evening binging

Hi my name is Jamie and I have just overcome my night eating habit....OMG..I was so bad that it was 1000 cal after eating great all day...been going on 4 years after I quit smoking...anyways Im hear for your support because it was given to me and it worked...we cant do it alone just like any other addiction...which Im a recovering alcoholic/addict which makes our addiction to sweets and whatever that much harder...I will check on my group a few times a day to help and plz friend me and message me if you need to....jamie


  • smilesback
    smilesback Posts: 327 Member
    THANK YOU! I sure need help exactly in this area. And no time like the present to solve my problem. For years I have been shooting myself in the foot with too many unnecessary calories at night. Tomorrow I am going to the store to stock up on yummy vegys and maybe buy a dip to encourage replacing the treats. You can friend me as well as see my food diaries show how I mess up. With your help, I am going to put this baby to rest once and for all. Thanks Jamie - I owe you already. :flowerforyou:
  • I have had a severe problem with the evening bingeing most of my adult life. I found out I was allergic to wheat, and after a really hard struggle to give it up, my night time cravings and bingeing vanished. I have been wheat and binge free for months now. Just thought I would share in case it might help someone else. It's like I'm a different person.
  • I am new, and having a same issue, sending you FR
  • jamie88moore
    jamie88moore Posts: 54 Member
    we are doing this together...and I am very proud of you!!!
  • jamie88moore
    jamie88moore Posts: 54 Member
    oh wow...I was told to lose the wheat to...do I just look at ingrediences right?
  • smp4463
    smp4463 Posts: 59 Member
    omg thought i was the only one struggling with night time binges..do good all day than get home and all hell breaks lose...been doing this for year. I feel so comfy & relaxed so why do I keep stuffing my face?
  • kristarablue2
    kristarablue2 Posts: 386 Member
    I have had a severe problem with the evening bingeing most of my adult life. I found out I was allergic to wheat, and after a really hard struggle to give it up, my night time cravings and bingeing vanished. I have been wheat and binge free for months now. Just thought I would share in case it might help someone else. It's like I'm a different person.

    Really? I have not heard about wheat causing binging...I have been working on giving up wheat and sugar because I know they are triggers, but I never thought about being allergic to wheat (kinda makes sense, I thought it was sugar)....interestingly enough though I often get headaches and a stiff neck when I eat sugar, but it is usually paired with wheat so who knows...very interesting.
  • nickielouise36
    nickielouise36 Posts: 38 Member
    hiya,, welldone for finially taking the step to stop binging.. wish i could.. i do exactly the same.. my 1200 / 1300 by day and my 1000/2000 plus binge by night .. as soon as kids in bed i eat nd eat and eat.. even known to have a second dinner.. i started 2013 at nearly 17 stone.. and would get to 14 stone and binge my way back up.. then back down again. then back up again.. begining of sept i was 14 stone 1 .. and now november 16 th .. im 15 stone 11 lbs (221 lbs ) im gutted.. sick of binging.. i even joined a diet club.. started 15.11, lost 3 and hafe.. and have put on the last 3 weeks.. im on day one(again) and done well so far but its only 9 pm.. so goin to go bed before i eat the house .. sending a friend request.. hope to talk to u soon xxx
  • I am a night binger too. Everyone on this post sounds like me ,,glad im not the only one. Sometimes you do feel like the only one and think .."what the heck am I doing Im not even hungry". I think for me since I know I gain weight very easily Ive restircted myself ...over the years feeling like I cant eat this or that made me crazy..so when I get frustrated I go nuts and feel well tonight is a free night Im going to allow myself to eat and then I stuff my face cause I feel I cant ordinarily eat this so im gonna gorge...Its so draining emotionally. For me now though no food is totally off limits and that works better fo rme.
  • jamie88moore
    jamie88moore Posts: 54 Member
    I really want to encourage you guys to do these few things and plz let me know....get your veggies ready next to your bed....and binge if you need to....stay away from sugar during the day...and wheat is a big one to....They trigger us to feel crappy and groggy and crave more...my body is shaky but that is because it changing for the better..I just made banana muffins and I ate one and it made me feel yucky and feel good to be not eating thos things...WE ARE NOT GOING TO NEVER EAT A SWEET AGAIN...BUT FOR NOW LETS GET THE CRAVING UNDER CONTROL AND THEN WE CAN HAVE A PIECE...WE CAN DO IT GUYS!!!...
  • jamie88moore
    jamie88moore Posts: 54 Member
  • By the way Jamie congratulations for your strength for overcoming your addictions,
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    I have had a severe problem with the evening bingeing most of my adult life. I found out I was allergic to wheat, and after a really hard struggle to give it up, my night time cravings and bingeing vanished. I have been wheat and binge free for months now. Just thought I would share in case it might help someone else. It's like I'm a different person.

    Really? I have not heard about wheat causing binging...I have been working on giving up wheat and sugar because I know they are triggers, but I never thought about being allergic to wheat (kinda makes sense, I thought it was sugar)....interestingly enough though I often get headaches and a stiff neck when I eat sugar, but it is usually paired with wheat so who knows...very interesting.

    I have a naturopathic doctor. She tested me for food sensitivities (allergies, but not anaphylaxis type immune response). Wheat, dairy, and eggs all came up, as well as some other things I really enjoy. I asked her why I would crave these things when I am reacting to them. She explained that part of the reaction is an endorphin release which would create a mildly euphoric feeling. It makes sense, but cutting out the very things I crave has been very difficult. She has said to limit these things to not more than every 4 days, and after some time away from them, they can be reintroduced once the IGG antibodies have disappeared. Unlike IGE (strong reaction) antibodies, the newly formed IGG antibodies do not learn to react to specific substances from their predecessors. Just some interesting stuff to think about.

    Edited for clarity and to add: Great job beating the binge Jamie!
  • I often feel like I am the only person who binge eats at night. It frustrates me to no end.
  • jamie88moore
    jamie88moore Posts: 54 Member
    so how is everyone doing????
  • lefreitag
    lefreitag Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you for the advice!!!!
  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
  • jamie88moore
    jamie88moore Posts: 54 Member
    Bump....explain plz...lol......Hope everyone is well and I will check in with you guys a little later....have to meet with my sponsor and a teacher conference.....yesterday was not so good but on it again...I didn't just say..OH WELL IM JUST GOING TO PIG OUT....YOU CAN START AGAIN ANY TIME....Its not like we are going to never eat a sweet again!!!!
  • dgeorgiadis
    dgeorgiadis Posts: 95 Member
    I can be good all day and....WHAM....evening hits and it's like a part of my brain switches over. Impulse control has always been an issue for me as I am also in recovery, from a pain pill addiction (clean 19 months).
  • Jennlc033
    Jennlc033 Posts: 28 Member
    So glad I am not the only one who struggles with this