1200 cal diet ;(

So iv been on 1200 cals for about 4 months now yes the weight comes of (slowly) 1 pound every 2 weeks so I'm pretty sure I eat more than that but the problem is every where on mfp says 1200 cal is not the way it wrecks you in the long run I don't plan to stay on 1200 cal diet only till I get to 64 kgs (I'm big boned) then I'll stop I currently weigh 69.5 kg should I still countinue 1200 or will I wreck my body because I would rather be a bit tubby but rally btw in 170 height please help :(


  • Gummibear111
    * healthy not rally..
  • Gummibear111
    1.531 is my BMR on mfp if that's useful
  • Rocky_ZG
    Rocky_ZG Posts: 70 Member
    With 1200 cal you will probably lose too much muscle tissue together with fat and it will not benefit you in the long run.
    For just 5kg loss you don't need to resort to such drastic measures. Moderate deficit with some exercise and more walking should be more than enough.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    With 1200 cal you will probably lose too much muscle tissue together with fat and it will not benefit you in the long run.
    For just 5kg loss you don't need to resort to such drastic measures. Moderate deficit with some exercise and more walking should be more than enough.

    I would agree 1200 calories is too aggressive for your goals and your height/weight. Take the above advice and up your calorie goal to be .5 lbs/week (1 lbs/week at the most).

    Also think about investing in a food scale to measure your portions and get the most out of your food while staying at your calorie goal.
  • Rocky_ZG
    Rocky_ZG Posts: 70 Member
    Yeah, food scale is mandatory. I had no idea how much some food weighted before I started using it :)
  • Gummibear111
    Thanks everyone so much for your replys :D
  • Irenaekl
    Irenaekl Posts: 116 Member
    1200 will not 'wreck your body' -where about on MFP did you see that? But 1200 cals may not be suitable for your height/current weight/age/lifestyle. It's not a 'one size fits all' level, everyone is individual. If your BMR is 1595 that is the MINIMUM you need just to survive without moving. You also need to take into account how active (job/exercise etc) you are so you can set the proper level for YOUR daily needs.
  • oremus1
    oremus1 Posts: 100 Member
    too low for your height

    once I lost 2st on 700 cal a day (am 164cm) but when I tried maintaining it I had all weird stuff going on like feeling dizzy and growing hair on my face, losing hair etc. not the right way! I got down to 7 st 5 and a US size 00 (uk size 4 - 6)
  • toffeecanarysteph
    I'm on the 1200 cal diet. I was on it for 2 months and lost more than half a stone, but i've decided to go back on it. I've found the best way to loose weight and keep it off is to just completely change how you think. I used to not eat breakfast and have a lot of chocolate. But, the best way is to have things like toast/fruit and fibre cereal for breakfast and lunch, and they really keep you going. and if you want to snack, snack on things like special K bars, because theyre 99 calories and really fill you up. I prefer my cereal dry as milk it very fatty. If you get hungry between meals, dont eat first, but drink lots of water, as water fills you up and sometimes your brain mistakes thirst for hunger. Cut out things like extra cheese on pasta. I now drink black tea to keep the calories down. Its just the small things. And rather than take the lift, walk up the stairs (even if its 6 floors like I have to do!). I also go dancing now, and its made me feel much better about myself. I'm currently a healthy 8 and a half stone, and i'm 1.76m :)