Working hard, maintaining but not losing??!!

Hi! I've only just rememberd I was signed up on here and could really do with some help/tips?

Since having my daughter 10 months go I've gone on a complete lifestyle change finally doing it the right way! And I've lost 3 1/2 st. I'm the smallest ive been in years and I'm lovin the new healthy me. But I've been stuck at the same weight now for 3 months! I feel so discouraged I'm working out everyday: dog walk 45 mins, 20 min run/jog, and then somesort of fitness dvd, i take a rest day(s) at the weekend i stick to my 1300-1500 cals VERY rarely do I go over 2000 cals and I just seem to be maintaining?! I'm not going up or down! It's so frustrating I feel like going on a massive binge!! Lol

My diet is good i eat healthy but I don't restrict my self of anything as that would never last long term with me!
Any advice :)


  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    You're probably eating more than you think. Do you weigh all your food?
  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member
    Obviously you need to eat fewer calories. Your body doesn't just lose weight because you exercise a lot. Calories are all that matters. :huh:
  • Well not really "obviously" because the calories I put into my diary I should be losing 1-2 pounds a week but I'm maintaining. It's worked so far as I've lost 48lbs. So I know I don't need to just exercise to lose weight. Yes I weigh all my good Hun I put absolutely everything I eat into my diary. Maybe I'm just at a plateau :/
  • sazidelbi
    sazidelbi Posts: 6 Member
    Your body has probably become accustomed to your regime and so knows how to expend less energy when you undertake activities. Try a new kind of physical activity, which will add some variety and can often shock your body into burning again. Or if you don't have time try, change your current activities to varieties of interval training, e.g. when you run, go at just below your normal pace for two minutes and then run flat out for one minute (you'll aim to progress to one minute slow, one fast). I'd also recommend incorporating some weights into your regime. Weight training will help build muscle (but not scary muscle) and so when you're not exercising you will burn more. There are a lot of articles on the 'net about it. Hope you push through the plateau!
  • ct320
    ct320 Posts: 89 Member
    firstly well done on a great loss :) I'm in a similar situation to you I havent changed what I am doing but have just been maintaining and I haven't lost nearly as much as I need to, I just went out one weekend gained 4lbs and have stuck not losing for the last 3 weeks what I dont get is when ive been out before I have still lost the following week and with me not changing anything dont know why I havent this time. I need to excercise more and control myself better on the weekends I think. but it is so frustrating 1 night out can ruin all the hard work, bet it's even more annoying for you as you sound to be doing everything right :noway: :laugh: x
  • lauraspberry
    lauraspberry Posts: 655 Member
    Your body has probably become accustomed to your regime and so knows how to expend less energy when you undertake activities. Try a new kind of physical activity, which will add some variety and can often shock your body into burning again. Or if you don't have time try, change your current activities to varieties of interval training, e.g. when you run, go at just below your normal pace for two minutes and then run flat out for one minute (you'll aim to progress to one minute slow, one fast). I'd also recommend incorporating some weights into your regime. Weight training will help build muscle (but not scary muscle) and so when you're not exercising you will burn more. There are a lot of articles on the 'net about it. Hope you push through the plateau!

    THIS :flowerforyou:

    I'm so happy to be not seeing "you gotta eat more" BS.
  • Thanks guys :) I do think I need to mix things up a bit! Im sure my bodys used to what im doing! And maybe stop the weekend treats which I've been allowing since losing the weight! It frustrating though ct30 your right! Feel like I'm trying so hard and not getting anywhere! Lol hope you push through too! Got to get in the mindset I was in after having my daughter :D x
  • Ah lauraspberry I no! I definitely do not need to eat anymore!! Haha x
  • ct320
    ct320 Posts: 89 Member
    snap to most things you said :laugh: good luck to you too I will send you a friend request maybe we can spur each other on a bit my goal was to lose a stone by christmas - I have 8lb to go really need to work hard these next few weeks x
  • Same!! I want to drop some weight before Christmas too :D then I can put it all back on for my christmas dinner hehe ;) x
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Well not really "obviously" because the calories I put into my diary I should be losing 1-2 pounds a week but I'm maintaining. It's worked so far as I've lost 48lbs. So I know I don't need to just exercise to lose weight. Yes I weigh all my good Hun I put absolutely everything I eat into my diary. Maybe I'm just at a plateau :/

    we can't see your diary ;-)
  • ct320
    ct320 Posts: 89 Member
    Yes :laugh: same here its tradition after all lol x
  • There's nothing in my diary on here as Im using an another calorie counter app :/ forgot I had this! Ill start logging on here from today as my other app dosnt have support forums :) x
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Soooo asking again... Do you weigh all your food?
  • Errrmm Did you read my comments? I replied to you,yes I weigh absolutely everything
  • pinksparklefairy
    pinksparklefairy Posts: 97 Member
    I agree you need to mix things up.

    Try some weight lifting (not too light, you need to really work hard for results).

    How about varying the number of calories you have each day, e.g. 1000 on Monday, 2000 on Tuesday etc. - sticking to the same weekly average as previously? This might give your metabolism a boost.
  • elsyoommen
    elsyoommen Posts: 155 Member
    agree with trying to mix things up a bit - maybe try to mix up your macros a bit too - i.e. more protein less carbs. Also try adding some weight training into your exercise mix.