Does anyone need to lose 100 plus?

I'm just wondering how others do this without feeling overwhelmed? How do you find happiness with success when there is such a long way to go?


  • Arydria
    Arydria Posts: 179 Member
    You take it one day (and one pound) at a time. I started in June with 110-120lbs to lose. At the beginning, I focused on logging everything I put in mouth and took satisfaction with reading "Arydria has completed her diary..." I also tried on my clothes and found a couple of items I really wanted to wear again, but were too small (but not overwhelmingly so... just a little tight). Take pleasure when they fit (and then become too big).

    Find happiness when you drink your water for the day... when you exercise (trust me, after a while it will become an intoxicating high!)... when you make a healthy substitution for an unhealthy food. Find a support system to cheer you on, and share your successes (feel free to friend me; I will cheer you on!).

    Finally, take a deep breath. You will not lose your weight overnight (you didn't gain it overnight). It will probably take a year or more. Make the changes necessary to lead a healthy life. The weight will follow.

    Good luck!!
  • Gonzafitness
    Just take it one day at a time. I have to lose around 80 pounds. At first you are goin to lose very quickly so that will kick start your motivation. Just be sure to take pictures so you can actually see how you have progressed. Good luck!
  • livingfree44
    livingfree44 Posts: 20 Member
    Yes I do too.....focus on small five pound goals instead of the big overwhelming number....find happiness each knowing that today is one more day towards reaching my goal. In today as if you are already at goal.
  • Jaxxy_Fae
    I have to take it in small chunks and reward myself as often as possible otherwise it gets too overwhelming. I focus on small changes in my everyday life instead of trying to sprint right out of the gate.
  • Whereismycoffee
    Whereismycoffee Posts: 130 Member
    Just take it one day at a time. I have to lose around 80 pounds. At first you are goin to lose very quickly so that will kick start your motivation. Just be sure to take pictures so you can actually see how you have progressed. Good luck!

    Wish I had thought of that sooner... the picture taking. Guess a slightly late pic will have to work.
  • Leebett
    Leebett Posts: 238 Member
    I made a bunch of smaller mini-goals some weight loss, some not (run a 5k, don't gain weight over the holidays). I joined challenges and made friends who would keep me accountable. Be careful with rewards! They can't be about food! Buy new clothes, go for a massage, take a horseback riding lesson (that's mine today!). There are lots of ways to reward yourself. Hard work and determination will win this race!
  • Oh_Allie
    Oh_Allie Posts: 258 Member
    I am overwhelmed by the huge number that I have to lose (200) so I switched up the numbers on my ticker at first to show a smaller goal. I aimed for 5 pounds and when I hit that, I changed my ticker to again show a 5 pound goal. When I hit 25 lost total, I changed my ticker back because that's when I felt like I really could do this. Now I look at percentages if I feel myself getting overwhelmed with it all. My 27 pound loss is 13.5% of my goal. Sure, it all means the same thing, but seeing that I'm 13.5% of the way there seems like such different numbers than saying I still have 170+ to go.
  • Foxtrot2N
    Foxtrot2N Posts: 184 Member
    You take it one day (and one pound) at a time. I started in June with 110-120lbs to lose. At the beginning, I focused on logging everything I put in mouth and took satisfaction with reading "Arydria has completed her diary..." I also tried on my clothes and found a couple of items I really wanted to wear again, but were too small (but not overwhelmingly so... just a little tight). Take pleasure when they fit (and then become too big).

    Find happiness when you drink your water for the day... when you exercise (trust me, after a while it will become an intoxicating high!)... when you make a healthy substitution for an unhealthy food. Find a support system to cheer you on, and share your successes (feel free to friend me; I will cheer you on!).

    Finally, take a deep breath. You will not lose your weight overnight (you didn't gain it overnight). It will probably take a year or more. Make the changes necessary to lead a healthy life. The weight will follow.

    Good luck!!

    ^^ This^^
    I started with 220 to lose and am down 140 so far. It takes a bit for your body to adjust, so the progress is not readily apparent at first. Trust that it will come and once it does the results will be visible with increasing speed as you progress. Especially when you have 100+ lbs to lose bear in mind that dropping 10 lbs will not be noticeable to those around you but you will feel it in the fit of your clothes so revel in your victories as they come. Don't focus on the end game and forget to see the day to day battles that you are winning. Keep your goal in mind but worry about TODAY. You can only fix one day at a time and yesterday and tomorrow aren't options, or something similar but said in a very wise and sagely Confucious or Gandalf manner. ;) As the progress starts and people start to really take notice enjoy it and use it to keep motivated when you get up and attack each morning. And, like most of us, when you hit a plateau, focus on the progress, shake it up a bit, and drive on. Plateaus can be a soul-crusher if you let them, but, like kidney stones and kids in 9th grade for the 3rd time, this too shall pass. We are here not for a quick-fix, temporary solution. We're here to change our lifestyle and through that our life in general. Log in frequently, support your MFP pals and let them support you, take time to stop and smell the roses, but watch out for the fertilizer, warrior up and any other two inspirational sentiments of your choice. Good luck and go get it!!
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    I stared last January with 120 pounds to lose. If I focused on that too much, it was very overwhelming and a lot of the reason, I would not get very far in the past. Like others said, you take it a day at a time, with small goals. It also helped when I understood that the next year was going to pass by whether I spent it trying to lose weight or not.
  • Rosannajo88
    Rosannajo88 Posts: 212 Member
    I started with 120lbs to lose and yes it was a very overwhelming number, however the serious damage I was doing to myself and the possibility of an early grave was far more concerning! To repeat what others have said you really can only take it one day at a time and believe me some days are going to feel HORRIBLE and you will probably at some point come off track a little, but do not give in! You owe it to yourself to carry on. Good luck with your journey and feel free to add me, Im here every day lol xxx
  • JourneyingJessica
    JourneyingJessica Posts: 261 Member
    I've had to break it into smaller goals, either mile stones or 10-20lbs which are doable and reachable.

