What does a 'typical' weeks excercise look like for you?



  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Totally Not Fit.

    Monday - 30 min with the trainer
    Tuesday - Kickboxing - 75 min
    Wednesday - 30 min on the treadmill
    Thursday - Kickboxing - 75 min
    Friday - Sun - I REALLY need to work on these days. I need at LEAST one more day of running and one more day of strength training.

    My Goal is also to get 10,000 steps a day - need to get much better at hitting that every day.
    RCW_III Posts: 10 Member
    Run 50-70 miles a week. Weights 4 or 5 days a week.
  • crazie4lulu
    crazie4lulu Posts: 762 Member
    i run a 3 day split. ... meaning i will run for 3 days and take a day off. on that day off i will hit cardio at the gym. i lift... HEAVY.... 4 days a week. my idea of fun is working out and i am a personal trainer.
  • Mr_Excitement
    Mr_Excitement Posts: 833 Member
    Weights 4-5 days/week + three 30 minute sessions of jogging/jump rope/walking/biking/etc. Try to toss a day of yoga in there as well if I can.

    I don't know how "fit" I am at the moment (most people can dance around me in a run) but I'm a lot stronger than I used to be.
  • rbcrawford1
    rbcrawford1 Posts: 29 Member
    Fit? I don't know. Strong, yes!

    I lift compounds + accessory work 3 days a week, take a step class on Sundays, and usually a HIIT workout once a week. Sometimes a Zumba class on Fridays as well, depending on my schedule.

    I want to consume the calories of at least a lightly active person, so I walk the kids to and from school most days (about an hour all told) and use my elevate Wii balance board for a light step routine when watching TV two or three times a week. It's also motivation to clean, pull weeds, mow the lawn, etc. I'd never log it as exercise, but it lets me eat a bit more each day.
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,520 Member
    I'm "fit-ish," maybe.

    3 days/week of cardio; usually consist of a treadmill and/or arc-trainer. I usually do about 40-50 minutes, BUT sometimes have to cut it short and do 20-30 mins.

    2 days of strength-training; usually takes me about 45-60 minutes, and I'll usually walk on those days too.

    I also have 2 little kids, so I'm all over the place with them.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Run 4 x week (anywhere up to 50km/wk if I'm training for race)
    Weights 2 or 3 x weekly
    Rowing (indoor) 3 x 10,000m weekly
    Cycling - indoor at least 1 weekly over winter, summer commute to work (19km each way) 2 or 3 x weekly

    My longest race distance so far is a half-marathon & sprint distance triathlon
  • FitVego
    FitVego Posts: 10 Member
    I don't think I am at my fittest by any stretch at the moment, but definitely feeling fitter than I have in a long time!

    Monday- Body Pump Class ( a weights/barbell 1 hour class), 15 minutes intense cardio ( 90% capacity), 10 minutes mid range cardio. ( 70%)

    Tuesday- Body Balance Class ( yoga fusion class, including core strength workout, 50 minutes), 30 minutes intense cardio ( 20 minutes on stepmaster, then run 2.5km).

    Wednesday- Body Pump Class( 60 minutes) , 40 minutes moderate pace walking.

    Thursday- Body Attack Class ( high intensity cardio- burns!! 60 minutes), Body Balance Yoga Class ( 60 minutes).

    Friday - Body Balance Yoga Class, 20 minutes high intensity cardio, Walking moderate pace 40 minutes.

    Saturday- Rest Day.

    Sunday- Body Balance Yoga Class ( 60 minutes).
  • sparklegirl59
    sparklegirl59 Posts: 18 Member
    Mon = 30 min with Personal Trainer
    Tue = 45 min Pilates Barre Fusion class
    Wed = 60 min Group Power (barbell) class
    Thu = 45 min Killer As class (Arms, Abs, Azz)
    Fri = DOR
    Sat = 60 min Group Power (barbell) class
    Sun = DOR

    I have been doing this, with slight variations, since Sept 9.
    Hoping to always be this active!
  • Shreddingit84
    Usually its an hour of cardio ( treadmill, hiit, incline, jog, sprint), aerobic dancing high impact! Then a dvd right now im doing 30 day shred. This is usually a 5x a week thing then one day i focus more on strength then one rest day.

