51, menopause & weight loss

Hi there, first post for me. I'm looking for the 50 something, menopausal women who are getting the weight off.
What are you doing differently than you did in your 30's and 40's.

It seems this freak'n belly fat has appeared on my body and I'm having a heck of a time getting rid of it.

I'm 51, 5ft tall, eat clean 85% of the time. My gym is being renovated so exercise is minimal right now.


  • shrimpydoo
    shrimpydoo Posts: 112 Member
    Hi. I'm in the same boat. 5 ft tall and 53. The thing I'm doing differently this time is lowering my weight loss weekly expectations. I'm consistent, I log everything (95% of the time), I walk further and faster, make good choices, but overall my expectations are that the loss will be slower. I average about a half pound a week, a few more mini plateaus than I'd like, but I am patient and dedicated. I try to celebrate non scale victories like making better choices, walking further, saying no to dessert, things like that. You can do it, just be kind to yourself.
  • jfauci
    jfauci Posts: 531 Member
    Hi there an welcome! I hear you on the belly fat! I'm 49 and found that the only thing that worked for me was significantly decreasing my calorie intake. I eat between 1,000 and 1,300 /day and the weight stays off. I also eat lots of protein and relatively low carbs. As for exercise, I love the arc trainer and I also do lots of ab work-outs and triceps work. It's a constant battle, but one that I'm not giving up on! Good luck and feel free to add me as a friend :smile:
  • Hi, I'm 64 and post menopausal and have struggled with my weight big time since hitting the big 50. I only have one bit of advice and that is to never loose sight of the fact that 90% of weight loss is what you put in your mouth. It is very sad but true. I have never been a big exerciser, but I tell myself that's okay because I want to do everyday exactly what I can do everyday for the rest of my life, and that is to walk briskly for about 40 minutes. I have been a weight watcher leader in the past, and I really liked doing that and I might even go back to that at some point, but for right now fitness pal is working for me, because it doesn't matter what plan you are doing the key is journaling, or honestly keeping track of the food that you put into your mouth. It is the key to success in every situation. I have proven this to be true over and over again. Journaling (keeping a food count) is the KEY to success!
  • Hi Long2bme,

    Welcome! I know what you mean about the belly fat. I am 53 and have been menopausal for 10 years.

    Persistence is the name of the game. I went into this on July 28th, the day I gave up sugar. On the 29th of July I started tracking my calories on my fitness pal. I've tracked my calories every day since that day and gone over my calories maybe 5-10 times. I walk 6-7 days a week for 30-100 minutes and do the same workout I was doing in the 80's and 90's- Jane Fonda's complete workout minus the aerobics (because I can't stand them). I'm 5'3", am down 24.5 pounds and have 5 to go. I don't binge anymore, those days had to end.

    Back in the 70's, 80's and 90's I did weight watchers. They have become money-hungry sugar pushers and I've lost interest. I go to TOPS for face to face support with my loss, to be accountable and to have fun. You can friend me if you want, I'll support you. Good luck.
  • leapsonbounds
    leapsonbounds Posts: 77 Member
    Hi there - I'm right there with you too! 52 years old, 5'1". Started this in late July at 196. Down to 160 today. Doing Carb Cycling. I read the book by Chris Powell (Extreme Weight Loss show) called "Choose More Lose More for Life." I've met friends on this site who are doing that program as well, and it's wonderful to support each other. I also did Weight Watchers "back in the day" but this is working better for me. I don't belong to a gym - I walk, ride my bike (regular and stationary), do some YouTube exercise videos, and other exercise videos and that's it. I may join a gym over the winter so that I can add swimming.

    Feel free to friend me if you'd like, and I wish you success on this weight loss journey.
  • Long2bme
    Long2bme Posts: 16 Member
    Wow! Thanks guys for the show of support. I love that.

    I'm no stranger to fitness. I ran my first Marathon at age 44 and again at 50. Although the age 50 one was for pure vanity. I don't like being in my 50's.

    My demise over and over again is sugar. I seriously need to give it up!
  • changing4life
    changing4life Posts: 193 Member
    Hi -- I am right there with you but haven't found my "sweet spot" yet -- nothing I have tried has worked. Feel free to add -- I will add you guys too.

