Official Restart

Okay all. I've officially restarted on this track with MFP. I have a bit of weight that I would LOVE to shed before my wedding in August next year and I'm trying 110% harder than ever before.
I'm currently enrolled in 3 more months of 'boot camp' style classes. We usually make it 3 of the 5 classes during the week. We are going to push for all 4 training days next month, fridays are recovery. I want to start walking during my lunch at work since I chose to eat at my desk I can utlize that hour of lunch to walk.
I tried weight watchers and it DIDNT WORK....

Anyone with tips and hints please feel free to add me and let me know! Or simply please add my so I have more motivation!!


  • oboeing
    oboeing Posts: 1,816 Member
    today is my 3rd day back. i've started and stopped more times than i can count. but, i am more determined than ever! i read something online today that said if you fall, get back on by the next meal, don't wait a week. and that 's been my problem. so, i'm here to rock and to finally fit in my clothes!!!

    congrats on the wedding, and FR sent :)
  • HeyYou2
    HeyYou2 Posts: 3 Member
    Find a partner to walk with at lunch if you can. If not, walk alone. It clears your mind and before you know it you're done. I love my lunch walks. Not sure what kind of work you do but I do a lot of computer work so was sitting all day. I bought one of those sit/stand keyboard trays. Now I can stand and do my work all day or as long as I like.
    Good luck ~ keep your eye on the prize.
  • mslizzy143
    mslizzy143 Posts: 6 Member
    I am new to MFP and I love it already. I have tried every diet from Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers and Medifast. While Medifast was the only one that worked for me it was not healthy to feel dizzy everyday from lack of calories. I am so happy I found this site. It gives you an easy to follow outline of how to track your food and exercise. Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! You can do this! I also have a desk job and catch myself snacking more than I should. I use my lunch hour to go to a near by park and I started jogging. Your should try the C25K app. Its awesome and keeps you motivated.
  • D_squareG
    D_squareG Posts: 361 Member
    Good luck! A wedding is an excellent motivator. And you've started early enough that you don't need to panic and starve yourself. I think this site is much better than Weight Watchers. I was a WW on-line user for YEARS and just gained weight. The barcode scanner on this program makes logging meals so easy. I haven't found a single thing yet that it doesn't recognize. That is the secret for me - I need to log everything, every day. Even when it is bad.....
  • Juslane
    Juslane Posts: 8 Member
    Congrats on upcoming wedding! I am in the same boat also. Day 3 of my restart. FR sent
  • FantineRose
    FantineRose Posts: 12 Member
    Hey guys - restarting today also. I was really motivated over the summer to lose weight for my wedding next October but then I went away to graduate school and well... I have seriously fallen off the bandwagon.

    However - my cousin just lost 100lbs and I'm like no... I need to smarten up.

    Hoping to lose 50lbs!

    Let's all do this together!
  • bumblebreezy91
    bumblebreezy91 Posts: 520 Member
    I've been on and off again since May and then two weeks ago I really got into it. I started logging food, I posted in the forums for the first time, I've been exercising. And I lost enough weight that I figured I should make a ticker haha ;) Feel free to add me, too!