14 pounds in 4 months... in the wrong direction



  • c1aireee
    c1aireee Posts: 297 Member
    definitely just do a tiny bit of exercise every day at first then build up to more as the days go on, just do what u can
  • jbug5j
    jbug5j Posts: 277 Member
    thank you everyone for your support. *hugs* i meant a LOT to me when i read all of your comments. i was having a HARD day yesterday. each day is VERY different for me and the positive thoughts really helped to keep me from thinking even worse things about myself.

    i actually do have a doctors appointment tomorrow. it was scheduled months ago as a follow up to my meds and to start getting me off of them. i dont know what he has planned now that wont be the case but i will be asking him a few things. like how i can start losing weight, and most importantly (to me) why im always hurting. i will ask him again about counseling. im just more worried about the cost of it all.

    again thank you and i hope in a few weeks i can come back and post a much happier note about how i have overcome issues and what not. :flowerforyou:
  • lyzmorrison
    lyzmorrison Posts: 172 Member
    I too suffered from depression and was on medication for a while. When my doctor put me on the meds he made it clear that it was a TEMPORARY fix...just a bandaid to get me through, but that it would require more than meds to make me feel better. And he was right.

    I found my way to an excellent counselor who helped me become emotionally healthy. I stopped the meds. And all of it was HARD. H.A.R.D., but I was motivated. I was tired of being sick. I utilized the tools she gave me and just pushed through. And now it's been about 10 years and I feel better and stronger than ever.

    So what I'm saying is this....PUSH THROUGH. If you don't want to exercise...do it anyway. If you want to eat that tub of ice cream, put it down the disposal. It is HARD. But so worth it. You can do this. You are planning a wedding. You are planning a life with your fiance. You are worth the hard work. I wish it had been as easy as just taking a few pills and feeling better, but it wasn't.

    You know, it's like this weight loss stuff. I moaned and groaned forever about being overweight and looking like someone's fat mom, but it wasn't until I was just sick of it, just absolutely sick of it, that I became really motivated. You sound like you are sick of feeling bad, so take that and take that brisk walk. You will hate putting on those shoes and walking out the door, but when you return you will have that little feeling that you did it! You pushed through. And next time, walk longer. And the time after that...throw in a few planks or push ups or something, but just keep challenging yourself and then you can cherish the accomplishment! YOU WILL FEEL BETTER! You can do this! You are worth it!
  • jbug5j
    jbug5j Posts: 277 Member
    *update* i went to the dr and talked to him about how i have been feeling and what not. he decided to draw some blood to check my thyroid and blood count and all that. he also said that everything sounds like i really might just need to be on some kind of medicine. >_< i do not like this at all. if my blood and thyroid is fine its anti depressants for me. if they are not is some other medicine, probably. either way it sounds like my only option is meds and that really really sucks. i mean, my other option is do NOTHING and just live through pain, paranoia, and days where i just dont want to exist. oy vey....
  • Anyanut
    Anyanut Posts: 27 Member
    Watch 'Food Matters' It's a documentary (it's on Netflix) about food and medication and supplements. It has a whole thing about depression and taking Niacin (a natural supplement). I have taken it for post partum and it was helpful and doesn't cloud your memory. just make sure you get the Non-Flushing kind otherwise you will get hot and flushed :)
    Be kind to yourself. You are beautiful and loved. Don't worry about the past, there is nothing you can do about it. My good friend told me once 'we don't care if you need to lose weight, we care about you.' It took the pressure off, like I didn't need to worry about what other people think about how I look because they don't care what I look like, they like me and want to hang out with me whether I'm fat or skinny.
    Take care of yourself, and try to watch that documentary. It's super interesting.
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    *update* i went to the dr and talked to him about how i have been feeling and what not. he decided to draw some blood to check my thyroid and blood count and all that. he also said that everything sounds like i really might just need to be on some kind of medicine. >_< i do not like this at all. if my blood and thyroid is fine its anti depressants for me. if they are not is some other medicine, probably. either way it sounds like my only option is meds and that really really sucks. i mean, my other option is do NOTHING and just live through pain, paranoia, and days where i just dont want to exist. oy vey....

    I love, love, love my antidepressant. It took me trying a handful of different ones to find the right one for me, but it was so worth it. Trying them out is the icky part for sure. If it isn't the right one, there'll be something kind of obnoxious about it or it just won't change a thing.

    I am 100% fine with saying I'll take an antidepressant every day of my life. They are lifesavers for many people. And I believe neurochemical imbalances are just another medical problem, so if it turns out that you have one (some depressed folks don't), it's no different than having a thyroid disorder or what have you. Best of luck and I hope you find one that works with your system :)

    Of course, therapy is pretty darned important, so do see about that, too. Sometimes there are groups that meet that are free that might be a good way to accomplish that without $$$. I don't do therapy any more, but I did for years. I did the group meetings, too :) I like a personal therapist better, but as long as you are getting some good feedback and letting things out/working them out, you are better off than not doing any of that.