Exercise/Weight Loss with a Job Where You Stand All Day

Incorporating Exercise/Weight Loss with a Job Where You Stand All Day

I guess this is more of a discussion than question.
I was just recently hired at a job where we stand most of the time, 8am to 4pm. Theres two, 10 minute breaks and one 30 minute break. I am pondering ways to successfully incorporate exercise and weight loss in there.
On my job I'm not just standing there we're actually moving our hands and working at a fast pace.
I use the way the job's tight shifts are to eat healthy. Like in the morning and for lunch I prep my meals with fruit, veges, grain and two bottles of water. But by the time I get off of work my feet are sore and the fact that I want to eat healthy goes right out the freakin door. Right after work today I ordered some Chinese food lol.
I want to go to sleep or relax my feet after work not work harder. I don't want to work out in the morning before work because I do not want to have sore feet or decrease my performance at work.
And then theres those evil WEEKENDS. No schedule to go by everything is just on me and my choice when to eat and how to eat. Its hard..sometimes I wish someone could just make my schedule so I know what to do and if I'm doing it right.

Any opinions or comments on this?


  • jgteakitty
    jgteakitty Posts: 1 Member
    I wish I had a better answer for you, but all I can say is my own experience... I work on my feet for 8 hour shifts as well, not only using my hands but walking back and forth quite a bit too (I work in a cafe). I asked my doctor about it, if it counted at all for getting exercise, and he said no. :( But I have the same problem you do, that I never feel like exercising after work because I'm already tired from being on my feet all day! The only advice I've gotten is "you just have to force yourself to do it anyway", which isn't really helpful at all. Good luck to you!!!
  • ldula88
    ldula88 Posts: 169 Member
    I'm a retail manager, so I know how you feel :) I honestly don't work in much cardio, if any at all. Of course, I come from the Paleo/Primal viewpoint that too much cardio isn't how your body gets it's best workout anyway. I'm all about strength training over cardio (much easier to do strength exercises than go running after a 9 hour day.) My best suggestion is to work little movements in throughout the shift. Try to incorporate some calf raises, for instance. No need to move from where you're standing, but your legs get a workout. I'm sure if you google it, you will find a multitude of other exercises to do while on your feet at work :) then even if you can't get cardio in, the resistance training will still be a step in the right direction :) good luck!
  • DigitalDiana
    DigitalDiana Posts: 157 Member
    Is there any way you could go for a swim before or after work? This wouldn't be hard on your feet and would be a good all around cardio workout. As for eating when you get home, when I was working full time ( still am, but now an empty nester) and kids needed to be fed... I used to do freezer meals once a month... ( look up Once a month cooking). I'd get home, the meat would be ready to defrost and go, the veggies too...It was something that I got into a routine with and was easier everyday of the week. On the weekend that I did my Once a month cooking DH + kids knew that that was the only thing I would get done in the day and they stayed out of my way and DH helped with the clean up.

    Good luck...I'm rooting for you!