Trying again...anyone want to be friends on here?

Hiya I'm Janie from Essex, England.

I have been on here on and off for a couple of years with my failed attempts at weight loss.

SO I'm back and determined to make a go of it this time! I have 6 stone to loose, which feels like a whole mountain to climb :-(

BUT I've started and will just go with it rather than upset myself with promises that get broken.

I have been a vegetarian for over 30 years but I am now a vegan. Mainly to help me with my healthy eating plan as I cannot eat dairy now so no cakes, biscuits, chocolate and all the other foods that I can do without.

I'd like to make new friends on here so we can encourage each other so please add me as a friend. :smile:

Good luck to you all in your journey xxx


  • MandyinVB
    MandyinVB Posts: 21 Member
    Hi Aunt lives in Basildon :)

    I will add you as a friend...good luck on this journey :)
  • I would love to add you as a friend. I am in Boston and have been on and off for the last year. did well initially but now stalled out and gaining a few. Would love the encouragement too!
  • Hi, my name is Tara.

    I started seriously about 5 weeks ago and this time I started at 267.0, the heaviest I have ever been (mind you, I am starting AGAIN for like the billionth time). I have a goal weight in mind, but this time decided instead of focusing on my ultimate goal weight, I am focusing on one day at a time, one pound at a time, one change at a time.

    We all hit snags and boy does life happen, but I think it comes down to getting back on the horse so to speak and not harp on the failure but focus on the success that can be obtained (at least that's what I tell myself daily).

    Best of luck!!!
  • revmikey1971
    revmikey1971 Posts: 4 Member
    I know ho wit is. I used this for awhile and lost almost 20 lbs with exercise. I became unmotivated for awhile and have gained back about 5-7. But I'm back and going for it again. I have about 15 more to go.
  • VeganAmandaJ
    VeganAmandaJ Posts: 234 Member
    Hi there! Welcome back and I can add ya, we definitely can do this and always love mutual support, not just adding friends.. I see some people that have TONS of friends and unless you were on here full time you"d never be able to support that many people. So my advice is to keep those that give you support back. =D Wow, I'd love to be vegan but i just can't right now, maybe one day. Good on you!
    Oh, and I'm Amanda from Indiana, USA and I have a long way to go but hard work is paying off!
    Hiya I'm Janie from Essex, England.

    I have been on here on and off for a couple of years with my failed attempts at weight loss.

    SO I'm back and determined to make a go of it this time! I have 6 stone to loose, which feels like a whole mountain to climb :-(

    BUT I've started and will just go with it rather than upset myself with promises that get broken.

    I have been a vegetarian for over 30 years but I am now a vegan. Mainly to help me with my healthy eating plan as I cannot eat dairy now so no cakes, biscuits, chocolate and all the other foods that I can do without.

    I'd like to make new friends on here so we can encourage each other so please add me as a friend. :smile:

    Good luck to you all in your journey xxx
  • March87MFP
    March87MFP Posts: 19 Member
    I just joined and trying out the app and seeing what the community is like. Good luck on your journey!
  • I will gladly be your friend on here although I have no idea how to add people LOL So if you would like to add me that would be great! :)