    I started at 278, first goal under 250. Then 230, 215 (my lowest in last 6 years), now my goal is 205 (which is my lowest since 2002 & puts my bmi firmly into obese I). Looking at big picture was too overwhelming. But small goal very doable!!!
  • AproMunro
    Started at 300 with a goal of 150.. HALF MY WEIGHT!! :0

    I stay positive knowing that, first of all, after losing 20 pounds, I no longer have half my weight to lose. Also I don't see a "3" in the hundreds place anymore, that really helps haha. Every ten pounds I lose reminds me how doable this is, because I don't feel like each ten pounds is really that hard! I mean it is work, but there are harder things in life. Also I feel much better physically all the time as the weight comes off! Any progress tells me I am doing well and it is hard NOT to be positive!
  • ncabrera91

    I'm actually on the same path as you are. I started at 275 and am down to 250! And my goal is to go down to 150...SO FEAR NOT :) If you're looking to get results, I actually purchased a copy of the "Biggest Loser: Cardio Max" workout dvd on ebay, and it was well worth the investment! I would workout 3-4 a week and see the pounds drop immediately (with rest and a good eating habits of course!). I highly recommend it to anyone looking to get in shape. The workout is about 50 min but that includes a 5 min warm up, 20 min with Bob (level 1), 10 min with Jillian (level 2), 10 min with Kim (level 3), and 5 min cool down). You can customize the workout to however you please and just gradually build as you get better and better.

    And just like the other posts have said, don't look at the big number! It'll drive you insane! Think smaller goals and gradually build. Add me if you like :)

    Best of luck!

  • deirdresong
    deirdresong Posts: 1 Member
    137 to go!
  • ssmous
    I have 123 pounds to lose. I've set a reasonable goal of 6 pounds a month. In the past I've made my goals to large. I ended up feeling like a failure all the time which led to emotional eating. Right now I'm focusing on getting my weight below 200 in 2014.
  • summerrose36
    summerrose36 Posts: 19 Member
    I had started on Saturday and I have to lose 160 lbs to get to my goal weight but I am not looking at that large number. I am looking at smaller goals, such as a 5 lb lost, 10 lbs.
    I started walking everyday for the last 4 days and yesterday I incorporated some light aerobics in with my exercises. I am close to the Y in my area.. I am definitely going to inquire about a membership so I can take advantage of everything they have to offer, including classes.

    It is one day at a time, 1 meal at a time. We will ALL slip up..We're human. Don't beat yourself up over it. Just remember there is always a tomorrow and you can start again.

    Also, make sure you have motivated people in your journey. You do not want someone who isn't going to be supportive. I had many setbacks with friends and family who kept telling me "Oh you will lose weight" but then they temp me with sweets. This time of year, it is hard with all the goodies but make sure you look at what you want to put in your body such as healthy grains, fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and low fat dairy.

    Anyone is welcome to add me if they like. I would LOVE more motivation.
  • slimjame
    slimjame Posts: 128 Member
    Hello! It is definitely an overwhelming and sometimes a hopeless feeling process. With that being said, stepping on the scale each week and seeing the tiny changes that happen are what keep you going. You have to understand that this process takes time. Do you find yourself wanting to give up and give in sometimes? Absolutely. It is not easy at all. It's something that takes some people years and years to be able to even begin to achieve. I have tried to diet so many times and I was never in the right mindset. I always told myself that I was going to be this way forever...and thus I'd eat more, feel more guilt, and lose a lot more self-esteem. One day, it just clicked. I wish that I could explain it a better way than that...but that's all I've got. I just woke up and decided that I needed to do this. I am still young (21) and I have so much that I want to accomplish in life. I decided I would start small and get by with baby-steps.

    When I first started using MFP, I had a goal to lose 141lbs and I weighed 271lbs. I weighed in this morning and my weight today is 217.5lbs, which is a 53.5lb difference over the course of 5 months. You have to want it and make some changes. I am still learning and still making mistakes. I still crave and give in and feel the guilt, but I handle it better. I understand that if I crave something I can have it as long as I either have enough calories/nutrients left for it or if I am willing to go without something else or if I am willing to put x-amount of exercise in to be able to have it. It's a learning process. It's a tough process. We didn't balloon up over night and we sure as heck aren't going to pop that way either. I love MFP and the friends that I have made. Everyone here has pushed me to keep moving and holds me accountable for my slip-ups. I am able to rant and whine and cheer myself on with the support of all of my friends. I still have 88 more lbs to go to reach my goal, but I am determined. ..It's funny how far you can go with determination and support.