where the youngins at early twenties late teens



  • jessgumkowski88
    jessgumkowski88 Posts: 189 Member
    Omg haha talk about binging! I'm craving bad right now and this tea's just not hitting it. Maybe I'll go for a walk...
  • Howdoyoufeeltoday
    Howdoyoufeeltoday Posts: 481 Member
    I'm female and 23. Just have about 6 pounds left to lose and trying to get in better shape overall. I love food, music and anything geeky... :tongue:
  • hollyanne572
    hollyanne572 Posts: 55 Member
    21 yrs and was tired of just existing day to day, my fiance and I have been together coming up 5 years and we have never once been to the hotpools!!! Ready to get back into a bikini and start enjoying life again.
  • im 21 y/o. There was no rock bottom for me and there was nothing that made me want to do it other than just wanting aesthetics. I've always wanted that sexy body and was willing to work for it but was too scared to go to a gym.

    then i started lifting with my friend 2 summers ago and just never stopped. Getting over the gym fear was very important because i didnt want to look like an idiot in the gym but my friend showed me the ropes around a gym and now lifting is just very important for me to feel right in the world. whenever i got for more than 1 week without lifting then i start up again, i always feel better or more, i feel right

    the diet was easy enough since i've dieted before and was used to making my own food already.

    i was driven by the progress, when i hit a plateau then i would do more research or get more involved with the diet.

    i wasnt overweight when i started so i dont feel thaaaat much more different than i did then other than the obvious things - much stronger, more endurance, more self confidence , higher self-esteem.
  • hollyanne572
    hollyanne572 Posts: 55 Member
    I completely agree about over eating being like a drug habbit, food was my coccaine.
  • jessgumkowski88
    jessgumkowski88 Posts: 189 Member
    I completely agree about over eating being like a drug habbit, food was my coccaine.

    god yes haha so rough sometimes. I'm an emotional eater. Bad day? lets go stop at McDonald's because i don't feel like cooking. Super happy? Let's go get something horrible for us to celebrate! haha
  • Sarahnade42x
    Sarahnade42x Posts: 308 Member
    19 here- I always knew I was out of shape (I was exhausted after WALKING a 5k in May 2012), but I always just ignored the problem because it seemed so impossible to fix. I got a major reality check when I checked the scale one day and it said I was a pound away from 250...man, was that bad. I've been losing weight ever since, and now I loveloveLOVE living healthy and giving my body new challenges every day. At 250 every single day was full of physical limitations and things I felt I could never do because of my weight. That doesn't exist anymore - even if I can't do it today, I can keep working my *kitten* off and do it tomorrow.
  • I completely agree about over eating being like a drug habbit, food was my coccaine.
    I know right its the same concept, a temporary feeling of euphoria followed by; feeling like ****, and then you want more and more. America has got us slaved into the food industry, im telling you I've watched these food documentaries, its mind-boggling to see what they do to processed food!
  • HollyRobertz
    HollyRobertz Posts: 11 Member
    22 here. I come from a dominantly overweight family and that just isn't the future I saw for myself. I saw a picture and couldn't believe how big I looked in it. I've always been the "pretty face, funny girl" but never the one who got dates. I lost my first 20 lbs and then I started dating, and fell in love with someone who made me feel terrible about myself. He knew the issues I had with weight yet he told me I had big thighs, talked about how disgusting fat people were (he never thought I was fat but I still made it clear that I don't believe in putting down people for their weight), and use to smack at my arm fat, then he broke up with me and I blamed myself for everything that went wrong and then I decided that I am a lot stronger than feeling that useless and if I have issues with my body, it is up to me to change them. Good luck with getting into shape, anyone feel free to add me, I am trying to utilize this website more and could use some friends! :)
  • 19 here- I always knew I was out of shape (I was exhausted after WALKING a 5k in May 2012), but I always just ignored the problem because it seemed so impossible to fix. I got a major reality check when I checked the scale one day and it said I was a pound away from 250...man, was that bad. I've been losing weight ever since, and now I loveloveLOVE living healthy and giving my body new challenges every day. At 250 every single day was full of physical limitations and things I felt I could never do because of my weight. That doesn't exist anymore - even if I can't do it today, I can keep working my *kitten* off and do it tomorrow.
    wow girl look at you! 76 pounds lost is amazing, that must've been a long, rough, tough journey :O Props for your dedication, I need more of that.
  • I'm 19, I never really hit "rock bottom". But, I moved out on my own at 17 and I decided that since I was completely in control of what I ate now, I needed to take responsibility for my weight. I have always been overweight and most of it was do to my lifestyle while living at home. There was always stress and there was always food, not the best combination. I guess a big tipping point was when I realized the health implications of being obese. Diabetes runs in my family and my close aunt has it the worst, she's obese also and she's in the process of going blind, she's been in and out of the hospital for the past few years, and just in this last year she's had to start dialysis. She's only in her early 50's. I don't want that to happen to me.

