where the youngins at early twenties late teens

Any young dudes/chicks out there tryna accomplish their dream body? what made you do it? what was rock-bottom for you? how do you feel now compared to then? lets talk haha.


  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    I'm too old for this crud. Imma take my cane and leave!
  • I started trying to get healthy after I found out the I had a Pulmonary Embolism (blood clot in my lung)
  • EHisCDN
    EHisCDN Posts: 480 Member
    22 here. I just want to be healthy and happy :). I'm feeling a lot better since I stopped overeating and started exercising.
  • I started because my teen years were spent hating myself and my weight and my rock bottom was kinda seeing that I was wasting my youth sitting inside wishing I had more confidence and knowing my lack of confidence was due to my poor body image. So I started using MFP to count my calories and I set up a deficit. Thank god I found MFP because if I hadn't I would be eating only diet foods and eventually falling back into bad habits. I'm new to this so I haven't lost more than a couple pounds but it's enough to keep going.
  • I'm too old for this crud. Imma take my cane and leave!
    HAHA you can stay, I learned the majority of my life lessons from wise old people (:
  • 24 here. And I just want to feel good in my body. Its hard, but im still trying.
  • I agree, having a good body does wonders with confidence. Its not even about the image though, its just like the lifestyle of eating healthy and exercising that gives me such a good positive feeling. Rock bottom for me was drug addiction and living like a savage. lol that life was crazy. overeating and not exercising is very comparable to the life of a drug addict.
  • GoBucks34
    GoBucks34 Posts: 75 Member
    @phostose dude are those shields from Zelda? I ****in love LOZ. ha
  • 24 here. And I just want to feel good in my body. Its hard, but im still trying.
    Some days are unbelievably hard. I just wanna lay around and stuff my face sometimes. I wish those urges never came. how to get rid of them?
  • cannibaldoll
    cannibaldoll Posts: 50 Member
    22, joined when I was 19 (this site). I haven't met my UGW, but I have maintained at a lower weight. What made me want to lose weight was when I thought I'd try out C25K, I jogged for ONE MINUTE, and was OUT OF BREATH for ONE HOUR. I knew I was totally out of shape and needed to make a change, because there was no reason for someone like myself- no health problems- that at 19 couldn't at least JOG for one minute.
  • GoBucks34
    GoBucks34 Posts: 75 Member
    Anyways, I am 21 and just trying to get a great body. Im sick of my belly fat.
  • jessgumkowski88
    jessgumkowski88 Posts: 189 Member
    20 and just looking to be more active, healthy and confident! Plus im in the health care field, and so I'd like to look healthy so as not to be hypocritical haha xD
  • jessgumkowski88
    jessgumkowski88 Posts: 189 Member
    Oh and I love the motivation on this site! :D

    Because of my MFP friends, I ran my first 5k in this past august! Yay for Run4YourLives!
  • We are young lettss goooo. @jessgum my doctor is fat as hell and when I was younger used to always bug me about losing weight, oh the hypocrisy.

    P.S. good on you for running 5k! I need to try one of those marathons
  • 24 here. And I just want to feel good in my body. Its hard, but im still trying.
    Some days are unbelievably hard. I just wanna lay around and stuff my face sometimes. I wish those urges never came. how to get rid of them?

    I have such a hard time getting rid of them, im such an emotional eater. Its not even funny
  • jessgumkowski88
    jessgumkowski88 Posts: 189 Member
    Try Run4YourLives! It was the most fun I've ever had! haha everyone there was soo nice and it wasn't overly competitive. It's really you against the zombies. (It's a Zombie infested 5k Mud obstacle course!)
  • hotmomma0612
    hotmomma0612 Posts: 651 Member
    I'm 18, but I have a son and am pregnant, so we probably can't relate.
  • 24 here. And I just want to feel good in my body. Its hard, but im still trying.
    Some days are unbelievably hard. I just wanna lay around and stuff my face sometimes. I wish those urges never came. how to get rid of them?

    I have such a hard time getting rid of them, im such an emotional eater. Its not even funny
    Yeah me too, if im not feeling good/having a bad day, I want to binge the fk out on some of the worst foods, just so I can feel worse after eating haha smh. its a vicious cycle. Its all about willpower when there is a bad day.
  • jessgumkowski88
    jessgumkowski88 Posts: 189 Member

    We can definitely still relate <3 You're doing this not only for yourself but for someone you love, and there's nothing un-relateable about that. You go Girlie!
  • Try Run4YourLives! It was the most fun I've ever had! haha everyone there was soo nice and it wasn't overly competitive. It's really you against the zombies. (It's a Zombie infested 5k Mud obstacle course!)
    I Saw that event in downtown phx! around Halloween time. I didn't know it was fitness related tho, Im gonna do some marathon researching. I bet there's a whole bunch of them that go unnoticed.