Thoughts Please on my new Bulking Winter work out.

Week A

1. Rear Squats (heavy) 3 x 3
2. Chest
a. Incline (heavy) 3x3
b. Bench (heavy) 3x3
c. Cable 21’s 4-6 x 8-12
d. Cable fly’s 4-6 x 8-12
e. Weighted chest dips 3x failure
3. Abs
a. Weighted leg pull up (lower abs) 3x failure
b. Weighted side leg pull up (obloquies) 3x failure

1. Barbell rows Heavy 3x3
2. Triceps (3 sets heavy & 1 drop set)
a. Close grip bench 3x3
b. 1 arm behind head
c. EZ bar Bench
d. Triceps Dips
e. Over hand Cable’s
f. Under hand Cable’s
3. Calf’s (Heavy & High Rep - weighted & body)
4. HIIT (Home) Gym if time

1. Front Squats (heavy) 3x3
2. Dead lift 1x5
3. Traps
a. Upright rows (2 sets heavy & 1 Drop set
b. Smith Shrugs (3x 12-15 &1 Drop set)
4. Abs
a. Weighted leg pull up (lower abs) 3 x Failure
b. Weighted side leg pull up (obloquies) 3x Failure

1. Over Head Press (heavy) 3x3
a. Reverse fly (2 sets heavy & 1 Drop set)
2. Biceps (2 sets heavy & 1 drop set)
a. Supinating curls
b. Hammer Curls
c. Seated Concentration curls
d. Preacher Curls
3. Barbell Rows (Heavy) 3x3

1. Rear Squats (Heavy) 3x3
2. Chest (See Mondays workout)
3. Abs (See Mondays workout)
4. HITT (Home) Gym if time

For Week B, I will move Mondays workout to Wednesday and do (week A) Wednesday workout to twice a week Monday and Friday. Then Flop the weeks back and forth.


  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    There are aspects to this routine that I don't like.

    To name a few potential issues:

    1) You are following a bunch of pressing movements (incline bench, flat bench, dips) on Monday with more pressing (CGBP, EZ bar press and tricep movements) on Tuesday.

    2) You are then following pulling movements on Tuesday with Deadlifts and Trap work on Wednesday.

    3) You are doing calf work Tuesday and following it with Squats on wednesday.

    4) You have 4 different types of curls on Thursday followed by heavy barbell rows.

    I would question your ability to recover when you arrange your exercise selection in a manner that has you hitting the same muscle groups on back to back days.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    There are aspects to this routine that I don't like.

    To name a few potential issues:

    1) You are following a bunch of pressing movements (incline bench, flat bench, dips) on Monday with more pressing (CGBP, EZ bar press and tricep movements) on Tuesday.

    2) You are then following pulling movements on Tuesday with Deadlifts and Trap work on Wednesday.

    3) You are doing calf work Tuesday and following it with Squats on wednesday.

    4) You have 4 different types of curls on Thursday followed by heavy barbell rows.

    I would question your ability to recover when you arrange your exercise selection in a manner that has you hitting the same muscle groups on back to back days.

    I agree with this assessment.
    That said, if you like this programing the other suggestion I would suggest at the very least to Call the ABCD, and take a day off between each, so week one you would workout M,W,F,Sun, the following week would be T,Th,Sat. Also 6 tricep movements at 4 sets a piece for a small muscle group seems excessive, if you are juicing you may be able to handle that type of volume.

    You may be interesting in looking into Wendlers 5/3/1 as well and add the exercises you like as the accessory lifts, there is a variation that has you run the program 4 days/week, instead of the regular 3.
  • Scottjt
    Scottjt Posts: 32 Member
    My feedback would be:

    1. Only 9 sets of legs all week (calves don't count). Probably better off setting aside at least one or two whole days a week to legs doing 15 odd sets, depending on your goals.

    2. So much arms! You seem to be over complicating it a bit. I'd recommend doing simple movements with correct form and slowly increasing the weight.

    As the guy said before, I'd strongly recommend Wendler or Stronglifts 5x5 if you haven't already checked them out. In general, I don't class doing arms, abs or calves as actually doing a workout. For me they're more of a finisher or a warm down after doing lots of bench press, rows, deadlifts, squats etc
  • Blakewc
    Blakewc Posts: 106
    My feedback would be:

    1. Only 9 sets of legs all week (calves don't count). Probably better off setting aside at least one or two whole days a week to legs doing 15 odd sets, depending on your goals.

    2. So much arms! You seem to be over complicating it a bit. I'd recommend doing simple movements with correct form and slowly increasing the weight.

    As the guy said before, I'd strongly recommend Wendler or Stronglifts 5x5 if you haven't already checked them out. In general, I don't class doing arms, abs or calves as actually doing a workout. For me they're more of a finisher or a warm down after doing lots of bench press, rows, deadlifts, squats etc

    I agree with you on the stonglifts

    I have been doing that program for a while...if you look you will still see the Stronglifts...just in the 3x3 form that medhi talks about...tues and wed are really body building days, and the other few are just to work out and target certain other area's. I want to hit both sides of things are the same time. Power lifting and the bodybuilding. Hence the Drop sets...this is all a progressive loading program...5 to 10 lbs added with the major compound moments each time.