I need help starting with exerrcise

I need to focus more on exercise than food/calories as I can keep lower food intake (although I was an EPIC FAIL today) and remain lazy. Can anyone give me some positive feedback as to what I should do to START an exercise routine? One for a beginner for core AND fat burning yet something to build on. I am NOT looking for nasty comments (as some of you feel compelled to share) ... I am a human being reaching out to another human being(s) for help. I already feel crappy enough about myself without adding abuse to injury. For those of you with constructive/encouraging suggestions/recommendations, I give you my heartfelt thanks. :smile:


  • discoveredamber
    discoveredamber Posts: 379 Member
    I really like the womens health big book of 15 minute workouts. And if you want to start running the couch to 5 k.
  • ktsimons
    ktsimons Posts: 294 Member
    I have always ben the biggest couch potato...I now work out 6 times a week for over an hour a day! No one that knew me before can even believe the change! This is going to sound a little simple, but I really did it one day at a time.

    I started walking the neighborhood...every other day, I put on shoes and yoga clothes and walked for an increasing amount of time each week - I started with 10 minutes, then every week increased it by 5 minutes. On the off days, I would surf the youtoub "body part" videos - like arms, abs, butt, legs etc. Some are only 15 or 20 minutes long and I would do a variety of those. You only need a few dumbells and a yoga mat. I really couldn't do much of anything when I started, but I kept a good log of my progress. It is insane how good it feels to do a little more or lift a little heavier. After about 6 months, I joined the Y and started with group classes. Now I am heavy lifting, doing a boot camp class, 10 mile bike rides and can go for an hour on the elliptical!

    Long and short of it is you need to find something you like to do...variety is important for me - I have to do something different every day or I start slacking...other folks only like to do one activity. As you get stronger and more active it really is like a drug...you will only want more!!!

    Go out there tomorrow and walk - it's 10 MINUTES that is ALL you have to do tomorrow!!!

    Good luck to you! Find your thing and go for it...
  • Marymoe138
    Marymoe138 Posts: 68 Member
    Congrats on starting the exercise! It really does make you feel better. I find that there are alot of youtube videos that are good. Jessica Smith is a personal trainer w/ a channel on youtube with quite a few great videos. They range anywhere for 9 minutes to over an hour at all fitness levels. I agree with the walking and building your time up. Walking around your neighborhood is a great way get in shape and get some fresh air and it is free! Good luck to you!
  • ELIZZY20
    If you have access/money, I find that accountability helps. Find a type of exercise you like ... that'll help! I've been a dancer for over 17 years now, and I actually get cranky without my dance class at LEAST every other day! And no matter how exhausted I feel, I always go, 'cause I know how much more awesome I will feel coming home from it! A week and a half ago, I also started incorporating bedtime exercise in my bedroom, consisting of the same types of strengthening I do in dance class. Keeping it short and simple, and not too killer on your body is a good way to start. I know I'm much more likely to continue doing something if i can actually MOVE the day after doing it!!! ;) Good luck!
  • CKendell79
    CKendell79 Posts: 24 Member
    I too started at zero, I started jm body revolution and Mid way through added couch to 5k. I live out of town so a gym wasn't a possibility so I went the DVD and app route that progressed so I didn't get bored. Just start moving and give it time to "get good". At first it'll feel like a chore ( or a slow start to a novel) but before you know it you'll realize you feel so good after you crave it !
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    If you don't have access to a gym, try doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. Beginners tend to have success with it because for one, it's short. 20 minutes, plus a short warm up & cool down. Two, the exercises are very basic and you just need some light (most people use 3 or 5lb) dumbbells. It's cheap if you buy the DVD (like $8), and free on Youtube. They stick with it because of these reasons, make it through the 30 days, see results, and then realize...hey, this exercise thing works! And proceed to move on to bigger & better things.
  • Olgaukr83
    Olgaukr83 Posts: 9 Member
    Don't feel bad about yourself, it only makes is it worse. When I am in a bad mood/stressed, I eat more bad carbs, and get more fat, which makes me feel worse...So, just think positively and try to have a plan, little step at a time. I don't know what your budget it. If you can afford a gym, I would strongly recommend that. I also signed up for TEAM Fitness group in our gym (extra $), and am seeing good results so far. If gym is not an option, that just start walking more. I purchased pedometer and made sure that I was making 10,000 stems a day. If I was not at that mark in the evening, I would make sure to drag myself out of the house and walk in the evening.
  • dogpeeps
    dogpeeps Posts: 57 Member
    Thanks all for the great suggestions and support.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,404 MFP Moderator
    Look into a program call new rules of lifting for women or google starting strength. Ideally, weight training should be half your exercise or more.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Weight training is awesome (said the girl that never picked things up) and I started with a free program called NerdFitness. It uses body weight training - so no equipment. I loved that so much I went on to lifting heavy. Set up my own gym in the house. I also started running (said the girl that never ran) and so far I am loving that.