    Am 55, post-menopausal and have 80 pounds to lose....
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    I am 62.
    Biggest difference is logging everything I put in my mouth and eating less calories than I burn. Making better choices for how I get my calories, mostly from fresh fruits and vegetables, lean protien sources, low fat dairy, low carb.
    You have to find what works for you. Experiment a little and find your success.
    I have found that if I eat over 1600 calories, at my age I will start to gain.
    Good luck, you can do this!
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,412 Member
    I am 62.
    Biggest difference is logging everything I put in my mouth and eating less calories than I burn. Making better choices for how I get my calories, mostly from fresh fruits and vegetables, lean protien sources, low fat dairy, low carb.
    You have to find what works for you. Experiment a little and find your success.
    I have found that if I eat over 1600 calories, at my age I will start to gain.
    Good luck, you can do this!

    Pretty much the same for me ^^^^ unless I am really being active. I find I can't quit the carbs though. But even with that bad habit, still doing pretty good maintaining. Add me as a friend if you wish.
  • Hey everyone menopausal and, like me, post menopausal, I need some support too. I am 60 and 4'10" tall. I guess in some ways I don't have a lot of weight to lose, about 15 pounds is my goal. I now weigh 135 and started with MFP 40 days ago at 138.6. It seems so slow but I guess as long as the scale goes down it's all good. I have also lost about 1" in my waist, which is where like most women the extra weight seems to go. I also have the problem of my skin not being as "tight" as it used to be so there is always that bit of flab when I sit down...anyone else seem to have this issue? I am looking for a support system and all you ladies seem like just what I need. Feel free to friend me and I hope I can do the same.:flowerforyou:
  • epigirrl
    epigirrl Posts: 54 Member
    Hey there. I'll be 50 next year, menopausal, 5'3", down 18 with another 7-10 to go. And, while I am happy with the weight loss so far, I am acutely aware of the amount of "fat" that I still have.

    What am I doing differently? Everything seems different these days. I am now weighing and tracking food faithfully; I am doing kettlebell classes (2-3x/week) and yoga class (1x/week); and I joined a community weight loss challenge through my local community education for accountability. In terms of what goes in my body--I have increased my PROTEIN, decreased my carbs, and increased my WATER intake. I try to organize all of my meals around protein and vegetables [lots of vegetables] AND I always have a water bottle with me.

    I am not exactly where I want to be yet, but I am definitely heading in the right direction. And, I feel like the changes I am making are not just for weight loss now, but they are changes I am making to be healthy for the rest of my life. So each change is something that fits into my life, my interests, my food preferences.

    Good luck to you, and all the other ladies responding, on your weight loss/health finding journeys.
  • jeansuza
    jeansuza Posts: 148 Member
    I am 5'3'', 51 years old. Lost 165 pounds so far. I hear you about belly fat AND sugar. Would they be directly related? There might be a key there but I am not yet ready to quit on sugar. Would feel frustrated, would eventually binge and wouldn't be able to keep on losing weight. But at the same time, each time I eat sugar, I want some more. I am slowy getting more attuned to my body's reactions to nutrients and it is interesting to watch.

    Since 18 months I have seen many changes occuring in my body, habits, cravings, etc. Some of them came quite naturally and they are all for the better so I am confident that with time (very long time since I plan to be on MFP for at least 3 more years), other healthy changes will naturally occur again. Step by step, one day at a time is my motto.

    As for the belly fat, it seems I will never have this hourglass shape I longed for. I am more the fridge type, all square and not too much definition. Maybe doing weights and machines would help. This is something I have yet to try. One step at a time. For now, walking and swimming are my main activities but my goal being to live an active life and to have fun doing it, I will probably join a club later...

    You must find what is working for you! Take your time and have fun!
  • Long2bme
    Long2bme Posts: 16 Member
    There is definately a correlation between belly fat and sugar. I quit sugar for 30 days once and felt fabulous. Then I thought I could have "a little", but the addiction quickly takes over.

    What has worked for me, about 4 years ago, was eating clean and weight training.

    This past 6 months has been stressful with a home move and renovation and job stress. The home is al ost renovated and I've switched jobs, so now its all about me.

