Trying to lose weight but gaining instead

2 weeks ago I started actively trying to lose weight (again). I've been eating very healthily (under 1200 calories) and working out 3-4 times a week. However i have gained 2kg! I was sure the scales were faulty when I first got on them, but it seems they weren't. I don't feel heavier or sluggish or how I usually feel when I gain weight so it doesn't make any sense.

Does anyone have any advice for me? What am I doing wrong?? :sad:


  • sunsetzen
    sunsetzen Posts: 268 Member
    Underestimating calories eaten: do you weigh or eyeball/measure?

    Overestimating calories burned: do you wear a heart rate monitor.

    Why are you eating less than 1200 calories AND exercising? How much do you weigh. What is your height? What is your goal weight, and what rate did you set it at? What is your activity level set at?
  • gina_nz_
    gina_nz_ Posts: 74 Member
    Underestimating calories eaten: do you weigh or eyeball/measure?

    Overestimating calories burned: do you wear a heart rate monitor.

    Why are you eating less than 1200 calories AND exercising? How much do you weigh. What is your height? What is your goal weight, and what rate did you set it at? What is your activity level set at?

    the above, need to know these important details before being able to give advice
  • slmakar
    Eating under 1200 calories isn't healthy. Your body will think its starving and try to conserve every... last... the... end.
  • amirazaq
    MFP suggested 1200 calories per day. My start weight was 66kg (145 lbs), I am now at 68kg (149lbs). and I am 5ft5inches. I eyeball my food, and I don't wear a heart rate monitor. My goal weight is 60kg. My activity level is set at active and my weight goal is 1kg per week. I've tried this method of weight loss before and i usually lose weight. The heaviest weight I've been at the past few years has been 66kg so it was a bit of a shock when I stepped on the scale and saw 68kg.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Eating under 1200 calories isn't healthy.

    This part might be true in some contexts.
    Your body will think its starving and try to conserve every... last... the... end.

    But this part isn't.
  • amirazaq
    So is MFP wrong in suggesting I eat 1200 calories a day? Even if I was to increase it, I don't know how I would do that without eating unhealthily. At the moment I don't get hungry even though I stay under 1200. So I wouldn't know how to increase my calorie intake while sticking to a healthy/low carb diet.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Here are a few different scenarios that may be at play:

    1) You could be significantly under-estimating your intake. This combined with potential logging inaccuracies means you're eating more than you think:

    2) You recently began exercising. This tends to cause fluid retention which can mask fat loss or even cause weight gain in some contexts.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    So is MFP wrong in suggesting I eat 1200 calories a day? Even if I was to increase it, I don't know how I would do that without eating unhealthily. At the moment I don't get hungry even though I stay under 1200. So I wouldn't know how to increase my calorie intake while sticking to a healthy/low carb diet.

    MFP isn't wrong - garbage in, garbage out. I am guessing you want to lose weight fast so it's just given the minimum recommended.

    As to what constitutes healthy, well, to crank up your eating by another 300, consider eating nuts and seeds, high in fat. Also, just spooning peanut butter into your mouth. Again, lots of fat. Not all fat is bad for you.

  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Too bad it wasn't a joke.

    And stop eyeballing. You're underestimating.
  • amirazaq
    It's definitely not that my calorie intake is high. When i wasn't trying to eat healthily and I ate pretty much whatever I wanted and not working out. I weighed 66kg. I am eating significantly less than i used to and working out and my weight has increased to 68kg. It makes no sense, there has to be another reason :angry:
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    It's definitely not that my calorie intake is high. When i wasn't trying to eat healthily and I ate pretty much whatever I wanted and not working out. I weighed 66kg. I am eating significantly less than i used to and working out and my weight has increased to 68kg. It makes no sense, there has to be another reason :angry:

    It is very likely that you are simply retaining fluids because you recently began a training program. See what happens in another two weeks.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    It's definitely not that my calorie intake is high. When i wasn't trying to eat healthily and I ate pretty much whatever I wanted and not working out. I weighed 66kg. I am eating significantly less than i used to and working out and my weight has increased to 68kg. It makes no sense, there has to be another reason :angry:

    It's been two weeks. Listen to SS.
  • gina_nz_
    gina_nz_ Posts: 74 Member
    It's definitely not that my calorie intake is high. When i wasn't trying to eat healthily and I ate pretty much whatever I wanted and not working out. I weighed 66kg. I am eating significantly less than i used to and working out and my weight has increased to 68kg. It makes no sense, there has to be another reason :angry:

    weigh your food for a week before you even consider ruling it out.
  • QuincyChick
    QuincyChick Posts: 269 Member
    Buying a food scale changed my life.

    Try it.

    Otherwise- best of luck. :flowerforyou:
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Yes, there must be another reason. Ok fine, YOU'RE NOT A HUMAN BEING. That's the only possible explanation, because if you are certain you aren't underestimating your calories (which you are, since 'eyeballing' is not an accurate measurement) than you are defying human biology, which means you must not be human. So what planet are you from, then?
  • amirazaq
    Thank you for all the advice and positive feedback, will start weighing my food and keep trying.
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    not trying hard enough
  • Archanasatyam
    Archanasatyam Posts: 28 Member
    yup.. food scale changed mine.. also.. its just 2 weeks friend.. . go on and give urslef some more time.. don't just rely on the scale.. how u feel.. how ur clothes feel.. watch them too.. good luck,,