    But, that's just me. The point is, you have to find something that interests you. Try anything and see what you really love. That's when you will stick with it. Good luck.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    compound lifts ...learn them, familiarize yourself with them, and build a program around them...
  • bheathfit
    bheathfit Posts: 451 Member
    compound lifts ...learn them, familiarize yourself with them, and build a program around them...
    Agreed. Bodybuilding.com has many workout programs and example videos to help you understand form. You don't need the supplements if you are starting out. Just good diet, quality multivitamin then lift light and lift right! :wink:
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    A good start is just walking. I see you are near my age, you might find some of the high impact workouts are hard on your joints, like Jillian Michaels. I did them for a time and it helped me gain enough strength to be able to do body weight exercises. After that I got into heavy lifting, which I love, and has changed my body the fastest. And I love being strong and not having to do an hour of cardio. Lifting and walking is getting me results. Before I joined MFP I hated exercise, and I realize now the reason is I thought exercise had to be heavy cardio, and I just hate cardio, not all exercise. So, find something you like, or can at least tolerate. It might not be panting for breath and stitch in your side and sweating buckets.
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    Look into a program call new rules of lifting for women or google starting strength. Ideally, weight training should be half your exercise or more.

    This.... it is all I do... but I hate cardio lol
  • Swiftdogs
    Swiftdogs Posts: 328 Member
    If I had to change clothes and/or drive to a gym, it wouldn't happen. For me, the trick has been to just DO stuff. My Fitbit has been a revelation. It's easy to throw in a few extra steps all day, and it adds up. I like to eat and the extra calories are a big motivation. I've recently started doing a few pushups against a low table. Every little bit helps.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    exercise. spelt right.
  • gmthisfeller
    gmthisfeller Posts: 779 Member
    Hey! You are where I was a year ago. I started getting out evey evening for a walk. It was three weeks before I could walk a mile. Then I added a short job between mail boxes on my street. I mean, I could barely jog 20 yards. It helped to have a wife who really supported me, and still supports me, in this endeavour. Each day I worked to extend my jogging just 1 more mail box. Today, I warm up with a 3/10 fast walk, run 3.6 miles, 3/10 mile cool down walk, and strtching to finish off.

    You can do this!

    It is all about starting small, and slow, and building a bit each day. I did not get to be over-weight and out of shape overnight. I am still working on my weightloss, but I am getting closer.
  • RozayJones
    RozayJones Posts: 409 Member
    Check out the sworkit app if you phone allows it.....it's great for beginners :)
  • tibby531
    tibby531 Posts: 717 Member
    I think walking is a good place to start. get your body used to moving with some low-key, natural movements. :)
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I need to focus more on exercise than food/calories as I can keep lower food intake (although I was an EPIC FAIL today) and remain lazy. Can anyone give me some positive feedback as to what I should do to START an exercise routine? One for a beginner for core AND fat burning yet something to build on. I am NOT looking for nasty comments (as some of you feel compelled to share) ... I am a human being reaching out to another human being(s) for help. I already feel crappy enough about myself without adding abuse to injury. For those of you with constructive/encouraging suggestions/recommendations, I give you my heartfelt thanks. :smile:

    I always feel that getting into a walking routine is a great place to start...especially if you're not used to exercise and not that keen on it. I also like Leslie Sansone Walk at Home DVD's (some routines are available free on youtube), Jessica Smith TV is also free on youtube and she has a lot of great workouts, easy to follow and fun. In fact Youtube itself has TONS of free workouts available!! A great book to get you started with strength training is the 'new rules of lifting for women'. I'd highly recommend it.

    In the end - just find something you like to do and move move move!!