Having a hard time eating all the calories.....

I know this sounds so stupid for someone on a diet but my allotment is 1300 a day and I don't really feel like eating that many calories. I don't really "like" the food that I should eat and I won't allow myself to eat the foods I really want. Most of the time when I'm hungry I settle for a cup of tea. I drink as many as 8-10 cups a day.

I know I could go and have a piece of pizza and it would be fine but for some reason I feel like I'm cheating if I eat something really good and I don't want to cheat.

Does this make any sense to anyone? lol I don't want to go into starvation mode but I'm just not super hungry for the "healthy" foods.


  • shadowkat57
    shadowkat57 Posts: 151 Member
    Your body needs fuel. Eating is not essentially cheating - it is fueling your biological machine. You're better off eating a bit of "bad" food and making your calorie requirements, than falling behind.
    Maybe you need to jazz up your idea of "good" foods to make them more appetizing. Say, make your own pizza with flatbread, a few veg, a bit of meat, a sprinkle of cheese - heaps less fatty than a store pizza, and still good.
  • Thanks Shadow. I'm going to try to consume all that I can without feeling like I've cheated. I think I'll try to make that pizza tonight. Hope I count the calories correctly. lol
  • angie007az
    angie007az Posts: 406 Member
    I know this sounds so stupid for someone on a diet but my allotment is 1300 a day and I don't really feel like eating that many calories. I don't really "like" the food that I should eat and I won't allow myself to eat the foods I really want. Most of the time when I'm hungry I settle for a cup of tea. I drink as many as 8-10 cups a day.

    I know I could go and have a piece of pizza and it would be fine but for some reason I feel like I'm cheating if I eat something really good and I don't want to cheat.

    Does this make any sense to anyone? lol I don't want to go into starvation mode but I'm just not super hungry for the "healthy" foods.

    Well, just try to eat as healthy as possible. It's really calories in vs. calories out. Don't stop counting.
  • KimR87
    KimR87 Posts: 295 Member
    I was the same way when i first started but i just started letting myself eat things i would normally eat and just worked on the portions and getting them into my calories or at least finding healthier versions of some of the things i like. If i just stopped eating all my normal things all together I wouldnt be able to stick with this
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    There are no bad foods, some are just more nutrient dense than others. Pizza can be an excellent addition to a healthy diet. Ditto, ice cream. What matters is maintaining a calorie deficit and meeting your macro/micro/fiber goals. I've had ice cream everyday for 51 days and quite often before that and it does not affect my weight loss in any way, except for making the whole process far more sustainable.
  • clbooker76
    clbooker76 Posts: 28 Member
    I know this sounds so stupid for someone on a diet but my allotment is 1300 a day and I don't really feel like eating that many calories. I don't really "like" the food that I should eat and I won't allow myself to eat the foods I really want. Most of the time when I'm hungry I settle for a cup of tea. I drink as many as 8-10 cups a day.

    I know I could go and have a piece of pizza and it would be fine but for some reason I feel like I'm cheating if I eat something really good and I don't want to cheat.

    Does this make any sense to anyone? lol I don't want to go into starvation mode but I'm just not super hungry for the "healthy" foods.

    It's not stupid at all! I am having the same issue. I usually have over 600 calories left. I've been having snacks throughout the day, sometimes I have to make myself eat. :( So, I've been eating pretzels, yogurt, slim fast snack bars, tootsie rolls, oatmeal... basically anything I can that is "healthier" and will fill my calories.
  • Poofy_Goodness
    Poofy_Goodness Posts: 229 Member
    You should try to work on your relationship with food. There aren't bad foods. If pizza fits in your day, there's no problem with having it.
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    There are no bad foods, some are just more nutrient dense than others. Pizza can be an excellent addition to a healthy diet. Ditto, ice cream. What matters is maintaining a calorie deficit and meeting your macro/micro/fiber goals. I've had ice cream everyday for 51 days and quite often before that and it does not affect my weight loss in any way, except for making the whole process far more sustainable.


    Eat what you want (within reason) and weigh/measure everything. You will be surprised at what you can have. Every day this past week I have had either pumpkin pie or apple pie (ice cream too!). I have eaten pizza, burgers and drink wine lol

    For me, I can't restrict anything or I will walk away - this is much easier to keep up with in the long run.
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    I know this sounds so stupid for someone on a diet but my allotment is 1300 a day and I don't really feel like eating that many calories. I don't really "like" the food that I should eat and I won't allow myself to eat the foods I really want. Most of the time when I'm hungry I settle for a cup of tea. I drink as many as 8-10 cups a day.

