Really overwhelmed:(

I'm a 21 year old girl who has gained 80 pounds since 2010. I used to be 'that thin girl', and now I'm so un-confident in myself.

I am ready to make a change, and I'm willing to do what it takes.

But I get so overwhelmed when I research/read on losing weight. Some say exercise matters most, some say diet does, some say both are equal, etc. Some say ditch carbs, some say don't. I don't know what to eat, or when to it eat, or what matters more with carbs/cals.

I don't know where to start. I'm so frustrated.

I want to do it as fast and healthy as possible. I want to be happy in my own skin again! I'm looking to lose 100, and I do understand 100lbs is going to take some time.

Any suggestions?


  • kayla_who
    kayla_who Posts: 540 Member
    It all boils down to calories in must be less than calories out to lose weight. To get in shape you want to exercise. You're taking the right steps. This website is an awesome tool. Add me if you like. :)
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    Track your calories, eat at or slightly below the recommended. Add exercise when you can. Weight loss happens in the kitchen. It doesn't have to be overwhelming.
  • bobbilum
    A fitting proverb

    A journey of 1000 miles starts with a single step.

    Yes, it's easy to feel frustrated, but really, the only way to lose weight is to burn more than you take in. Both diet and exercise are equally important.

    Realize that you aren't "dieting" but making lifestyle changes.
  • BokBagok
    BokBagok Posts: 345
    I was sort of going through the same thing when I started. For now, don't look at carbs, specific diets, timing your food, or anything like that. Keep it basic. Just try to stay under the calories that mfp is telling you to stay under day by day. The rest will come later. That's my advice anyway. And feel free to friend me if you want. I'm also pretty new and trying to lose 100+.
  • michellelandis33
    Me too...I am going to lose 100 lbs. I say take it one day at a time...reward yourself at each 10 lb. milestone, if anyone says do you want some more or supersize or another...say no. if anyone says oh your dieting? say no, it's my new lifestyle it's forever. If anyone says good luck with that ...say thanks and smile and remember them when you are faced with a sabotaging no no favorite. Look Forward not behind and put one foot in front of the order and if anyone tries sabotaging your efforts...walk away they are not your friend. Best wishes...and use this food journal right and you will see a difference...I am already. God Bless.
  • michellelandis33
    Me too...I am going to lose 100 lbs. I say take it one day at a time...reward yourself at each 10 lb. milestone, if anyone says do you want some more or supersize or another...say no. if anyone says oh your dieting? say no, it's my new lifestyle it's forever. If anyone says good luck with that ...say thanks and smile and remember them when you are faced with a sabotaging no no favorite. Look Forward not behind and put one foot in front of the other:smile: and if anyone tries sabotaging your efforts...walk away they are not your friend. Best wishes...and use this food journal right and you will see a difference...I am already. God Bless.
  • PersistentPresence
    i agree with all of this.
    take it slow. start by counting your calories. try not to worry about the details but do try to make healthy changes. remember, this is a marathon, not a race. stick with it. if you eat too much, log anyway. if you disappoint yourself, forgive yourself and keep pushing forward. you can do this! :)
  • ItsaNewDawn
    It can definitely be overwhelming! I am 11 months into my journey and down 103 pounds. I exercise 5 days a week and eat as clean as I can. My advice is to find something you like to do and have fun doing and keep doing it. I have tried so many things, some of them I still do, some of them I didnt enjoy doing. For example, Spinning is not for me, I tried it the 3 times that was recommended and I did not like it. I take a TRX strength training class 3 times per week, I love it! I eventually want to get certified to teach this. I also decided that I wanted to run a 5K, I used an app called C25K to train for this. I am now addicted to running! I dont run all that far yet, but eventually I want to run a half marathon. Keep in mind that you will not see results overnight but you will see them if you keep at it. I suggest taking pictures measurements in addition to weighing in. I dont have alot of pictures and I didnt measure and now wish that I had. Stay positive...YOU CAN DO THIS! Feel free to add me if you wishes for success!
  • jfauci
    jfauci Posts: 531 Member
    Great advice above. Also, set small goals for yourself each week (or day if weekly seems to overwhelming). A goal might be as small as taking a walk around the block or increasing your water intake by 2 cups. Either way, remember that the weight didn't get there overnight and won't be gone overnight. Good luck! You can do this!!
  • scubasuenc
    scubasuenc Posts: 626 Member
    Yes, it can be overwhelming when you have a lot to lose. However, just be faithful about logging your food and aiming to stick within the calories set by MFP. Also, try to start working on some form of exercise and work it into your regular routine.

    I've been using MFP for almost a month now, and I have to say it has been the best tool to help me lose weight I've ever used. I've been on every diet known to mankind, and MFP is helping me to learn there are no 'bad' foods. When I want to indulge in something, then I need to plan more exercise into my day.