    Yes i Feel im Fit.
  • numejak
    numejak Posts: 43 Member
    I'm not fit by any means, but trying each day. I limit my calories to 10x my goal weight each day (220 lb goal = 2200 calories a day.) If I go over, I go walking or biking to work off those excess calories. For instance today my body said it wanted about 600 calories over my daily goal, so tonight I hit the bike trails for almost an hour. Last night I walked off about 170 excess calories. This is unscheduled exercise and is in addition to my regular routine.

    My regular workout routine is static and is as follows:

    M: Lower body/Core Tabata, squats and dead lifts
    W: Upper body Tabata, pull-ups and dips
    F or Sa: Sprint Tabata

    Hope this helps! I love it because it's fairly easy to stick with and is working well for me so far.
  • catfive1
    catfive1 Posts: 529 Member
    Wendler 5/3/1 + accessory lifts

    Monday - Tuesday - Thursday - Friday
    I normally do 8 minutes of rowing before my lifts.

    I'm getting stronger every day. And I do feel fit.
  • auntiemsgr8
    auntiemsgr8 Posts: 483 Member
    Not fit yet but getting there

    Mon - group class then 30 min cardio
    Tues- beginners Zumba then three rounds strength training
    Wed- beginners yoga and 30-45 min cardio
    Thurs - three rounds strength training
    Fri - hour cardio
    Sat - off day
    Sun - three rounds strength training

    Will be adding in swimming one to two days a week on non ST days
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    I'd consider myself reasonably fit.
    MWF I run Strong Curves, it's a full body routine, but different exercises each workout .
    TTh I run/walk maybe some HIIT (that's been awhile, though). Sometimes an extra run on a Saturday or an evening.
    I've done 5 5ks and a 10k with another 5k coming up on Thanskgiving, this year as well.
  • TpocketT60
    TpocketT60 Posts: 44 Member
    I feel I am fit, but am looking to achieve athlete level fitness.

    Current workout plan is 4 days of lifting a week (just started Wendler 5:3:1) and 2 days a week of cardio (running).
  • tirola
    tirola Posts: 74 Member
    I'm not necessarily "fit" but I am definitely fitter than when I started a few months ago!

    I do bootcamp M/W/F and run T/Th/Su. I will probably cut back on the running and add in some strength training within the next couple weeks.
  • RunBrew
    RunBrew Posts: 220 Member
    4 runs totaling around 35 miles per week (mostly aerobic distance, some Fartlek/tempo for LT or anaerobic threshold)
    3 days (sometimes post-run) of sets of push-ups, pull-ups, dips, planks and stretching
    1 day of Ashtanga Yoga (video in my living room)

    I'd say I'm moderately fit. My race times are usually in the top 30% of my age group, and I can max an Army PT test at the 18-21 standards.
  • allaboutthecake
    allaboutthecake Posts: 1,535 Member
    Tabata, biking, yoga, weights. More biking. Walking....love the walking. Oh. And more bike.

    I have a tendancy to belt out singing while I bike. :laugh: :laugh: :bigsmile: (seriously)

    So ya, consider myself fit.

    Tho I can't do a 325lb deadlift like Sarauk2sf !!! :noway: :noway:
  • michael1976_ca
    michael1976_ca Posts: 3,488 Member
    7 days a week half hour work out to a dvd
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    A typical week may look something like this:
    Monday--am circuit training video, pm strength training or circuit with incline run at the gym
    Tuesday--am circuit training video, pm off or run/walk 1-2 miles
    Wednesday--am yoga or cardio, pm strength training or circuit with incline run at the gym
    Thursday--am circuit training video, pm off or run/walk 1-2 miles
    Friday--am circuit training video, pm off
    Saturday--rest day or a video, walking dogs
    Sunday--run 3-5 miles, walking dogs

    I feel pretty fit. I can do over 100 push-ups a day, in sets of 20 or 25, and can do sets of 5 pull-ups. My run time has improved from last year, but my mileage is down because of a more strength-based focus.