What is your biggest fitness pet peeve?



  • djdjrose
    people judging me if i want to take supplements
  • Ithina1
    Ithina1 Posts: 93 Member
    People telling me what I'm doing is wrong and I need to _________ instead.

    You can keep your clean food, midnight snacks are the bomb--especially if they consist of pizza or ice cream, I will not drink 16oz of water when I'm hungry, lifting weights will not inhibit my fat loss, lifting will not make me bulky--and even if it did I wouldn't care, cutting carbs/fat would just be depressing, I am not eating too much protein, I am not eating too much in general, I will eat what I want whenever I want it, I will eat back exercise calories, and my diet has no end date--it is a lifestyle change.

    At the gym when people don't re-rack their weights. I'm like "is someone doing supersets/intervals, or did they just leave this here?" It causes us to watch the equipment and ask everyone if someone is indeed using it. The 45lb plates are also very heavy and not all of us can re-rack your crap without seriously risking hurting ourselves.
  • SamanthaH10
    SamanthaH10 Posts: 72 Member
    1 - Not cleaning your machine when you're finished! Seriously! If I just sat there and watched you fling sweat all over a machine for the past hour, you better wipe that thing down. GROSS!

    2 - People who buy all organic because it's health food and they're trying to lose weight. I mean, organic automatically equals healthy, right? *sigh*

    3 - Food police. Don't worry about what I'M eating and whether or not I should be eating it.

    OH, and people saying that muscle weighs more than fat. No. Just, no. A pound of muscle and a pound of fat both weigh a pound.
  • Ithina1
    Ithina1 Posts: 93 Member
    Mine is all the people on here with profile pictures who are eating ice cream or have profile names of junk food, who post pics of pizza or ice cream, or have it in the tickers! Or talk about how much pizza and ice cream they eat! Don't they know we're trying to diet here! :sad:
    Says the person with ice cream in their pic, rofl.
    OH, and people saying that muscle weighs more than fat. No. Just, no. A pound of muscle and a pound of fat both weigh a pound.

    Hehe yeah. 1 lb = 1 lb. I like to try and add the word density to their vocabulary.
  • Still1Workoutatatime
    the fact that I'm still battle this pesky bodyfat..
  • IanBee93
    IanBee93 Posts: 237
    When people are uptight about healthy food, and pry into people's business. Like if someone wants to get a burger then leave them alone. I hate when people assume that just because you eat a candy bar or pizza that means you're a typical lazy fatty. Or if you see someone overweight sitting all day you assume they are lazy, but when they start to work out you still make fun of them for even trying. It's a lose lose situation.
    I used to follow a girl on twitter who actually tweeted about how it's ''ironic'' that fat people go to the gym. :noway:
  • illuvatree
    illuvatree Posts: 185 Member
    When I'm at the gym, on one of the machines, and all the other ones are free... but then a stranger comes over and chooses a machine right next to me.

  • RunBrew
    RunBrew Posts: 220 Member
    It's totally illogical of me to get so bent over it but I *hate* it when
    1) some guys gets on the treadmill next to me and immediately cranks it up to faster than whatever I'm set at. I know, I know...why am I even looking at his speed...? It is pretty funny when they crash and burn after a few minutes because with the 30 minute time limit on the treadmill, I typically run at about 8.5 mph (7:03 mile).


    2) gets on the treadmill, and proceeds to do 'intervals' varying the pace between 3.5 mph barely running, and 12 mph as fast as the machine will go.....And completely burns out after like FIVE 15 to 20-second intervals and quits. Usually to go do 74 sets of bench press.

    3) People who pause the treadmill and then just leave without 'ending' it....and then it resumes the workout in 2 mins, spinning an empty belt.

    4) My local YMCA has small TVs on the machines....sometimes people talk to the them while working out. Especially when it's sports. You know how distracting it is to be running/cycling along in my own little world to music and the a**hole on the next machine is shouting obscenities at the NFL game?

    EDIT: these are really 'gym' pet peeves, not 'fitness' pet peeves.

    My biggest general fitness pet peeve is when someone tells me that if exercise isn't 'hard' you're doing it wrong and its wasting your time.
  • whitneysin
    whitneysin Posts: 605 Member
    Apathy/lack of motivation.
  • iamthesweenmachine
    Mine BY FAR is when girls of a healthy body weight claim that they're fat. You might have a little bit of extra body fat, but that won't kill you!!! Especially as someone who has had weight problems since birth, I mean, just because you're not a twig doesn't mean you're fat!
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member

    OH, and people saying that muscle weighs more than fat. No. Just, no. A pound of muscle and a pound of fat both weigh a pound.

    LOL. You know what they mean.
  • SamanthaH10
    SamanthaH10 Posts: 72 Member
    When I'm at the gym, on one of the machines, and all the other ones are free... but then a stranger comes over and chooses a machine right next to me.


    Some people, myself included, have favorite machines. If you happen to be on the one next to it, I'm jumping on! Plus, it's a rule that you race the person you're next to LOL
  • 2bePhantasticallyfit
    When people in fitness classes make no attempt whatsoever to follow the instructor
  • JamericanBoy
    JamericanBoy Posts: 484 Member
    People at the gym using machines without put a towel between themselves and the machine!:explode: :angry: :noway: