Should I work out with a cold?



  • bigbyrdie
    bigbyrdie Posts: 18 Member
    When you are sick, stay at home. Be thoughtful of others. You may inadvertently expose countless other people in the gym to whatever it is that you have. I personally hate it when people come to work sick and expose me to their illness, and I certainly don't appreciate it when people are sick and come to my gym. Missing a few workouts while you recover from your illness won't hurt your progress.
  • VincitQuiSeVincit
    VincitQuiSeVincit Posts: 285 Member
    Recently, I have gotten into a workout routine where I go to the gym after work and jog on the treadmill, stretch, crunches, etc. Today of all days, I really need to exercise because we had A TON of really unhealthy food at my office for a Thanksgiving Pot Luck.

    My issue is that last night I started coming down with a bad cold where I am congested, head hurts, throat is a bit sore, and I'm really tired. I feel like I should get my workout in because I don't want to get off track, especially since I ate badly today. But is it more beneficial to get extra rest? Should I go to the gym anyway and just take it really easy?

    Opinions are appreciated! Thanks!!

    Most will recommend rest, but I find some light work and some time in the steam room knocks the crap out of whatever I'm coming down with... Reason being you're raising your blood temp (aka your body's natural response to infection), which subsequently helps fight your ailment.

    I have to agree here. I find that a little sweat really makes me feel better. I often stick to cardio when I'm sick, helps boost my energy. I went to CrossFit 3x last week with strep throat (while on Anti-biotics, not infecting the whole gym!). And while I was TOTALLY miserable during the workouts, I felt much better after.
    But everyone is different, listen to your own body.
  • TigerBite
    TigerBite Posts: 611 Member
    I've been trying to get over bronchitis for 5 weeks now because I was stubborn. If I had rested in the beginning, it probably wouldn't have progressed to bronchitis in the first place. Do yourself a favor and rest.

    Oh, I did this once ... spent a 6 or so months using inhalers because of it ... I ran a race in February ... while I had bronchitis ... STUPID! ... But I was 19, so I was allowed to do stupid things ..
  • jeffd247
    jeffd247 Posts: 319 Member
    I've been trying to get over bronchitis for 5 weeks now because I was stubborn. If I had rested in the beginning, it probably wouldn't have progressed to bronchitis in the first place. Do yourself a favor and rest.

    I agree with others that OP should stay out of the gym.

    I also agree with this sentiment. I was starting to feel better after having a pretty nasty chest/head cold and thought I could try a light jog last night. I feel miserable today and my chest is killing me. I'm hoping I didn't totally exacerbate this thing I can just rest for a while.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    I've been trying to get over bronchitis for 5 weeks now because I was stubborn. If I had rested in the beginning, it probably wouldn't have progressed to bronchitis in the first place. Do yourself a favor and rest.

    Oh, I did this once ... spent a 6 or so months using inhalers because of it ... I ran a race in February ... while I had bronchitis ... STUPID! ... But I was 19, so I was allowed to do stupid things ..

    <---- I did this Color Run on Sunday, but I was smart enough to walk instead of run. I was really itching to run, but I'm tired of using my inhaler. And I'm not 19, so I don't have that excuse. :wink:
  • kmurphy0403
    kmurphy0403 Posts: 24 Member
    Thank you everyone! I really appreciate all the info and suggestions!

    I have decided I will not go to the gym so that I don't potentially spread any germs. It is dark and cold out when I get home from work so I may not be able to go for a walk/jog but I will try to do something active tonight and get some rest on top of it all.

    Hope you're all having a great week! Feel free to be my friend :)
  • CeleryStalker
    CeleryStalker Posts: 665 Member
    Thank you everyone! I really appreciate all the info and suggestions!

    I have decided I will not go to the gym so that I don't potentially spread any germs. It is dark and cold out when I get home from work so I may not be able to go for a walk/jog but I will try to do something active tonight and get some rest on top of it all.

    Hope you're all having a great week! Feel free to be my friend :)

    Do you have stairs in your house? One of my favorite things to do is use my stairs for all sorts of torturous exercise.
  • kmurphy0403
    kmurphy0403 Posts: 24 Member
    Thank you everyone! I really appreciate all the info and suggestions!

    I have decided I will not go to the gym so that I don't potentially spread any germs. It is dark and cold out when I get home from work so I may not be able to go for a walk/jog but I will try to do something active tonight and get some rest on top of it all.

    Hope you're all having a great week! Feel free to be my friend :)

    Do you have stairs in your house? One of my favorite things to do is use my stairs for all sorts of torturous exercise.

    Great idea! Yes, I do. I will use them tonight, thanks
  • CeleryStalker
    CeleryStalker Posts: 665 Member
    Just be careful if they are carpeted. LOL Don't want to end up at the base of the stairs in a heap like dirty laundry :laugh: If they are carpeted, just wear your gym shoes. Socks + carpet+ stairs+exercise = FAIL. :blushing:
  • just_Jennie1
    Thank you everyone! I really appreciate all the info and suggestions!

    I have decided I will not go to the gym so that I don't potentially spread any germs. It is dark and cold out when I get home from work so I may not be able to go for a walk/jog but I will try to do something active tonight and get some rest on top of it all.

    Hope you're all having a great week! Feel free to be my friend :)

    Excellent choice!

    Still, don't over do it. If you're honestly not feeling well then I wouldn't push it. One day of non exercise won't hurt you. Health is more important.
  • RECowgill
    RECowgill Posts: 881 Member
    Thank you everyone! I really appreciate all the info and suggestions!

    I have decided I will not go to the gym so that I don't potentially spread any germs. It is dark and cold out when I get home from work so I may not be able to go for a walk/jog but I will try to do something active tonight and get some rest on top of it all.

    Hope you're all having a great week! Feel free to be my friend :)

    Yes good call. Rest up, prioritize your own health. Light activity is ok if you feel up to it IMO. The 3 people who would've caught your cold at the gym are thankful for your decision too. =)
  • asp415
    asp415 Posts: 1,492 Member
    I have had a cold now since Thursday & have been working out daily. Granted I have been taking it easy only doing a stationary bike & walking. I tried running on Sunday & it really took a lot out of me, but I still managed 3 miles. So running has been temporarily crossed off my list until I can breathe again. So yes you can still exercise, just modify it & don’t push as hard as you normally would.
  • ayalowich
    ayalowich Posts: 242 Member
    Recently, I have gotten into a workout routine where I go to the gym after work and jog on the treadmill, stretch, crunches, etc. Today of all days, I really need to exercise because we had A TON of really unhealthy food at my office for a Thanksgiving Pot Luck.

    My issue is that last night I started coming down with a bad cold where I am congested, head hurts, throat is a bit sore, and I'm really tired. I feel like I should get my workout in because I don't want to get off track, especially since I ate badly today. But is it more beneficial to get extra rest? Should I go to the gym anyway and just take it really easy?

    Opinions are appreciated! Thanks!!

    First off, unless you are running outdoors or have a gym in your home, stay away from the gym please. It is unfair to others to have to workout breathing in sick germs.

    If the cold is in your neck or above, you can workout safely and it will probably make you feel better in moderation. If it gets into your chest, then you probably have some kind of infection and really need to just rest and take it easy to recover.

    But seriously, think about someone other than yourself. Or run outdoors away from people