    I know I could go and have a piece of pizza and it would be fine but for some reason I feel like I'm cheating if I eat something really good and I don't want to cheat.

    Does this make any sense to anyone? lol I don't want to go into starvation mode but I'm just not super hungry for the "healthy" foods.

    i mean this in the nicest possible way... you're on the road to failure.

    don't undereat. don't deprive yourself of foods you enjoy. don't feel guilt or shame over your food choices.

    these are all classic symptoms of somebody who will binge later.

    weight loss is not hard. it's simple math. eat fewer calories than you burn and you'll lose weight. eat enough calories and the types of food that fill you up, make you happy, and meet your nutritional needs. take a multivitamin and/or supplements if necessary. if you don't have enough calories to eat what you want, add some exercise that day to allow for it. don't get too focused on the day to day numbers, look at the longer view and worry about weekly averages.
  • justinluck
    justinluck Posts: 22 Member
    For fat loss, it isn't as critical what you eat, but what your daily macro nutrient profile and total calorie intake is. I have had good results following this IIFYM calculator: http://iifym.com/iifym-calculator/
  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member
    There are no bad foods, some are just more nutrient dense than others. Pizza can be an excellent addition to a healthy diet. Ditto, ice cream. What matters is maintaining a calorie deficit and meeting your macro/micro/fiber goals. I've had ice cream everyday for 51 days and quite often before that and it does not affect my weight loss in any way, except for making the whole process far more sustainable.

    I'll add my own anecdotal advice to this lovely lady's, as well. I experienced some success trying to eat "the right foods" or "clean" or whatever other label you'd like to put on foods that are supposedly healthier than others, but I was pretty miserable and cranky the entire time. I didn't enjoy eating, and I was feeling pretty "meh" about the success I was having because I felt deprived of the foods I enjoyed. Worse, I eventually got to a point where I felt panicky about eating: 1) was the food I was eating really healthy? 2) were there healthier foods I could be eating? 3) seems like everywhere I looked, someone was getting down on this food or that food, and it seemed like nothing was really that healthy. 4) if nothing is healthy, what am I supposed to eat?!

    Stop. This is a dangerous method of thinking. It eventually led me down a path of mild depression and small panic attacks whenever it was time to eat. I'm not saying you'll follow the same route I did, but from what I've gathered, it's not uncommon. You really can eat the foods you enjoy and lose weight. It's not even that difficult when you come to the realization that there are no bad foods.
  • Not to get off topic, but that is quite a lot of tea! Nothing is could for you in excess, so you may want to consider alternating a cup of tea and a cup of water. Depending on the type of tea your drinking, you may be getting a lot of stimulants and also: http://articles.latimes.com/2013/mar/22/news/la-heb-tea-skeletal-fluorosis-20130322

    Regarding the food: Not eating disrupts your metabolism and puts your body in starvation mode--so not only will you not lose much weight, but the weight you lose will come rushing back as soon as you start eating again. It's just not worth it. When all else fails, just have a smaller portion of whatever food you really really want. That way you're enjoying the food you love without spending all your calories.

    Good luck!
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    I know this sounds so stupid for someone on a diet but my allotment is 1300 a day and I don't really feel like eating that many calories. I don't really "like" the food that I should eat and I won't allow myself to eat the foods I really want. Most of the time when I'm hungry I settle for a cup of tea. I drink as many as 8-10 cups a day.

    I know I could go and have a piece of pizza and it would be fine but for some reason I feel like I'm cheating if I eat something really good and I don't want to cheat.

    Does this make any sense to anyone? lol I don't want to go into starvation mode but I'm just not super hungry for the "healthy" foods.

    So, what are you actually consuming, then, besides tea?

