Diet drinks advice..



  • JaxDemon
    JaxDemon Posts: 403 Member
    Okay first of all you don't know me. So please quit saying I'm lieing about this. I will not eat gmo's (the are actually banned in some areas of Europe) if I know that's what I'm eating. I'm careful to watch this kinda if stuff. All I ask you to do is research and do what you want. I'm just saying it can have some negative effects on people. I don't have to be bullied and have my stuff completely broken down because you are a so called ace certified personal trainers. All the trainers I know would never ever recommend that their people drink something that can be potentially harmful. So I have trouble believing who you say you are. Secondly. This was a simple statement of be careful what you put into your body. I'm learning the hard way as I have just found out gluten is bad for me. Are you going to now say that gluten is a good substance. I would like youto talk to all the celiacs in the world and tell them the research is inconclusive. I would not be willing to do testing if I was lieing about it. if only I could find a panel that would like to test for it but I can't have everything. I don't trust what people tell me anymore and I test it before I believe it's healthy. So far I have found very little food that I can eat. But as far as this conversation goes your obviously in it just to negate everything and. to unwilling to learn from someone with a personal experience with it. I just wish more people would come out as speak up about how bad it effected them but people like you tend to tell them they are lieing so they scare off. This is exactly why I don't read the forums anymore. I will say this for anyone in the future post if you want to honestly know my experience with aspartame then you can write me but I will not talk to anyone who thinks the have a medical degree and wants to make the assumption that I'm not really that way because that means you are willing to put my life at risk as well as others for your own benefits.
    If you can't be bothered to actually read what people are saying, then maybe the forums aren't for you. NOBODY IS SAYING ASPARTAME DOESN'T AFFECT YOU. What we are saying is that it doesn't affect most people that way. You are part of a small minority. The same with gluten. Nobody here will tell someone with celiacs to eat gluten, that's a really stupid thing to even suggest. We will however, tell people that gluten itself isn't a problem for the 94% of the human population that don't have celiacs. Now, if someone with celiacs were to say that gluten was bad for the remaining 6,580,000,000 people on Earth that don't have celiacs and can eat gluten with no problem, then yes, that person would be corrected.

    Someone with common sense I see :drinker:
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    In - this might keep going.
  • chloe0o
    For me it feeds the junk food machine. I'm better off eating natural fruit sugars, it stops me craving that really sweet delicious binge food.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    For me it feeds the junk food machine. I'm better off eating natural fruit sugars, it stops me craving that really sweet delicious binge food.

    What is the molecular structure of these "natural fruit sugars"...

    ...and how does it differ from "processed sugars"?
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    Okay first of all you don't know me. So please quit saying I'm lieing about this. I will not eat gmo's (the are actually banned in some areas of Europe) if I know that's what I'm eating. I'm careful to watch this kinda if stuff. All I ask you to do is research and do what you want. I'm just saying it can have some negative effects on people. I don't have to be bullied and have my stuff completely broken down because you are a so called ace certified personal trainers. All the trainers I know would never ever recommend that their people drink something that can be potentially harmful. So I have trouble believing who you say you are.
    No one stated you were lying. It's correcting information on your stance that it's bad for EVERYBODY. And you're more than welcome to check my profile on the ACE site to check my legitimacy.
    Secondly. This was a simple statement of be careful what you put into your body. I'm learning the hard way as I have just found out gluten is bad for me. Are you going to now say that gluten is a good substance. I would like youto talk to all the celiacs in the world and tell them the research is inconclusive. I would not be willing to do testing if I was lieing about it. if only I could find a panel that would like to test for it but I can't have everything.
    Your argument is strawman. Of course celiacs can't consume gluten, but how does that relate to your own problem with aspartame if you don't have PKU?
    I don't trust what people tell me anymore and I test it before I believe it's healthy.
    So you're willing to go into anaphylatic shock to test something you may have a reaction to?
    So far I have found very little food that I can eat. But as far as this conversation goes your obviously in it just to negate everything and. to unwilling to learn from someone with a personal experience with it. I just wish more people would come out as speak up about how bad it effected them but people like you tend to tell them they are lieing so they scare off. This is exactly why I don't read the forums anymore. I will say this for anyone in the future post if you want to honestly know my experience with aspartame then you can write me but I will not talk to anyone who thinks the have a medical degree and wants to make the assumption that I'm not really that way because that means you are willing to put my life at risk as well as others for your own benefits.
    Again, you're acting like a martyr. No where did anyone state they didn't believe your issues with it. You seem to have made that up yourself. The stance held is that SOME people will have adverse affects or reactions, but for the general population with no PKU or allergic issues, artificial sweeteners are fine to consume in moderation. Unless you have actual peer reviewed clinical research to refute it, you're just opining from your experiences as truth for everyone.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    PKU -

