Christmas for the lil one......

pawnstarNate Posts: 1,728 Member
ok, I've been debating with the other voices in my head whether to get my 7 yr old girl some high tech gadgets. Ipod touch, Ipad, or HP tablet or just leave it simple and get her girly toys. What's your thoughts? The way society is today and how technology has advanced over the last decade, if I choose girly toys and no high tech...would that be depriving her?


  • ThePlight
    ThePlight Posts: 3,593 Member
    Personally, I don't think so. Maybe ask her what she would prefer and go according to her likes. Some children mature faster than others.
  • nikitiki53
    Kids are pretty tech savvy. Did she ask for anything in particular?
  • pawnstarNate
    pawnstarNate Posts: 1,728 Member
    she hasn't asked for anything in particular but, she does steal my iphone every chance she gets. But, I've had people tell me "let her be a kid" etc. I'm thinking that is being a kid these days.
  • Briko3
    Briko3 Posts: 266 Member
    Ask her to come up with a list of some things she's interested in and then pick. If you see a lot of high tech stuff on there, then you'll know what she wants.
  • ThePlight
    ThePlight Posts: 3,593 Member
    she hasn't asked for anything in particular but, she does steal my iphone every chance she gets. But, I've had people tell me "let her be a kid" etc. I'm thinking that is being a kid these days.
    I think you may have just answered your own question haha.
    She likes it, that right there is a sign of what she wants :P
  • DainaLC
    DainaLC Posts: 18,937 Member
    You could never go wrong with something like a Kindle. They are fun and educational and you can set time limits on it.
  • Linli_Anne
    Linli_Anne Posts: 1,360 Member
    My 7 year old has an iTouch on her list, with only about 5 other items. But, we aren't giving it to her, and we have encouraged her to save up her birthday money, Christmas money and save for one. She has already saved about $105 dollars and I have no doubt that she will take better care of that iTouch after she buys it herself than she would if we gave it to her.
  • nikitiki53
    You could never go wrong with something like a Kindle. They are fun and educational and you can set time limits on it.

    This is a great idea, and a lot more affordable then spending big bucks on an iPad.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    My 7 year old wants a tablet. Or a phone. Big no to the phone for sure.
  • Liss_Bee
    Liss_Bee Posts: 187 Member
    The Kindle Fire has apps for games and you can download books to help with reading. I'm getting both my 12 and 7 year olds them this year. They run about $138, but you know there will be lots of deals before Christmas!
  • pawnstarNate
    pawnstarNate Posts: 1,728 Member
    I can get high tech gadgets pretty cheap because I own a pawn shop but, I'm just still debating whether it's too much for her at 7 or not. Of course I am 44 and was pretty darn happy to get PONG on the TV when I was her age. lol
  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,198 Member
    You could never go wrong with something like a Kindle. They are fun and educational and you can set time limits on it.

    This is a great idea, and a lot more affordable then spending big bucks on an iPad. there are tons of free kids books to download from Amazon as well as the games.
  • MissyBenj
    MissyBenj Posts: 186 Member
    She has years to be an adult with technological 'toys' - Let her be little... Get her something to play with, something that you can involve yourself in. I don't feel that any child NEEDS tech toys.
  • Factory_Reset
    Factory_Reset Posts: 1,651 Member
    We got my oldest a Kindle Fire when she turned 8, she loves it. There's tons of books and games.

    We've also done the ipods and the ds stuff

    I would see if your daughter is interested in anything like this first.
  • SF2514
    SF2514 Posts: 794 Member
    I got my girl a Lenovo z585 for her 5th birthday. She's a wiz on laptops. She had a kids tablet, but the functions were too limited. She wouldn't get much joy from an Ipod. I say go with what she's into. Each kid has their own tastes. Mine uses hers mostly for media and gaming.
  • chriscolh
    chriscolh Posts: 127 Member
    Take it from me ~ wait until they really, really want one. And then put it off even longer by helping them earn it. I got my boys their first playstation when my oldest was 5. And the addiction began. Now all they want for Christmas are games for their wii or ds. I'll admit that I'm a pushover when it comes to Christmas, and if we've ever upgraded their play systems, it has been at Christmas because they want them so bad. And those blue eyes... all 10 of them (yup, that's 5 begging boys) pleading with me to let santa bring just one more game... Ugh. There are some great things about having these fun games around, but I do wish I would have waited until they were a little older to get them. It's just that once they have them, it seems it is all that they want to do. If she doesn't really want one, I'd wait until she was a little older and, for now, let her play with things that let her use her imagination and her muscles a little more than being hunched over a screen. But just my opinion. :smile:
  • iamanadult
    iamanadult Posts: 709 Member
    My 6 year old asked me for an iPad this Christmas. I laughed so hard at her. :laugh:
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    My son got a Nook Tablet & Kindle Fire when he was 6 (two sides of the family). He loves the Fire, so we are selling the Nook.


    KIDDING!!!!!!! Don't report me, I'll be angry.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    My boys both have tablets but I control what they can do on it. I downloaded a program similar to Net Nanny and we go through it often to see what kind of games they are downloading (they can only get the free stuff and certain games are blocked as well).