Muscle Pains

What do you guys do after going really hard at the gym, and the next day it hurts to just walk?


  • writemusic4him
    writemusic4him Posts: 312 Member
    Do you do good stretching after your workout? On Biggest Loser, they take ice baths after a workout :) I'm not a fan of cold, because I can't get I just stretch, stretch, stretch :)
  • phostose
    I don't stretch after; I stretch before and take a recovery drink after.
  • Ainar
    Ainar Posts: 858 Member
    Recovery drink does't really do anything, just a bunch of false bro science. Stretching, at least for me, has helped very much. Stretching after I would say is more important than before to relax muscles and get ride of pain, I doubt stretching before does much, if anything, for muscle pain afterwards. Also you might want to stretch those muscles not only after workout but also next day when you are sore and don't work out, helps for me to make it easier.
  • DaveP_Fit
    just tough it out. the more you move, the sooner the soreness will go away.

    stretch after your workout, not before.
  • EricaFaythe
    EricaFaythe Posts: 37 Member
    Stretching your muscles before a workout can lead to injury. Stretch after, and if you're sore the following day, get a foam roller and learn how to use it.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I vote foam roller!
  • amastre
    amastre Posts: 176 Member
    Consistency in training will help reduce the soreness over time. Foam rolling and stretching after training will also help with the delayed onset muscle soreness.
  • GymTennis
    GymTennis Posts: 133 Member
    Your body will recover faster with time.. However, stop training to failure on each set every time you hit the gym.. Do cardio after your weight training, the day after too, increase that blood flow.. Drink a lot of water, eat right, sleep right..
  • SoLongAndThanksForAllTheFish
    Yes what was said above: stretch after, not before. In fact recently a couple studies showed that stretching before weight training not only didn't help, but weakened the lift by about 6%, and a slightly higher percentage chance of injury was seen in those stretching before lifting. The stabilizers of the joint actually get stretched out and do not hold the joint as well after.

    For the leg pain, I try to enjoy the fact that I'm getting new power in my legs think of that every step that hurts to get me through it, plus make myself move so I can reduce the pain faster...and if it was too sore (days of muscle soreness) generally I'll try to modify and tone down the increase next time. Be more cautious gradually increasing hamstring and calf specific exercise, at least for me if I overdo those I'm walking funny for a while...

    Unfortunately some people get sore pretty frequently no matter how many years they do it, the feeling is a love/hate at the same time with me, I've lifted for many years off and on, and training hard will almost always get me sore. But I love the results :)