    Aspartame does not cause anaphalactic shock, as PKU sufferers are not allergic to it. It is an amino acid disorder. Here is a list of symptoms caused by the build up of phenylalanine in individuals who are unable to metabolize it, resulting in a build up of it in the body.

    Some of the effects of untreated PKU include:

    mental retardation
    behavior problems
    restlessness or irritability
    a skin condition called eczema
    a “musty” or “mousy” body odor
    fair hair and skin
  • impartialbystander
    Drinking diet soda is better for your dieting in the long run, but just as bad for your teeth. Like the folks have been saying, water is best. If it's not interesting enough or quenching enough for your pallet, you could try throwing a little concentrated unsweetened cherry juice into your water bottle. Some people go for cranberry juice, which is probably tasty, but I think I'm allergic. :(
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    PKU -

    Aspartame does not cause anaphalactic shock, as PKU sufferers are not allergic to it. It is an amino acid disorder. Here is a list of symptoms caused by the build up of phenylalanine in individuals who are unable to metabolize it, resulting in a build up of it in the body.

    Some of the effects of untreated PKU include:

    mental retardation
    behavior problems
    restlessness or irritability
    a skin condition called eczema
    a “musty” or “mousy” body odor
    fair hair and skin
    My point to her was that using herself as a test subject (if she's has issues with just about everything) is probably not the smartest idea.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • impartialbystander
    Also, I haven't ready any of the peer reviewed articles regarding the impacts of artificial sweeteners on your health, but xylitol and stevia haven't been shown to have adverse affects. My dental hygienist was actually singing the praises of xylitol during my last checkup. You could always give those beverages a shot if you want to try an alternative.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    diet sodas are negative calorie foods, just like lettuce and cabbage. This has been proven in rat studies and is therefore true for humans.
  • impartialbystander
    @Stages95: Did you anticipate this much controversy over your question?
  • MrfreddieV
    I have never had a doctor back up any of the internet horror stories on Aspartame. So I have a few a week but to each his own.
    Ask your own doctor how he/she feels about diet drinks.
    My doctor suggested I change my yogurt to a brand that use's aspartame. Over the last 12 years I have made a point of asking all my doctors. I have had to see many from dealing with my liver and nerve damage. So at lest 6 different doctors all have told me the same thing.
  • stages95
    stages95 Posts: 39 Member
    Hi folks, thanks for all the comments and advice from all sides of the argument!

    I didn't expect my post to escalate so much tbh :laugh: (Usually get ignored) :angry: :laugh:

    I am beginning to get used to drinking more water, especially when I work out rather than energy drinks e.t.c

    Although I think from time to time I will still enjoy the odd pepsi max :tongue:

    P.S It would be heinsburg to pick up on the grammatical mistake in the original post :laugh:
  • VeganLexi
    VeganLexi Posts: 960 Member
    @Stages95: Did you anticipate this much controversy over your question?

    MFP wouldn't be MFP without gobsmackingly bizarre overreactions.
  • impartialbystander
    @Stages95: Did you anticipate this much controversy over your question?

    MFP wouldn't be MFP without gobsmackingly bizarre overreactions.