    For that matter, what do you consider "bad" or "cheat" foods, besides pizza?
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    Not to get off topic, but that is quite a lot of tea! Nothing is could for you in excess, so you may want to consider alternating a cup of tea and a cup of water. Depending on the type of tea your drinking, you may be getting a lot of stimulants and also: http://articles.latimes.com/2013/mar/22/news/la-heb-tea-skeletal-fluorosis-20130322

    Regarding the food: Not eating disrupts your metabolism and puts your body in starvation mode--so not only will you not lose much weight, but the weight you lose will come rushing back as soon as you start eating again. It's just not worth it. When all else fails, just have a smaller portion of whatever food you really really want. That way you're enjoying the food you love without spending all your calories.

    Good luck!

    let's once and for all put an end to all of this starvation mode silliness (at least for this thread).

    anyone confused should read this:

  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    there are no bad foods.


    asparagus and black licorice are bad foods.

    brussels sprouts are legitimately evil.
  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member
    there are no bad foods.


    asparagus and black licorice are bad foods.

    brussels sprouts are legitimately evil.

    I'll see your asparagus, black licorice, and brussels sprouts, and raise you cauliflower and gluten-free bread and beer.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I know this sounds so stupid for someone on a diet but my allotment is 1300 a day and I don't really feel like eating that many calories. I don't really "like" the food that I should eat and I won't allow myself to eat the foods I really want. Most of the time when I'm hungry I settle for a cup of tea. I drink as many as 8-10 cups a day.

    I know I could go and have a piece of pizza and it would be fine but for some reason I feel like I'm cheating if I eat something really good and I don't want to cheat.

    Does this make any sense to anyone? lol I don't want to go into starvation mode but I'm just not super hungry for the "healthy" foods.

    i mean this in the nicest possible way... you're on the road to failure.

    don't undereat. don't deprive yourself of foods you enjoy. don't feel guilt or shame over your food choices.

    these are all classic symptoms of somebody who will binge later.

    weight loss is not hard. it's simple math. eat fewer calories than you burn and you'll lose weight. eat enough calories and the types of food that fill you up, make you happy, and meet your nutritional needs. take a multivitamin and/or supplements if necessary. if you don't have enough calories to eat what you want, add some exercise that day to allow for it. don't get too focused on the day to day numbers, look at the longer view and worry about weekly averages.

    Excellent advice!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member

    Regarding the food: Not eating disrupts your metabolism and puts your body in starvation mode--so not only will you not lose much weight, but the weight you lose will come rushing back as soon as you start eating again. It's just not worth it. When all else fails, just have a smaller portion of whatever food you really really want. That way you're enjoying the food you love without spending all your calories.

    Good luck!

    sounds buzzer...Fail...this is not accurate or good advice...you have to eat nothing for a minimal of 72 hours to even start to see the initial effects of starvation...
  • DavePFJ
    DavePFJ Posts: 212 Member
    Why are you dieting if you can't eat that much?
  • wow thanks for all the replies and advise.

    Oh.... I CAN eat a lot but I'm trying to change my lifestyle and eat normal portions.

    I assure you I am eating my calorie allowance but what I was trying to say was that I'm finding it difficult bc the food that I have picked (that I think I "should" be eating) just aren't appetizing to me.

    At first I was set up for 1lb loss a week and it was really difficult to "feel" like I was on a diet while eating 1500 calories. I then changed my goal to 1.5 lbs a week and that dropped me down to 1300 cal a week.

    Breakfast and lunch are not really problems. I get home from work and I have anywhere from 600-800 calories to spend and that doesn't include any exercise (I ride a horse, competitively, for an hour a day). So if I expend 300 in that hour I'm up to 900-1100 calories that I can eat for dinner. I just don't know how to get that all in without eating a cheesesteak or something.

    IDK but maybe it's eating healthy at breakfast or lunch that is taking away my appetite but to sit down a 7pm and eat 900 calories just doesn't feel right. Know what I mean?

    I guess I'm so used to going on diets that really restrict and think that this should feel the same way.

    I also have a problem knowing (and trusting what I read on the internet) how many calories are in certain foods so I avoid them just in case.

    I'm a highly dedicated and meticulous person so not knowing is really hard for me. It's bad enough I can't get an accurate exercise reading for horseback riding that I don't really count it in my calculations. I have ordered a HRM that should be here today so that should work to help pinpoint cals spent.

    Can someone tell me what macros/micros are? I have no idea.

    Again, thanks for all the replies. I think it's starting to sink in what I need to do it just feels so wrong lol (ya know diets are supposed to suck right?) lol