Destined to be this weight forever!!

Hi I was introduced to this last week and LOVE IT!
My baby is 22 weeks now and after losing 2 stone in the first two weeks after having her I have stayed 12 stone for 20 weeks!!! Its a joke, very depressing!
5 weeks ago I hit the gym and workout 5 times a week. one bodypump class for 60min, zumba for 60min, extreme cycle 60min and two interval training sessions for 20 mins each. And still nothing.
I have logged everyday for 7 days and still havent lost an ounce! im on 1200calories aday.
Please someone help me!!!

My goal weight is 10stone 4 so, 24 pounds to lose.

I havent got a medium term goal, as I I have been demoralised on too many occasions in the last 5 months as I thought I would lose 14 pounds easily as this was my pre-pregnancy weight but I cant shift it!
thanks for reading, all advice welcome!


  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Have you taken your measurements? How are you clothes fitting? Is it that time of the month? We can't see your diary so we can't see how you are eating.
  • amyelle
    amyelle Posts: 14
    I hadnt thought about taking measurements. My jeans are slighlty looser and I am alot trimmer, but no weightloss! ANd husband said he could feel my hips last night which is brill but still alot of flubber once I relax my abs!!
    how do i make my food diary public?
  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    It takes a few months for your body to adjust to exercising. Nutrition is #1! You need to have nutrients that feed your body well and has low fat content & lots of lean protein. The formula is 80% what you put into your body, 10% exercise and 10% motivation.

    Also, with all your activities - you are building muscle. This means that you may not see changes on the scale, but your body is certainly responding to your new activities. Don't be a slave to the scale... Make sure to take measurements.

    The scale has not moved for 3.5 weeks for me... But if you want to be at your "new weight goal forever" you're going to have to look at this as a way of life and not just a way to get to a goal and then go right back to where you started... Good luck to you, and hang in there, you will see results!
  • amyfly
    amyfly Posts: 137
    Measurements is a good idea - and make sure you are eating at least a portion of your exercise calories - it sounds crazy but I was also on 1200 cals and the weeks I ate most of my exercise calories are the weeks i saw the biggest difference in weight loss. Good luck!!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    The biggest thing? RELAX. It's a plateau. Everyone hits it and the harder you push, the more frustrated you end up. I know it feels like a long time but 7 days is really NOT a long time to be losing weight. It's going to take patience.

    When you say you eat 1200 calories, are you saying you do all that working out and then ONLY eat 1200 calories? Cuz you should be eating a good portion of your exercise calories also. Some people like to eat all, some half, so play around and find which your body responds to best. But it sounds like you need MORE food. Staying at 1200 not only limits your body and is a recipe for misery and frustration. Give your body the fuel it needs and it will more willingly part with the weight.

    Bottom line, it sounds like you are trying to work the lbs off all at once...and that's just not how it works. Take a breath and come back to some moderation and your body will likely respond accordingly.
  • TheNewJessieMae
    how many carbs are u getting in a days time?
  • myrbg
    myrbg Posts: 93
    i know your frustration! i've been with a personal trainer for nearly a year and have lost maybe 10 lbs!! but i have lost many inches/dress sizes! what's more important, the number on the scale or the number on your waistband? i know that it's hard to wrap our brains around this... what i've learned is that the scale can be discouraging! i have discovered that weight loss is really about feeling good in your body and in your clothes. if your clothes are fitting looser, keep it up, because something good is going on with all of your working out and healthy foods! don't be discouraged, chin up, one day at a time. feel free to add me for support!
  • VCStarr
    VCStarr Posts: 155
    As silly as this will sound...what is 2 stone? I'm a silly American who just doesn't know what that means.

    Beyond that try drinking more water and maybe upping your calories to 1300 and see what happens. If you are still having trouble, call a doctor.

    I know how you feel though. I've lost 20 pounds and then hit a weight loss for a while and it is upsetting me too.
  • amyelle
    amyelle Posts: 14
    Just done my measurements - that was painful!!! :sad:

    Yes I eat my exercise calories, which feels rather peculiar as my spinning class burns 900 calories!!
    One issue is Im struggling to eat enough carbs that are too calorific.
    I have always been extremely sporty and never had to watch my weight until I got married had my two children and changed my lifestyle into chocolate eating tv watching slug!! Want to be back to v active self!
  • TheNewJessieMae
    enough carbs?
    maybe too many....
  • amyelle
    amyelle Posts: 14
    2 stone is 28 pounds .
    my sw is 168 gw 144.
  • jim0822
    jim0822 Posts: 19
    I do NOT eat my exercise calories!!! It does not make sense to me. This is all math - calories in, calories out. Also, get a heart rate monitor which shows calories burned. These are MUCH more accurate than the readings from the machines. Good luck! Keep trying - you WILL be successful!:happy: :happy:
  • missismonty
    missismonty Posts: 41 Member
    I am the same as you - have been on a total diet detox and exercise mission for 10 days, logged it all in this and I have lost...1 pound :-( Ok I feel great and maybe feel a bit less flabby but its just so demotivating. I normally am good during the week and bad at the weekend including wine and still loose more than this!!!

    I havent cheated once and am trying to make sure I eat all food groups. Been going to gym, spin and walking etc... Anyway am going to keep going and hopefully the scales will start to move soon - my start weight was 144, current weight 142 and goal weight 133.....Good luck to everyone - ps I dont eat my calories I have burned either - surely that misses the point?? Missismonty x
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    Are you nursing? If so, I think you may be eating too little! Nursing itself burns some crazy amount of calories (been a while for me since my daughter is 15, but the number 500 calories is what comes to mind) - I'd try upping your food intake by a couple hundred calories and see if it shifts. I know it sounds crazy, but if you are exercising that hard - and especially if you are nursing on top of that - chances are good that you just aren't feeding your body enough.

    Congratulations on the new little one! I know this weight loss after pregnancy is a pain, but they are so worth it, arent' they?
  • amyelle
    amyelle Posts: 14
    HI I finished nursing 4 weeks ago, up until then I ate well in fact, too well. The funny thing is that I ate and ate and ate, and my weight stayed the same i could eat as much chocolate and crisps and would still stay the same, then Im strict and stay the same. It wouldnt be so bad if I gained weight when I endulged but it didnt make any difference! amy
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    I do NOT eat my exercise calories!!! It does not make sense to me. This is all math - calories in, calories out.

    this is debatable. your metabolism is kind of like a fire. if you give it too much fuel, it burns out because it is smothered. if you give it too little fuel, it doesn't burn because it is starving. if you want it to burn in the long run, you definitely are going to have to feed it well.
  • lainey137
    2 stone is 28 pounds.