    It's nice to know there are some things in life you can count on. ;)
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Okay first of all you don't know me. So please quit saying I'm lieing about this. I will not eat gmo's (the are actually banned in some areas of Europe) if I know that's what I'm eating. I'm careful to watch this kinda if stuff. All I ask you to do is research and do what you want. I'm just saying it can have some negative effects on people. I don't have to be bullied and have my stuff completely broken down because you are a so called ace certified personal trainers. All the trainers I know would never ever recommend that their people drink something that can be potentially harmful. So I have trouble believing who you say you are. Secondly. This was a simple statement of be careful what you put into your body. I'm learning the hard way as I have just found out gluten is bad for me. Are you going to now say that gluten is a good substance. I would like youto talk to all the celiacs in the world and tell them the research is inconclusive. I would not be willing to do testing if I was lieing about it. if only I could find a panel that would like to test for it but I can't have everything. I don't trust what people tell me anymore and I test it before I believe it's healthy. So far I have found very little food that I can eat. But as far as this conversation goes your obviously in it just to negate everything and. to unwilling to learn from someone with a personal experience with it. I just wish more people would come out as speak up about how bad it effected them but people like you tend to tell them they are lieing so they scare off. This is exactly why I don't read the forums anymore. I will say this for anyone in the future post if you want to honestly know my experience with aspartame then you can write me but I will not talk to anyone who thinks the have a medical degree and wants to make the assumption that I'm not really that way because that means you are willing to put my life at risk as well as others for your own benefits.
    If you can't be bothered to actually read what people are saying, then maybe the forums aren't for you. NOBODY IS SAYING ASPARTAME DOESN'T AFFECT YOU. What we are saying is that it doesn't affect most people that way. You are part of a small minority. The same with gluten. Nobody here will tell someone with celiacs to eat gluten, that's a really stupid thing to even suggest. We will however, tell people that gluten itself isn't a problem for the 94% of the human population that don't have celiacs. Now, if someone with celiacs were to say that gluten was bad for the remaining 6,580,000,000 people on Earth that don't have celiacs and can eat gluten with no problem, then yes, that person would be corrected.


    I'm intolerant to aspartame. I avoid aspartame. I can see quite plainly that most people don't have the problems I do from consuming aspartame, because if they did, they wouldn't consume it unless they are masochists. So if people can drink the stuff without getting ill, then lucky them, they can drink calorie free soft drinks, and I can't. Oh well, there are worse things in life than not being able to drink calorie free soft drinks.

    No-one thinks that you're lying. They're just trying to point out that one person being allergic or intolerant to something doesn't mean it's harmful to everyone. Lots of people are intolerant to lactose, but I can digest it just fine and I enjoy my dairy products.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    For me it feeds the junk food machine. I'm better off eating natural fruit sugars, it stops me craving that really sweet delicious binge food.

    What is the molecular structure of these "natural fruit sugars"...

    ...and how does it differ from "processed sugars"?

    joff, joff, joff..everyone knows fruit sugar is superior to just regular old sugar....
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Also, I haven't ready any of the peer reviewed articles regarding the impacts of artificial sweeteners on your health, but xylitol and stevia haven't been shown to have adverse affects. My dental hygienist was actually singing the praises of xylitol during my last checkup. You could always give those beverages a shot if you want to try an alternative.
    Xylitol causes some nasty diarrhea and bloating, as it's a laxative. Not sure I'd trust that in anything more than the occasional piece of gum.
  • impartialbystander
    Also, I haven't ready any of the peer reviewed articles regarding the impacts of artificial sweeteners on your health, but xylitol and stevia haven't been shown to have adverse affects. My dental hygienist was actually singing the praises of xylitol during my last checkup. You could always give those beverages a shot if you want to try an alternative.
    Xylitol causes some nasty diarrhea and bloating, as it's a laxative. Not sure I'd trust that in anything more than the occasional piece of gum.

    Oh... Well scrap that idea, then--unless diarrhea is your thing.

    Curses! There goes my street-cred...
  • VeganLexi
    VeganLexi Posts: 960 Member
    @Stages95: Did you anticipate this much controversy over your question?

    MFP wouldn't be MFP without gobsmackingly bizarre overreactions.

    It's nice to know there are some things in life you can count on. ;)