    How does this "friend" thing work when we add each other? Is there a place to check in daily to say how I've done?
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    49 here, and been in the throws of peri-menopause for 3 years now. Might even be in menopause, I can't tell anymore. :ohwell:

    For me, incorporating testosterone replacement therapy has been a real eye opener. My doctor injects me every 6 weeks and that's all the hormone replacement therapy I need anymore. No more hot flashes, because your body converts the testosterone it doesn't need into estrogen. My muscular strength is coming back and I feel great mentally and physically. It has been a little bit of a roller coaster ride as far as water weight goes, but they say that settles down eventually. As such, I am focusing on eating what would be maintenance at my goal weight, and conservatively eating back exercise calories. I do cardio and cardio/strength equally (running/walking and kettlebells).

    There has been no research that I know of that correlates belly fat with sugar or carbohydrates (which sugar is, btw). Your body needs carbs/protein/fat. I try really hard to meet my protein goals every day and find that it has helped me tremendously as far as staying satiated. I am eating slightly more than 1g per lb of lean body mass in protein. The carbs make sure I have the energy I need to exercise.

    This is what I do to beat the hormone blues.
  • Dstny1957
    Dstny1957 Posts: 51 Member
    Very interesting topic for me. I'm 56, went through menopause at 38, insanely early. They tried hormone replacement drugs, but nothing seemed to work. I'm 5'6 and I have been struggling with my weight. I started MFP 2 years ago and got really lean and had muscle I was proud of. Okay cue the music...........don, don, donnnnn. I started hurting all over had a really weird rash. Had a zillion tests and the closest they can come to a diagnosis is dermatomyositis. Inflammation of the skin and muscles. It causes horrid muscle aches and fatigue that is crazy. I lost all my muscle mass and starting putting the weight back on, I'm so disappointed. I am feeling better, still combating the fatigue, and some muscle pain, but now I feel like I have to start over. At least I'm not as heavy as I was before.

    QuietBloom, I'm very interested in the testosterone therapy, did you see a specialist for this? I could really use some support. Some days I feel like crying, It's hard when you try and put your life together. I quit smoking, was eating healthy, working out a lot, and then this. But I guess life is a challenge, and how you meet it and work through it is what you make of it and yourself!
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    Hi there! I'm 54 and menopausal. I started MFP in Sept 2012, and have lost almost 60 lbs. I did it the usual way - ate less, moved more.

    I've made very few changes to my diet, except to substitute a lot of my favourites with low-calorie, low-fat options. In other words, I eat what I like, but have mastered portion control.

    Yeah, belly fat is an issue, but after 5 pregnancies, I've just embraced the fact that my tummy will never be taut again...and that's OK, because at our age, the purpose of all this should be all about good health and not just body image.

    Another thing I've learned to accept is that I will not lose weight quickly like young people. I'm happy with a half pound loss every week, and some months, I even plateau like crazy. But this is a lifetime deal, so I try not to let it get to me, have patience, and try something new and different to break the plateau.

    Friend me if you like. :)
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    QuietBloom, I'm very interested in the testosterone therapy, did you see a specialist for this? I could really use some support. Some days I feel like crying, It's hard when you try and put your life together. I quit smoking, was eating healthy, working out a lot, and then this. But I guess life is a challenge, and how you meet it and work through it is what you make of it and yourself!

    My endocrinologist does this for me. I would call around and see what you can find out. They also have a very small testosterone implant that can be used that lasts for 6 months I believe. A Google search will give you lots of info, and you may even be able to find a doctor in your area that does this!

    Best of luck on your recomp. You can do it!
  • lousoulbody
    lousoulbody Posts: 663 Member
  • opalia
    opalia Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone, I have been using MFP since January. I am 48 and definitely am experiencing perimenopause symptoms. I have lost almost 20 pounds and exercise 6 days a week for an hour or slightly over. The scale was not moving so I enlisted the help of a trainer this past month. I love the weight training aspect of it but I am not sure if this young lady is a good fit for me. I weigh in tomorrow and she is expecting a 6 pound weight loss!. Am I crazy to think that is unreasonable-I am thinking a weight loss of 1/2 pound a week is a good place to start. I am in this for the long haul and focus on several changes per month that I can realistically accomplish with my diet. Please feel free to friend me-I could really use some that understand how crazy this whole getting older thing can be with your weight!
  • jeannemarie333
    jeannemarie333 Posts: 214 Member
    I am 52 and 5'6" and would welcome any menopausal friends who are struggling - just send me a request :) this is a great topic, thanks for starting it :flowerforyou: