Anyone dealing with PCOS??

Hi!!! I'm excited to find this app :D well I need help from girls dealing with PCOS!!! So basically I was 140lbs 5 years ago, thats when I moved to USA, I gain 20lbs that first year, I'm from Colombia and everybody said it was the change of food and all the fast food that I didn't eat before, so I felt ok no problem, then I gain another 10lbs by 2010 so I went to the doctor and that's when they told me I had PCOS I started birth control and was told that I really needed to loose at least 10lbs, I'm only 5'4, so anyways that's when I got marry and instead of loosing I gain another 10lbs, I was eating healthier and going to the gym 4 times a week, so last year I started working more so I stopped the gym and the birth control, well by august I got pregnant, and then I really did gain weight ... I had my baby 6 months ago, I went up to 220lbs, my baby was 9lbs and from the day he was born until today I had only lost 2lbs =O I haven't been proactive either, I don't have family here and my husband works 12hrs a day, so when my baby was 2months I got in a gym because it has daycare and then found out they don't take babies under 6 months, so this week he turned 6 so I'm finally going to start, but I wanted to know about others with this type of syndrome, specially if anyone has been pregnant and gain a lot of weight, and also my main question goes for what type of help should I look for, only my gyno is the one who has told me about PCOS but so far I only get birth control, I went last week because I haven't had a period and I thought it was normal since I was breastfeeding but I stopped 2 months ago, so now I went he told me my ovaries have about 50 or more cysts, and now he's trying to jump start my period and then I will start the pill, but what about the girls who had test to check about sugar and all the other stuff, do I need to go to another doctor to get those test? like a general doctor? and also this means my skin been having a lot of problems, so would it help to go to a dermatologist?

Sorry for the long post, but I hope I hear from others =D


  • smann1115
    smann1115 Posts: 63 Member
    I have PCOS feel free to add me!
  • manny1991
    manny1991 Posts: 204 Member
    Hey, I have PCOS as well, was diagnosed when I was 17. My Gyno at the time suspected that it was endometriosis, so he referred me to an endocrinologist... anyway she had me go through, blood tests; including blood sugar and an ultrasound to check for cysts. I don't have any experience with PCOS and pregnancy yet, so I can't give you info on that. The doctor placed me on birth control which I found helped immensely with all of my symptoms, accept for weight gain. My gyno then placed me on Metformin for weight loss, but honestly the side effects were terribly unpleasant. He told me that they would go away eventually and I eventually stopped taking it because I just could not handle the side effects, and was not seeing any weight loss. Anyway, long post, sorry about that,I guess the moral of my story is definitely see an endocrinologist if possible, and I would not recommend Metofrmin. The only time I have ever had weight loss results is by eating at a deficit and getting plenty of exercise. Feel free to add me if you have any more questions :smile: