not sure how to get started...



  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    These are my suggestions: They helped me (per suggestions from others when I started originally).
    1. Don't diet! Forget the 'goals' they can be set later - just get into the habit of logging "everything" you eat and drink ... and make sure your entries are truthful (a person only lies to themselves when they fudge the entries) with as accurate of measurement as possible (it took me a bit to get food scales - they did surprise me when I started to weigh my foods).
    2. As you religiously log - check your macros. See what you are taking in minimum or maximum doses. I discovered I did not need the calcium supplements that my doctor wanted me to take; I was overdosing on it amount-wise. Yes, all vitamins and medications I take are logged.
    3. Definitely watch that you drink your water daily.
    4. Once you are finding yourself knowledgeable of what is going on with your habits and body. You just cut your average calorie intake by 20% - giving you your daily caloric goal. This will give you a nudge to stay with it and figure out if you need to follow a diet program or just need caloric decrease.

    This process helped me get motivated to get started and stick with it to change my lifestyle. I did lose before and left MFP - but had to come back and use it daily to keep track of macros and keep myself accountable - to me. I have been able to take the weight I gained back off. :happy:

    You'll figure out what works for you - we are each our own lab animal. LOL You will do Great! Happy Journey.
  • Thank you for all the great posts. i have tried fitness pal before but did not stick with it, I am trying again and looking for groups to help with motivation??
  • loosinit42806
    loosinit42806 Posts: 142 Member
    My Goal is overall to be a healthier MOMMY:)
    Im getting married in 10 months so i have plenty of time to loose the weight, i ahve small goals and a large one by the end! i do not expect results to be so dramatic but i do want to weigh under 200 lbs! its frustrating when you see everyone around you suceed! and your still trying your hardest!

    I eat a variety of food! I love Chicken,some salmon, pork, and im ok with red meat!
    i dont eat alot of weird veggies i like cucumber,lettace,carrots,green beans peas,corn.broccoli,califolower, ect i do eat these foods if you look at my log i do eat healthy and i am loosing inches, so i am happy with that i would really like the scale to say AMANDA YOU WEIGH 140~~ id scream from the roof tops but it has to say I weigh all the high numbers first then down to what i truly believe is a healthy weight for me!

    I understand loosing weight takes time! and I appreciate you all helping me! i am not a girl that restricts my self! that just doesnt work for me! i like chocolate and yes i will squeeze it into my calories if i work my butt off!

    Im Trying to exercise at least4x a week i always do at least3 times a week, but im a busy mom with 3 girls that need my help!
    Hell at 11:00 last night i did a work out video just becasue i wanted to workout this weekend!

    Maybe i need to really weigh my food, or something.. sorry its just very discouraging!
    but on the other hand i know whats healthy for me! and i know what i like to eat, i dont mind trying new things so if any one has suggestions please feelfree to add me and help me through my journey!
  • BernadetteChurch
    BernadetteChurch Posts: 2,210 Member
    You really do need to weigh and measure all your food, preferably with a digital food scale rather than relying on cup or spoon measurements which can be inaccurate, or just guessing. You might be surprised how inaccurate that guesswork can be.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    You really do need to weigh and measure all your food, preferably with a digital food scale rather than relying on cup or spoon measurements which can be inaccurate, or just guessing. You might be surprised how inaccurate that guesswork can be.

    ^^very much so.
  • jodiehong
    jodiehong Posts: 22 Member
    I think you definitely have the right attitude and to me, that's half the battle! Use this site for accountability. Find friends here that are positive and encouraging but at the same time, hold you accountable. :) Take one day at a time and make better choices in food selection, consistent workouts, and portion control! You can do this!
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,267 Member
    loosinit42806, I absolutely LOVE pasta, potatoes and all the CARBS that everyone says are bad for you. There is no reason to give up the things you love. The way to lose the weight is to start with a plan. No matter the day or the meal you'll want to know what you are eating so you don't get distracted with temptations and a bucket of mashed potatoes.

    Use the calorie counter as it gives you the perfect combination of calories, fats, protein, carbs, sodium and sugars. As long as you stay within those you can eat those carbs. Try some whole wheat pasta.
    If you really want to make a change try some quinoa or some couscous. Still get that full feeling and satisfied tummy without over abundance of carbs.

    Once you scale back on the carbs and balance your meals you'll find the weigh melting off. Believe in yourself above all and when you feel like eating some white bread, pasta premavera or potatoes do so, without guilt, b/c you are working toward the goal of fitness and health.

    Just be sure to do some kind of physical activity every day. Good luck!
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    i have an idea. EAT CARBS and STILL LOSE WEIGHT.

    i eat any and everything and am 2 pounds away from losing 50 pounds in 4 months.
    Why restrict yourself. You just need to eat less (in general) track what you are eating and move a little.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    no carbs? low carbs? id rather die!

    id rather lose lots of weight eating everything I want!
  • WhiteRabbit1313
    WhiteRabbit1313 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Am I a weight loss expert if I've gained and lost over and over again for my entire life? LOL.

    You know, I've tried everything. I've done weight watchers (was moderately successful until I got pregnant - 9 years ago). I've done Atkins, South Beach, The Zone, Sugar Busters, Eat Right For Your Type, Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem... you name it, I've done it. But the only thing that really works FOR ME is calorie counting with moderate exercise several times a week. Calories in vs. calories out. I try to make it as simple as possible. If I want to get the ravioli at Panera, I just need to count my calories. If I want a glass of wine, I just have to plan for it. As I'm getting used to eating fewer calories, I'm concentrating more on nutrition. A favorite dinner for me now is red pepper slices with hummus. Yum! And it is SO TRUE that your tastes change over time.

    ^^This. Atkins damaged my relationship with food, in general, and I'm just getting back to "normal" right at a year later, AND, I plateaued after losing 6 lbs of being on it. I did it religiously, too! A total convert. So NOT worth it, or effective. Make SUSTAINABLE changes. Eat whole foods. Balance your meals with protein/fat + veggie + veggie/fruit and add carbs if you have it in your budget, which you will. Fill up on veggies, first, then eat the rest of your meal. If you want pasta, eat pasta...but measure it and log the calories. Seriously, a life without cake is no life at all.
  • Never2Bz
    Never2Bz Posts: 90 Member

    I've been on MFP almost 670 days now... started so I could look good at second husband's reunion (of course!)

    I set my goals as 1,200 calories month #1, 1,100 calories month #2, and 1,000 month #3. I ate anything I wanted but I limited to those numbers plus no more than 39 fats per day (I used Alli) and goal of 10K steps per day (walking, treadmill, step, etc. wearing pedometer). I lost 40 pounds in four months.

    If you need some of my favorite days or meals or recipes just give me a 'shout out'.

  • MissySpring
    MissySpring Posts: 442 Member
    But the only thing that really works FOR ME is calorie counting with moderate exercise several times a week. Calories in vs. calories out.

    ^^^ This is the best way, in my opinion.

    I, personally, have had to eliminate nearly all processed foods like pastas, breads, etc. They are huge trigger foods for me. As an overeater, I have a difficult time having an appropriate portion. So, those had to go.

    Good luck on your journey!