    So! That's just a couple reasons why I'm trying to get fit and healthy! So far I'm about 28 lbs down! About 50 more to go!
  • I'm 19, I never really hit "rock bottom". But, I moved out on my own at 17 and I decided that since I was completely in control of what I ate now, I needed to take responsibility for my weight. I have always been overweight and most of it was do to my lifestyle while living at home. There was always stress and there was always food, not the best combination. I guess a big tipping point was when I realized the health implications of being obese. Diabetes runs in my family and my close aunt has it the worst, she's obese also and she's in the process of going blind, she's been in and out of the hospital for the past few years, and just in this last year she's had to start dialysis. She's only in her early 50's. I don't want that to happen to me.

    So! That's just a couple reasons why I'm trying to get fit and healthy! So far I'm about 28 lbs down! About 50 more to go!
    wow sounds like the only way out of that tunnel was fitness and healthy eating! good job you've come a long way (: keep at it!
  • I'm eighteen and I have always hated my body. I inherited genetics in which I store muscle and fat very easily and I wasnt the healthiest because I ate when I was sad which was alot. Im ready to kick this fat off of my body!
  • I'm 19, and I've always been a big girl. I was over 10 pounds at birth. I have tried before to lose weight, but never made a serious enough commitment, so it didn't work. What really did it in for me was last year when I started college. I was very stressed and I tried to drown it all out with food, but it ended up not helping my stress any and I ended up broke and heavier. I finally decided to make a commitment and now here I am, well part of me at least. I've lost 44 pounds in 9 months and still want to lose 18 more!! Now I feel better about myself, I actually enjoy taking selfies (don't worry, I'm not one of THOSE) turned to my side to show off that there's less of a gut now. I still don't have fitting clothes, but that will be the icing on the cake I'm sure!!! :) Add me if you wish
  • WhoHa42
    WhoHa42 Posts: 1,270 Member
    Always used to train for sports. Got really depressed and let myself go. Decided to become a sikkant.
  • @WHOHA zyzz! That dude is an inspiration
  • WhoHa42
    WhoHa42 Posts: 1,270 Member
    @WHOHA zyzz! That dude is an inspiration

    lol was unaware til last spring after i cut down
  • 24. I was always a very active girl and participated in sports all my life. I developed a severe anxiety problem a year ago and gained 30lbs, which caused me more anxiety. I hope to go back to my old weight and fitness regime.
  • bumblebreezy91
    bumblebreezy91 Posts: 520 Member
    I'm 22 and I've tried and failed too many times to lose weight. I hit my heaviest not too long after promising myself that I'd never see 200 on the scale. I just feel like I've really let myself go and have never been too worried about the consequences (except that I would really like to go shopping for clothes and not feel like the odd girl out, not panic in the dressing rooms, not have to pick up larger sizes of clothing, etc). Now I'm more concerned with my health (I never used to snore, but I've developed sleep apnea and it's embarrassing, and I'm getting sores from skin rubbing together and that's even more embarrassing) and I want to take charge to look great, feel great, be in great health, and do more for other people (I love helping people and I would get out to help even more than I do now if I could be more confident and less critical about my appearance).
  • jessgumkowski88
    jessgumkowski88 Posts: 189 Member
    I'm 22 and I've tried and failed too many times to lose weight. I hit my heaviest not too long after promising myself that I'd never see 200 on the scale. I just feel like I've really let myself go and have never been too worried about the consequences (except that I would really like to go shopping for clothes and not feel like the odd girl out, not panic in the dressing rooms, not have to pick up larger sizes of clothing, etc). Now I'm more concerned with my health (I never used to snore, but I've developed sleep apnea and it's embarrassing, and I'm getting sores from skin rubbing together and that's even more embarrassing) and I want to take charge to look great, feel great, be in great health, and do more for other people (I love helping people and I would get out to help even more than I do now if I could be more confident and less critical about my appearance).

    You go Bumble! <3