"Cheat" meal, now what?



  • Jewels42MD
    We are human and we will make mistakes.
    Learn from it and move onward & upward as soon as you are ready.
  • orangelobster
  • orangelobster

    Edit to say the the word ****ens is not a cuss word and shouldnt be edited here. Thats dumb.

    D-I_C-K-E-N-S :) hehe showed you MFP sensors!!!!

    This other website I go to just uses the word "Charles" to say what you are saying. (ie: the author of Tale of Two Cities, Oliver Twist, Christmas Carol etc)

    To the OP - that is one epic chat meal!! All I can say is learn from this - obviously this is some kind of trigger food for over indulgence. Next time this comes up (and it will), make it your cheat meal but stop at a very generous 5 instead.
  • nytrifisoul
    nytrifisoul Posts: 500 Member

    To the OP - that is one epic chat meal!! All I can say is learn from this - obviously this is some kind of trigger food for over indulgence. Next time this comes up (and it will), make it your cheat meal but stop at a very generous 5 instead.

    I dont think cheat meal means what you think it means. A cheat meal is a meal you can eat during the week and not effect your weight. OP would have to skip atleast 3 days worth of calories to classify that as a cheat meal.
  • CptJinxx
    CptJinxx Posts: 81 Member

    To the OP - that is one epic chat meal!! All I can say is learn from this - obviously this is some kind of trigger food for over indulgence. Next time this comes up (and it will), make it your cheat meal but stop at a very generous 5 instead.

    I dont think cheat meal means what you think it means. A cheat meal is a meal you can eat during the week and not effect your weight. OP would have to skip atleast 3 days worth of calories to classify that as a cheat meal.

    I'm not sure they were really worth ~7500 cals.
    I stomached them easily and didn't feel anywhere near half full, they were just bite size. ( maybe a total of 300 grams )
    Anyways, I think it was more of a binge/disorder, I've been strict for 3 months.
    I have a marathon tomorrow and I'm going to get back on track with eating but I still need advice on what really caused today's disorder so I can prevent it next time.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    This looks delicious!

    Just move on. I mean, what else can you do?
  • mmm_drop
    mmm_drop Posts: 1,126 Member
    What now? Now you just move forward. Don't dwell on what you can't change.

    PS They look gloriously yummy!
  • sanderdejonge
    sanderdejonge Posts: 415 Member
    I don't really see the problem here lol
  • nytrifisoul
    nytrifisoul Posts: 500 Member
    I still need advice on what really caused today's disorder so I can prevent it next time.

    Cause?......Something too damn good to resist! Now if you ate one and said to yourself ,these do not taste very good and continued to eat 25 more, then i would say you may have some disorder that needs looking into.
  • lydiaannepage
    lydiaannepage Posts: 172 Member

    -If that is really you in your profile picture
    -If you are really 19 years old
    -If you are really running a marathon tomorrow

    ... then chill. It's all good. The person who "guessed" how many calories were in each didn't make them or measure the size - only you and your Mom would be able to work out how much you really ate. It was one "cheat" session - you will burn probably around 4K calories tomorrow and if you are back on track with your eating it is not going to make you balloon over night. lol. So to answer your question - now you say "man that was good but next time I should stop at one or two and build them into my calories for the day" and you move on with your happy teenage life. :laugh:
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    It happens. Nothing to be done about it now. Hydrate well tomorrow, hit the gym extra,and eat as well as you can for the rest of the week. Metabolisms work over a week, not over night. :)
  • ekz13
    ekz13 Posts: 725 Member
    eh... you won't be able to get homemade all the time right, so enjoy a fresh batch ... and it's only what 2lbs (ish) (3500kals/lbs) or something like that..

    I think the better question is ...

    when can we expect the box with the rest of them to reach the MPF lounge.?? :bigsmile:
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    There are approximately 300 calories in each one. Only you can decide if it was/is worth it. However many you actually ate.

    Holly Hell thats alot of calories! I honestly dont think i could enjoy eating even one of those. The guilt and thought of running for 30 minutes would depress me.

    I already feel like crap :3 ... Never thought the sum of calories would go that high, I didn't even feel half full, they were like bite size.

    stop feeling guilty.

    it happens.

    At some point it will happen again.

    About once a month or every other month- we got to an all you can eat steak place. Believe you me- I eat about 1-2000 calories OVER where I am supposed to be.

    Meh. Whatever- I go back to being super rigid with the diet- I go right up to my limit of calories or under and that's it.

    it's life- it happens.
    Stop feeling guilty for enjoying a sweet delicious pastry dessert.
  • ekz13
    ekz13 Posts: 725 Member
    seriously, you're 19.. it'll be burned off by like lunch tommorrow. (don't sweat it). enjoy these treats your mom makes now, you may not be near home as you grow older to enjoy them that fresh.
  • CptJinxx
    CptJinxx Posts: 81 Member
    Thanks, every one, for your help and support. Seriously, you already made me feel a lot better!
    And the truth is, I don't want to ruin how good they tasted with all the stress and guilt! :D

    Good luck to you all, wish you guys all the best.
  • dtimedwards
    dtimedwards Posts: 319 Member
    Dude... homemade baklava? No need to feel guilty about that.

    When it is legitimate GOOD food, I never feel guilty if I hit it hard. Now if you eat some crap like 12 cans of Pringles, then maybe you should sit in the corner and feel bad, but otherwise, just move on.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    19yr old skinny marathon runners don't have functional calorie limits.

    If it makes you feel physically sick, don't do it. If you feel physically fine, don't worry about it.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    19yr old skinny marathon runners don't have functional calorie limits.

    If it makes you feel physically sick, don't do it. If you feel physically fine, don't worry about it.
    Functional calorie limits? Probably not. But 19 year old boys become middle aged men. It's always good to start getting a handle on how you eat and how you fuel your body. Never too young to do that, imho.

    gah, 25 baklava? I LOVE baklava, but 25? gah...