Opinion on Visalus



  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    Graeme Thomas, a respected sports nutritionist and trainer, recently did a two-part article on Visalus. I've included links below to the articles. In summary, he concludes that the product is over-priced and nutritionally deficient. You can make your own shake with superior ingredients for a whole lot less.

  • jhanitsch
    jhanitsch Posts: 12 Member
    According to MFP rules you can not sell a product so that poster was not out of line to call out the person that is a distributor. You will note that the "follow me through Facebook" bit was deleted.

    I don't know why you consider it an attack to say one can get similar nutrition for less money. Isn't that a legitimate statement to make or at least discuss?

    I don't know what your referring to. I am referring to generally negative people on these boards. I didn't specify anyone or anything.......
  • jhanitsch
    jhanitsch Posts: 12 Member
    I don't know what your referring to. I am referring to generally negative people on these boards. I didn't specify anyone or anything.......
  • livinbb
    livinbb Posts: 84 Member
    I have used it and enjoy it. It tastes great. However, I have never really been in a financial position to use it as often as the "program" requires to lose weight. I used it for when I don't feel like cooking or am too busy running around to sit down and have a meal. I have stopped ordering it because of finances. I know of many people who have had success on it, and yes others, who have not. Like with any product your body will tell you if it is for you or not. Listen to your body and you can't go wrong.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Over priced, under value. MLM, scheme.
  • babeinthemoon
    babeinthemoon Posts: 471 Member
    Tastes really yummy, but the "plan" did not work for me. I drank the shake 2x/day for 3 months and only shed about 6 pounds. A year later I'm back to drinking protein shakes (from a different company), that also taste good, but cost much less. My eating plan is much different, and I'm sure that is why I'm actually loosing weight this time around (down 35 in just over 3 months).
  • renazregal
    renazregal Posts: 2 Member
    My sister in law lost 70 pounds in approx 6 months using the product and so far has had no ill side effects. It took me twice as long to loose half the weight using real food. Truth be told, it was very stressful for me because I am what you would call a frustrated cook - I'm successful in business but lousy in the kitchen. Trying to figure out meal by meal what to eat and how to prepare it was a nightmare. And my husband and son who are of course thin wanted to be fed a decent evening meal. After 38 pounds and seven months of daily battles with what to eat, I slipped back into my old patterns. It only took me 6 weeks to gain back 20 of the 38 pounds I had lost. I became depressed and the eating binge continued.

    I HAD TO DO SOMETHING TO STOP THE RUNAWAY TRAIN. So I ordered the Visalus and began using the product. Two shakes, three snacks and one sensible meal. For someone like me, the meal replacement aspect has been a Godsend and I wonder why I haven't tried this route before. The shakes taste great and there are literally hundreds of combinations using REAL FOOD (fruit, vegetables, yogurt, spices) to create your shake. And what I really like...I can throw in a cup of fruit , vegetables, dairy, etc. to get my daily servings in.

    HERE IS MY TAKE AWAY MESSAGE - DO WHAT WORKS FOR YOU. I don't care that its a marketing scheme because I have no interest in selling it and yes, I AM concerned about poor quality soy proteins. But lets face it, at 55 years old and 280 pounds, I have much bigger problems to worry about. It is my hope that eventually I will learn more as I grow....or better yet, shrink :) And as I become more aware of what various ingredients do, perhaps i will adjust and purchase another product. After only one week, I feel better than I have in the last two months combined. So until I grow three heads or sprout wings, I think I will continue to use this product.

    Everyone is entitled to their opinion but we are all different and what works for one, may not work for the other. But as we all strive for better health, we need be supportive, respectful and most of all, kind to each other.
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    ^^ Nice first post on an old thread.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    My sister in law lost 70 pounds in approx 6 months using the product and so far has had no ill side effects. It took me twice as long to loose half the weight using real food. Truth be told, it was very stressful for me because I am what you would call a frustrated cook - I'm successful in business but lousy in the kitchen. Trying to figure out meal by meal what to eat and how to prepare it was a nightmare. And my husband and son who are of course thin wanted to be fed a decent evening meal. After 38 pounds and seven months of daily battles with what to eat, I slipped back into my old patterns. It only took me 6 weeks to gain back 20 of the 38 pounds I had lost. I became depressed and the eating binge continued.