    Each day I exercise at least 30 minutes and stay under my calories, a dollar goes in a jar. I'm rewarding myself for sticking to my plan, even if it doesn't show up on the scale. I like seeing that jar fill up!! I've also set some rewards for meeting weight loss goals.

    Just take it one day at a time.
  • arc8706
    Everyone's advice so far is good. I started in October, and what has helped me is doing things incrementally and tackling one thing at a time. Reducing the amount you eat is a good place to start, along with learning to log all of your food into MFP. Don't worry about WHAT you are eating, just count calories, portion out your food, and stay slightly under (but not too far under) whatever MFP's calorie goal is for you. Try to do that and only that until you get used to it and feel like you can handle more. Whether that takes two weeks or two months. Just try to make it a habit.

    After a few weeks of logging you'll probably be able to look at your diet, and notice areas where you could improve. For me, I was consuming too much sugar and not enough protein or vitamins, due to eating a lot of processed foods and empty calories. So then you might gradually try to adjust your diet to "fix" things like that. But really that's not for weight loss, it's for overall health. If you stay under your calorie goal, you will lose weight, even if you stick to what you are already eating but just eat less of it.

    After a month of this I also began exercising as well. But that also is more for overall health than weight loss, and burning calories with exercise will allow you to eat more each day as well.

    So, my main advice is to take things one day and one week at a time, and don't feel like you need to be doing everything (exercise, calorie counting, changing your diet) on day one. This is a process that will take time, and these changes should form into habits that you can stick to for life!

    Good luck!
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    I'm a 21 year old girl who has gained 80 pounds since 2010. I used to be 'that thin girl', and now I'm so un-confident in myself.

    I am ready to make a change, and I'm willing to do what it takes.

    But I get so overwhelmed when I research/read on losing weight. Some say exercise matters most, some say diet does, some say both are equal, etc. Some say ditch carbs, some say don't. I don't know what to eat, or when to it eat, or what matters more with carbs/cals.

    I don't know where to start. I'm so frustrated.

    I want to do it as fast and healthy as possible. I want to be happy in my own skin again! I'm looking to lose 100, and I do understand 100lbs is going to take some time.

    Any suggestions?

    Yep, forget you asked that question here where bad information runs rampant. You will be more confused by the time the people here finish with you. Everyone here is different and we all believe in different ways of dieting. Just like all the researchers on those web sites do.
    One way does NOT fit all. I lost my first 60 lbs in about 4 months with no exercise. I lost the rest with exercising 3 or more times a week. I don't eat my exercise calories back (unless I'm hungry). I eat low carb (mostly staying away from complex carbs).
    You will have to filter what you see here and find what works for you and let the other stuff run off your back. It takes trial and error on your part to find what works for you. You will have to give things a couple of weeks before you make a decision if it's going to work for you, maybe even a month. And just don't ever give up, you will find something to work for you once you filter out all the BS
  • m00tmike
    m00tmike Posts: 248 Member
    My advice is to just do something. Right now the little things don't really matter too much. You just need to get the snowball rolling in the right direction and it will pick up momentum. I'd recommend setting your goal at about 1lb a week and i like to use part diet and exercise to get my calorie deficit.
  • tottie06
    tottie06 Posts: 259 Member
    Don't be overwhelmed! Though a challenge, it can still be fun. You have to find what works for you. Some people become strict and feel the need quit a lot of things cold turkey. Some find that eating the same foods, but in smaller portions, works so they don't feel deprived. For me moderation and balance is key. Whatever you decide to do, just be honest with yourself, and log all food and exercise. When you are starting out, and find yourself go over your calories, no biggie. Change can be gradual. And hey, you can always exercise to nix some overages.

    You can start out by logging what you normally eat for a week. Don't get frustrated. It's just to see where you are at. And you could do a TDEE, your total daily energy expenditure. From there, you could make your goals here on MFP (of 1200 cal/day sedentary, or 1600 if you workout regularly ...just a random example). If you don't exercise, you will need to make sure you are eating less than what you are burning. I would suggest walking to start off.
  • musikalmami237
    musikalmami237 Posts: 214 Member
    It can definitely be overwhelming but you can do it! My weight loss started by only changing my eating habits. I added exercise on to that after I had already lost about 15-20 pounds. You just have to see what works best for you. But be consistent, and if after awhile you feel the need to change something, do it... but give everything a fair chance first before deciding to try something different. Best of luck and feel free to add me if you'd like! :)
  • ElectroJay
    ElectroJay Posts: 44 Member
    Start by cutting as much sugar intake as possible. Avoid pop/soda, fruit juices, sugary cereals, and candy.
    Use the calorie counting feature from this site. They also offer a free app for iphone and Android that syncs with your account.
    Try to do cardio exercises when you can. Good luck!