HELP! Clean eating, exercise, but no weight loss

Hey All,

I'm new to myfitnesspal but i've been encountering something strange. I'm 22, and a few months ago found out I'm gluten intolerant, on top of already being lactose intolerant, and allergic to rice & almonds.

Long story short, for the past month I cannot seem to lose weight. A few years ago I was between 127-135 (I'm 5'3). A few months ago I was at my highest of 170.

I'm now at 157, and I cannot get past that number. I keep fluctuating between 157-161. I eat INCREDIBLY clean. I only eat fruits, vegetables, eggs, and meat. My typical day would be eggs for breakfast & fruit, chicken salad with carrots, broccoli, corn, cucumbers, and olive oil dressing for lunch, and chicken/ beef & veggies for dinner. My snacks are usually bananas, apples, or any other fruit around. I eat no processed food. No crackers, no candy, no chocolate, nothing.

I work out about 5 times a week, about 30min-1hour cardio, with minimal weights. Sometimes I do 30 day shred, sometimes elliptical, etc. I know I'm not replacing muscle with fat necessarily, because my measurements are essentially staying the same.

WHY CAN'T I LOSE WEIGHT? Everyone I know is baffled. I've never eaten so well in my life, and yet I cannot get past 157. It's killing me. Being at this weight is making me so uncomfortable in my own skin and I don't know how to change it.

Anyone else experience this? Where do I go from here? Should I see a doctor?


  • zak138
    zak138 Posts: 40 Member
    No idea if this is correct, someone might be able to confirm this BUT if you start lifting more, this will kick your metabolism up as more muscle (This won't make you bulky) = more overall burn so it may help with your deficit

    Other possiblity is that you're not calculating your calories properly, eg: 1 cup and not whatever looks like a cup etc.
  • gina_nz_
    gina_nz_ Posts: 74 Member
    Do you weigh your food?

    Do you eat more than you should?

    Could you be over estimating calories burnt?

    Have you used a tdee calculator to give you a guide of how many calories to burn/eat

    Open your food diary if you want advice :)
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    Open up your diary, and I doubt you're building muscle. You're probably either eating too little (most likely) or too much.
  • NathanielJL
    NathanielJL Posts: 15 Member
    I believe, you just need your body get used to your workouts and your cleaning eating habits. Yes it has been a month, but your body needs to adjust and normally will take 6-8 weeks to see any changes from your new diet and workouts. Just be patient. If you're committed in the long run, there's no doubt that you'll see significant changes within 3-5 months. I know I have. I managed to lose weight quite quickly but sometimes I've noticed I hit a plateau. So when that happens, it just gotta change up your workouts and let your muscles rest. They need to regenerate from the intensity.
  • p4ulmiller
    p4ulmiller Posts: 588 Member
    I eat INCREDIBLY clean.

    What does this mean? What is "clean" food? It suggests that some foods are dirty.

    If you are not losing weight, you are not eating in a calorie deficit. No matter what you eat (these mysterious "clean" foods again!), if you eat too much of it, you won't lose weight.

    Calories in, calories out.....
  • Hestion
    Hestion Posts: 740 Member
    I eat INCREDIBLY clean.

    What does this mean? What is "clean" food? It suggests that some foods are dirty.

    If you are not losing weight, you are not eating in a calorie deficit. No matter what you eat (these mysterious "clean" foods again!), if you eat too much of it, you won't lose weight.

    Calories in, calories out.....

    Fresh veggies should be washed before eating, that's clean food ;-)
  • bethiewilliams
    I would check you calorie intake - no matter how clean you eat, if you are eating too many calories, you will not lose weight. Often (and it has happened to me) you may stay the same for a few weeks but your body will probably change shape and adjust. However, if you are eating the right amount without a deficit you will not lose weight.
    I always remember a doctor on TV saying oranges are good for you, full of vit C and fibre etc but if you eat too many, you will put on weight.
    Track your calories for a week and be honest with yourself and see if that makes a difference - I prefer to use the weight allowance rather than cups (being British but American by birth, I still cant get my head around it!)
    Good luck!
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Eating clean, well, healthy, whatever you want to call it doesn't guarantee weight loss. You need to be eating at a deficit. It's entirely possible and very easy to eat too much regardless of whether it's "clean".
  • mstukofski
    I found that a medicine that I was taking was the culprit. I worked with my doctor and changed, and the weight started to come off within the week.
  • TinyBriony
    You can eat clean as you like but if you are eating 3000 calories a day you won't lose weight. You need to calculate your TDEE and make sure that you are eating at a deficit by weighing out your food and carefully keeping track with the diary. It is really easy to underestimate how many calories you are taking on! If you are eating at a sensible deficit (eg 15-20%), drinking plenty of water and exercising, and you are still not losing weight, you will be a scientific marvel.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Agree with others you need to know how many calories you are eating. Congratulations on the 13 pound weight loss. As you lose weight you require less calories because there is less of you to haul around. You need to decrease your calories accordingly as you lose.