!

    I'm motivated for me but I'll readily admit my husband loving my body more and more is a huge bonus. (he never didn't love me, but I appreciate the enthusiasm, lol!)
  • Kasmira0004
    Kasmira0004 Posts: 79 Member
    My final straw was when my mother-in-law brought over some pictures from my oldest daughter's 2nd birthday party. There were a few shots with me in it and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. That was that.
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    When I was quickly outgrowing my size 20 pair of shorts. I was not going up to size 22 so I had to have a long hard look at myself and decided to make some serious changes in my life. That was a almost a year and a half ago and now I'm happily and comfortability fitting in 10's and some 8's.

    I have kept that pair of shorts to serve as a reminder to keep maintaining and don't go back to my old ways. The last time I tried them on I can almost fit into one leg!
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I hit 188 pounds and didn't want to hit 190.

    And all the other members of my band were thinner than me!

    Now I'M the thinnest!