5'4-5'6 people!:D



  • eims_
    eims_ Posts: 5
    I'm 5'6 and currently 126, I want to get back to around 116 which is my normal weight when eating healthy. Unfortunately I tend to use food as a coping mechanism with stress so really I'm happy to just get some routine and stability to begin with! Seriously, any sort of normality to help break these cycles and stop my weight bouncing up and down would be awesome!
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    I'm 5'5'' and 130 lbs and lost my weight by eating at a deficit.
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    I'm curious,how much do you weigh now & what are you eating to lose?

    5ft, 6in and in maintenance. My maintenance range is 118-120lbs (started in the 170s). I ate typical SAD while losing weight and just cut back on calories (did a calorie restricted version of IF). No exercise either. Now in maintenance I've naturally progressed to a mostly whole foods, plant based diet and walk, run and do some occasional strength exercises.
  • sweetpea129
    sweetpea129 Posts: 755 Member
    I'm 5'5 150 lbs. Want to get to about 140. I'm averaging about 1500 cals a day.
  • emilyisbonkers
    emilyisbonkers Posts: 373 Member
    I'm 144lbs starting from 168lbs, aiming to be about 126lbs
    eating 1460 a dayish
  • emelia_
    I'm 5'4 and weigh 113 lbs! I am maintaining my weight loss now so I just eat whenever I'm hungry. Usually I will have coffee and oatmeal or smoothie for breakfast, a salad for lunch and for dinner I have veggies and rice with some kind of protein. And I always have my afternoon tea and cookies/cake/chocolate (something sweet) :)
  • Letje_Lux
    I'm 5'6", 159 lbs and eating 1350 per day or less. My first goal is 145 lbs.
  • Nottryingjustdoing
    5"4. Finally at 137.. Have about 20 more pounds to go.

    Daily food staples: egg whites with a whole egg, ham, go overboard with veggies,feta cheese (the real kind..not that diet *kitten*, lean protein protein protein, Mary's Gone Crackers-rice crackers, nuts, dark chocolate , protein smoothies which usually consist of half a serving of plain Greek yogurt, frozen berries, Silk chocolate almond milk & 1 scoop of protein powder..mmm
    Quinoa with sautéed veggies...and the list goes on &on but I think you get the picture :)
  • husseycd
    husseycd Posts: 814 Member
    I'm 5'5.5" and currently maintaining around 128 lbs and 19-20% BF. I eat 1800-1900 during the week, knowing I'll go over on the weekends. I work out most days with either heavy weights or aerial training, occasionally some cardio or yoga. On off days I usually do something light, like hike or a little dancing. According to my body media (and most calculators), my TDEE is around 2100-2200.

    I went from 138 lbs to where I am now eating the same. I eliminated most my cravings by cutting wheat from my diet. I also avoid most grains and starchy foods.
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    I'm 5'6" and currently 157 pounds, goal weight 120. I'm vegetarian and make an effort to eat mostly fresh, whole foods and minimize processed foods, although I don't have any items that are entirely forbidden. I don't count calories. According to MFP, I should be eating 1430 to lose one pound per week, and that's about what I'm losing, so I must be reasonably on target. I exercise a lot, every day. As a rough estimate, I would guess that I eat about 2000 calories and burn about 600 for a net of about 1400.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I'm 5'6 and I was 154lbs before getting pregnant. I'm currently 18 weeks pregnant, and not sure what I weigh now lol. I was 154 and a UK size 12 (US8) in my profile pic.

    I was eating around 1500-1600 calories a day and working out 5 or 6 times a week.
  • kw1452
    kw1452 Posts: 113 Member
    I'm 5'6 and 165 today (hit my november weight goal!!). I've lost ten lbs now, five of those have been from using this my fitness pal app. I eat whatever I want, but small portions. But months ago I started working on my general diet and changing from eating fast food and drinking sodas to eating more healthy, eating at home more often, and drinking water. So my diet is small portions with home cooking, healthy frozen meals, and meals made entirely of snacks or salads. I still eat cookies and the occasional burger, but I am eating more healthy than I ever have, and that is a huge accomplishment for me.

    But I did not start consistently losing weight by changing what I was eating because I was still eating too much. This app allows me to actually see the portion sizes I need to get the right amount of calories, and I'm loving it. My calorie goal is 1580 with a lightly active lifestyle. I don't really exercise much, but I walk 4-6 miles every day just doing life stuff.
  • swet02
    swet02 Posts: 52
    I'm still 169 and need to loss 35 lbs....
  • rayfu75
    rayfu75 Posts: 209 Member
    5'5 185lbs. Started off at 265lbs just under 4 years ago. Currently 1800 cal a day once in a while 2000 or more depending. Brazilian jiu jitsu / judo / kickboxing 4-5 days a week 1-2 1/2 hours a day. Would like to get down to 165-175 and stay there for a bit.
  • ntatbeeq
    ntatbeeq Posts: 150 Member
    i am 5'6'' , and 132lbs and my goal weight is 122lbs.
    but no matter how clean i eat, my weight never drops than this because of my PCOS i guess
  • Shreddingit84
    136-137 goal:135
    1650 cals
  • gmthisfeller
    gmthisfeller Posts: 779 Member
    I'm curious,how much do you weigh now & what are you eating to lose?

    I am 5'6" and this morning I weighed 147. My long-term goal is 135, and my first interim goal is 145.

    I am up to running about 20 miles a week.

    I eat back most, but not all of my calories.
  • ecmont032
    ecmont032 Posts: 37 Member
    WoW!! I'm the biggest one :embarassed:

    I'm 5'4 1/2...I was 270 but i'm currently at 221. My goal weight is more than a lot of you guys which is 170. I weighed 170 before and loved the way I looked. I don't want to be super skinny I would like a little meat on my bones but i don't want to be fat. I eat a lot of fish, chicken, and veggies. Been working for me so far.
  • Crystalchaos72
    I lost my weight by eating at a slight deficit and by eating anything and everything I want. I am not a believer in food 'no no's' everything in moderation or excess. i am strong and fit at 5'6.5" and 156#. i eat about 3000-3500 or more. i have a very physical job and exercise 3-5 days a week I ate 2300-2800 to lose and ate most of my exercise cals back
  • MorganBody
    in case anyone else wants to chime in,Feel free to Share!