One year of MFP logging

Okay, so no pics to post because I am still a camera-avoider; however, here's my story. Just over a year ago I went to a meeting to get information on bariatric surgery. I had the pre-op tests done and was sitting in a room of people just like me when I realized that this was drastic. Firstly, I was told in this meeting that after surgery you need to chew your food beyond recognition. So, when I got home that evening I tried eating slowly and chewing my chicken to a paste that I then needed to spit out because it was so disgusting I couldn't swallow it. So, I was facing major surgery to reconstruct my God-given organs and then be forced to eat 900 - 1200 calories daily. Well, in mentioning this to my mother she said the magic words, "Angela, you are so stubborn. I can't believe you can't just set your mind to losing the weight on your own". And I said (mentally), "YEAH!!!!". So, I logged onto this thing called MFP on November 20, 2012.

Here I am, one year later, shy of my goal of 100 pounds lost, but still having lost 58. The bad news is that I have been pretty relaxed lately and have kind of lost the fire; BUT, the great news is that I have lost 58 pounds and have just stalled and have NOT started gaining again. This is the magic of MFP. It is the daily check-in that keeps the coals hot. The fire may not be there, but the desire is.

So, raise a glass of water with me to one year down and a lifetime to go! I look forward to a check-in next year. New goal is to be in one-derland this time next year. It's definitely doable!!


  • SmudgeMonkey2000
    Get that fire stoked Angela! Why not try something new to rekindle your enthusiasm? Do you exercise? If you do, try a new type - gym based/dance based/weights. If you don't already, why not start, I started with walking at lunch time. After a while I started cycling and now I'm even jogging in the morning. Track your exercise with a sports tracker app (I use Endomondo) which interacts with MFP. Over a pound a week, consistently for 1 year is fantastic, keep it up!
  • ctalimenti
    ctalimenti Posts: 865 Member
    YIPPEE for you!

    I think it's good you're losing slowly because it'll be more likely to produce lasting habits and stick.

    It took me one year to lose 10 lbs. I'm at goal now.

    I admire you for refusing the surgery and doing this the natural way. Your body will be better off as well.
  • ecmont032
    ecmont032 Posts: 37 Member
    Congrats on 1 year! I've been doing MFP seriously since August 2013. I started to lose my fire then I found a dance workout video that I really enjoy doing. I'm dancing and sweating and burning calories. I love to dance so it doesn't feel like EXERCISE. (UGH I HATE THAT WORD..LOL) I think trying something new will rekindle that fire.

    Again congrats on 1 year and 58 lbs!!!!!! :happy:
  • gmthisfeller
    gmthisfeller Posts: 779 Member
    So, raise a glass of water with me to one year down and a lifetime to go! I look forward to a check-in next year. New goal is to be in one-derland this time next year. It's definitely doable!!

    Hear! Hear! :drinker:
  • bethshines
    bethshines Posts: 41 Member
    Raising a glass with you!!:drinker: Stories like yours serve to get the embers flaring up again for me! Thanks!!
  • ajewellmom
    ajewellmom Posts: 186 Member
    I have done some exercise, but was limited due to plantar fasciitis. We bought a spinning cycle and I was using it daily, but I have caused what seems like permanent damage to my bottom now. I cannot sit for any length of time without severe pain. I am constantly having to shift to find a comfy position. I do think the lack of losses recently is directly proportional to the lack of exercise. Welcome to Canada! The land of hunker down, eat loads of comfort foods and pray for spring.
  • loconnor466
    loconnor466 Posts: 215 Member
    Congrats to you! Lifting my smoothie to you as I read this! I just started but I am finding logging in everyday to be both motivating (reading posts) to eye opening (logging food). I hope I keep it up like you did. Slow and steady wins the race.
    Not sure what to advise to change up the exercise, except maybe swimming? but then that entails finding an indoor pool and paying for it. I know what you mean by hunkering down for the winter, in New England here.
  • weightedfootsteps
    weightedfootsteps Posts: 4,349 Member
    Congrats on your loss and future losses to come!!! :drinker:

    Sometimes it takes a minute to get the fire back.....keep working on it and it will come! WTG girl! :)
  • FitFabStar29
    That is a huge accomplishment. My biggest fear is the fire going out and me gaining the weight back, but look at you you have come so far and you have made awesome progress towards your goal! Congrats to you!!
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,124 Member
    Good for you! Just keep going... as long as you don't quit, you'll get there eventually!
  • bobbinalong
    bobbinalong Posts: 151 Member
    Good for you! It takes the same determination to lose the weight and all the other boxes that have to be ticked before you can even have such drastic surgery. yeah, we are stubborn, otherwise each of us wouldn't be on this site! Be open to learning just as you have been and you will continue with your life giving success. Live intentionally!
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member

    You have a lot to be proud of. Keep up the great work. You are an inspiration!
  • Panama_frank
    Panama_frank Posts: 19 Member

    Cheers!! Well done.
  • justaspoonfulofsugar
    Okay, so no pics to post because I am still a camera-avoider; however, here's my story. Just over a year ago I went to a meeting to get information on bariatric surgery. I had the pre-op tests done and was sitting in a room of people just like me when I realized that this was drastic. Firstly, I was told in this meeting that after surgery you need to chew your food beyond recognition. So, when I got home that evening I tried eating slowly and chewing my chicken to a paste that I then needed to spit out because it was so disgusting I couldn't swallow it. So, I was facing major surgery to reconstruct my God-given organs and then be forced to eat 900 - 1200 calories daily. Well, in mentioning this to my mother she said the magic words, "Angela, you are so stubborn. I can't believe you can't just set your mind to losing the weight on your own". And I said (mentally), "YEAH!!!!". So, I logged onto this thing called MFP on November 20, 2012.

    Here I am, one year later, shy of my goal of 100 pounds lost, but still having lost 58. The bad news is that I have been pretty relaxed lately and have kind of lost the fire; BUT, the great news is that I have lost 58 pounds and have just stalled and have NOT started gaining again. This is the magic of MFP. It is the daily check-in that keeps the coals hot. The fire may not be there, but the desire is.

    So, raise a glass of water with me to one year down and a lifetime to go! I look forward to a check-in next year. New goal is to be in one-derland this time next year. It's definitely doable!!
    Well done you!What a great success story!
  • meganstrausbaugh1
    I just started my journey and your 58lbs lost is motivating! Keep up the great work. Cheers!
  • DontWeightForMe
    DontWeightForMe Posts: 38 Member
    OMG! That. Is. Great!! Congrats to you!. Sounds so wonderful.. I hope to be in your shoes sometime this year. Its so worth it when you start seeing results. I just started. I'm only on day 3 but feeling really good and motivated. I guess I'm just ready. Simple as that. I have 78lbs to lose and your post really inspired me. Continue to do what you are doing one day at a time and I think you can see from your success so far that it really pays off. Have you thought of doing a new activity that you couldn't do before the weight lose? Maybe a mini goal like a 5K/10k walk or jog dare I say? Also, here's an idea..maybe a mani/pedi or new hair style? Something that will make you feel pretty and get the fire in you to continue??? I know in the past that has always helped me. Keep up the great work! :smile:
  • DontWeightForMe
    DontWeightForMe Posts: 38 Member
    I so agree.. Back in the day I did hip hop and I am doing Hip hop abs workout. I love it! You have get in tune with what you enjoy.
  • iquiltoo
    iquiltoo Posts: 246 Member
    That is great success, as you are maintaining. Maybe see what your mom has to say - LOL! She lit the fire before, maybe she can do it again!
  • ravengal
    You are halfway to your goal! Congratulations!
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