    I HAD TO DO SOMETHING TO STOP THE RUNAWAY TRAIN. So I ordered the Visalus and began using the product. Two shakes, three snacks and one sensible meal. For someone like me, the meal replacement aspect has been a Godsend and I wonder why I haven't tried this route before. The shakes taste great and there are literally hundreds of combinations using REAL FOOD (fruit, vegetables, yogurt, spices) to create your shake. And what I really like...I can throw in a cup of fruit , vegetables, dairy, etc. to get my daily servings in.

    HERE IS MY TAKE AWAY MESSAGE - DO WHAT WORKS FOR YOU. I don't care that its a marketing scheme because I have no interest in selling it and yes, I AM concerned about poor quality soy proteins. But lets face it, at 55 years old and 280 pounds, I have much bigger problems to worry about. It is my hope that eventually I will learn more as I grow....or better yet, shrink :) And as I become more aware of what various ingredients do, perhaps i will adjust and purchase another product. After only one week, I feel better than I have in the last two months combined. So until I grow three heads or sprout wings, I think I will continue to use this product.

    Everyone is entitled to their opinion but we are all different and what works for one, may not work for the other. But as we all strive for better health, we need be supportive, respectful and most of all, kind to each other.

    You have been on here for more than 2 years and this is your first thread that you dredged up. Very very fishy..
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    There's nothing special about it and other protein supplements can be less expensive. You're paying a lot for the package.

    I bought mine last July...One time purchase and have not paid for it anymore. I get it every month for free.Vitamins included. Your right though it's not for everyone.

    .. and the ONLY reason anyone gets it for free is because they are selling it.
  • lftilbury
    lftilbury Posts: 11 Member
    I've been on it and have lost 17 pounds. I love it. My favorite shake is 1/2 cup trop 50 orange juice and 1cup unsweetened almond milk with two scoops of vi shake. It is awesome. Don't believe all the bad you hear. Also, it tastes great. That is a big plus when you're drinking something daily. Let me know if you're interested in a free BMW. That is also a great perk from ViSalus
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    I've been on it and have lost 17 pounds. I love it. My favorite shake is 1/2 cup trop 50 orange juice and 1cup unsweetened almond milk with two scoops of vi shake. It is awesome. Don't believe all the bad you hear. Also, it tastes great. That is a big plus when you're drinking something daily. Let me know if you're interested in a free BMW. That is also a great perk from ViSalus

    Why do they need to let YOU know?
  • lftilbury
    lftilbury Posts: 11 Member
    How can you call it "a scheme". When it works for so many people. Do you call it that just Because it's an MLM? Do your homework. But please, please let me know why you think it's a scheme
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    How can you call it "a scheme". When it works for so many people. Do you call it that just Because it's an MLM? Do your homework. But please, please let me know why you think it's a scheme

    I never called it a scheme. I only asked you why they needed to ask you about winning a BMW. You never answered. So how can you help someone win one?
  • lftilbury
    lftilbury Posts: 11 Member
    Why not. Maybe they would be interested in the business behind the product. It's also a great company that does a lot of philanthropic work. I'm sure no one knows that.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Why not. Maybe they would be interested in the business behind the product. It's also a great company that does a lot of philanthropic work. I'm sure no one knows that.

    Still didn't answer the question. I knew you wouldn't.
  • lftilbury
    lftilbury Posts: 11 Member
    I never said "win" one. I said I said "free BMW." I know it's semantics, but I don't want to mislead anyone
  • lftilbury
    lftilbury Posts: 11 Member
    I can only type so fast, but I do see where this is going, so I will say a, polite, good night.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    I can only type so fast, but I do see where this is going, so I will say a, polite, good night.

    You don't get things for nothing.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    I can only type so fast, but I do see where this is going, so I will say a, polite, good night.

    You don't get things for nothing.

    Only worthwhile things like love, sex, friendship.....

    ... not overpriced, crappy, MLM, shakes!