Really sore

Im REALLY SORE! I'm not really old, I'm only 18 I weigh 194 and do squats, wall sits, and jumping jacks also a one hour walk to improve my fatty thighs. Lately my mid thigh and calfs and butt have been super sore:( it's starting to get harder for me to do the squats and wall sits and I'm getting really wobbly when I walk. How can I cute the soreness? My mom says it so probably just bc my muscles aren't used to the extra work I'm doing to them.


  • cantfail
    cantfail Posts: 169 Member
    Soreness after a workout is pretty common. If you are sore for more than 3 days, you probably over did it. It should go away and if it's just regular muscle soreness, it should decrease after every workout until you make some sort of change. The first time you do anything new it might come back.
  • Ainar
    Ainar Posts: 858 Member
    That's normal if you are new to working out those muscles. Keep doing what you doing and with time it will go away or be almost unnoticeable. To help them recover stretch after every workout and possibly even at days you do not work out just to help with soreness. Drink a lot of water and ate decent amount of protein. You can also massage them and/or use Foam Roller.
  • How tall are you and how often are you working out? If you working out everyday, you may want to take a day to to just rest and stretch your muscles. You can also try a foam roller which helps a lot.
  • dannatona
    dannatona Posts: 101 Member
    FOAM ROLLER! I worked with a trainer the first time EVER this past week, and oh man was I sore. I was sore for almost 5 days in my shoulders (I don't think I've ever worked them out that hard), but the foam roller really did wonders for me. That, and getting some protein in your body as soon as you're done working out will help repair your muscles
  • I'm 5'7 and I do those exersises everyday excepted sometimes not on Sundays. And thankyou everybody:)
  • If you are new to working out then chances are you went to hard right out of the gate, good news is your young and your body recovers at a good rate. Like posters said above you need to take breaks between workout days and spread your body parts out so you do not overtrain a muscle group.