My office building has a gym but...

You know what sucks? At almost every job you deal with office politics/favoritism. Well there is a guy I work with and later in the day after our supervisors leave if he's not too busy he goes to the gym (we have a gym here) and works out. I don't think he's allowed to do this, but he's a nice guy so I don't think anyone (including myself) wants to rat him out. However, I am extremely jealous of this :grumble: . My work slows down at the end of the day too. I'd like to kill some time in the gym since it's so convenient being IN the building where I work, but I think if I go work out during work hours I'm going to get caught and get in trouble. This angers me :explode:. I do plan to hit the gym about 3 times a week right after my shift ends starting Monday, but it sure would be nice to do it on the clock and save my free time for boyfriend snuggles :smooched: LOL - Anyone have an opinion on this??? :huh:


  • mapenguinkeeper
    My boss allows me to use my lunch break to hit the gym in the hospital next door. I eat lunch at my desk and so he feels I should get that 30-40 minutes back. Many of us do it on our team we just make sure not all of us go at the same time so that we can cover the pages and phones (IT support). Sometimes I don't even go to the gym, if it is a nice day I'll take a long walk around the track at the nearby university.

    If I were you I'd at least ask if swamping lunch time is an option and be sure to ask if it has to be at Noon or if you can modify the times b/c many gyms are packed a lunch time. I usually go just after lunch around 1 or 1:30pm and often have the entire gym to myself. Can't hurt to ask.

    Also many companies are encouraging employees to stay fit as it keeps their insurance premiums down. Mine even kicks back $150/year.
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    Yes, I was going to say, are you sure he doesn't work later to make up for it or use his lunch/break time? He may just be trying to beat the after work rush and stay and work that time while everyone else heads to the gym
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Does he work through lunch or otherwise make up for lost time? I often work through my lunch so that I can essentially "leave early"...I'm also known to come in early and take work home with me as well.
  • JeniferEverx3
    JeniferEverx3 Posts: 219 Member
    We are not allowed to use our lunch break, this I know for sure because the lunch break is mandatory and you HAVE to get approval on a daily basis just to work through your lunch break if you wanted to leave early or something like that. You would not be allowed to do that but on occasion. I work in IT as well but we have stricter policies here than most places. This is why I am pretty certain if anyone else were to do this and get caught they would get written up. But the main supervisor and one of my other coworkers are best friends (they are the ones you have to watch your back around) and they both like him - so I don't know if they have just not figured it out yet or if they just turn a blind eye.
  • imhungry2012
    imhungry2012 Posts: 240 Member
    If you are working out while you are still on the clock, technically you are stealing from your company. While I would not rat this person out I would not put myself in a situation where I could potentially get written up, verbal warning or fired. I would go in early to work out, work out over lunch or workout right at the end of your shift.
  • JuneyJo
    JuneyJo Posts: 182 Member
    I don't think he's allowed to do this, but he's a nice guy so I don't think anyone (including myself) wants to rat him out. However, I am extremely jealous of this :grumble: .

    Ask him. Just casually mention that you're looking forward to starting to use the gym but thought you had to do it after hours and how did he get approval to do it during work hours? Maybe he'll tell you there's a form to fill out or maybe he'll tell you he's being sneaky. It's a harmless, non-confrontational question and the easiest way to get the answer. :smile:
  • Still1Workoutatatime
    "do the right thing" - Spike Lee
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    You know what,..
    Bring a Gym bag with you.
    When you seem them (both of them) leaving for the Gym, Chat them up.. say if your going to the Gym, Let me join you.
    Put them both on the spot. See what happens next..
  • bugaha1
    bugaha1 Posts: 602 Member
    "do the right thing" - Spike Lee

    Companies always know who is working the hardest when it comes time for cut backs.
  • Trimi
    Trimi Posts: 57
    Just because he does it, doesn't mean you should do it. Just be glad that your work provides you with (what I presume is a free) gym, and call it a day. Sooner or later he will get called out on it by someone, and it won't be pleasant for him.
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    Watch it if he is friends with the bosses that way. They are going to want you to not even notice it. I only say that because they might just fire the folks who notice too much about the office politics. I wouldn't risk it just to work out on office time, although I have been fired for being a whistleblower about bigger things!
  • tfleischer
    tfleischer Posts: 199 Member
    Watch it if he is friends with the bosses that way. They are going to want you to not even notice it. I only say that because they might just fire the folks who notice too much about the office politics. I wouldn't risk it just to work out on office time, although I have been fired for being a whistleblower about bigger things!

    Good advice right there. Wait until you are no longer on the clock, go work out and then go snuggle.
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    What this guy does is irrelevant to what you are going to do. How is it related? I don't get it. Somebody does something dishonest, so . . . therefore, you can cheat too?
  • chard_muncher
    chard_muncher Posts: 75 Member
    If you are working out while you are still on the clock, technically you are stealing from your company. While I would not rat this person out I would not put myself in a situation where I could potentially get written up, verbal warning or fired. I would go in early to work out, work out over lunch or workout right at the end of your shift.

    Says the person surfing the internet at 4:53pm on a Thursday.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    For the life of me I can't figure out what him working out has to do with you. Doesn't sound like it's affecting your workload and it's just that you wish you could work out on the clock too.

    Do what you want. It's your life and if you want to risk getting fired it's completely up to you and has nothing to do with the behavior of other individuals.
  • ktsimons
    ktsimons Posts: 294 Member
    I don't think he's allowed to do this, but he's a nice guy so I don't think anyone (including myself) wants to rat him out. However, I am extremely jealous of this :grumble: .

    Ask him. Just casually mention that you're looking forward to starting to use the gym but thought you had to do it after hours and how did he get approval to do it during work hours? Maybe he'll tell you there's a form to fill out or maybe he'll tell you he's being sneaky. It's a harmless, non-confrontational question and the easiest way to get the answer. :smile:

    I like this idea!
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I completely get where you're coming from, regarding wishing you could take the same liberties as a co-worker, but my professional opinion is this:

    1) Stop worrying about what other people are doing, and focus on YOUR job. If you get caught, it's your *kitten*, not his, that will be on the line. Don't rat him out. What he does is none of your business, and tattling will make you look like a snitch, not a team player.

    2) If you have time to work out during the work day, you have time to look for or ask for other assignments to keep you busy. If your company were to suddenly start looking at downsizing, you want to be remembered for showing initiative and making yourself indispensable. You do NOT want to be remembered as "that girl who asked if she could work out while on the clock since she has nothing better to do."

    I am sure it is not your intention to waste your company's resources, but that is how this will come off if you ask about it or if you just do it anyway and end up getting caught. My company downsized last year, and, as a member of the management team that made the layoff decisions, I am telling you that asking if you can work out when things are slow is like wearing a sign that says "My position isn't really that critical to the operation."
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Work out on your lunch break or before or after work. That's the only way to make sure you are not using company time.

    As for your coworker, I'd leave that between him and his supervisor unless his early gym time is impacting your work load. In that case, I would have no choice but to talk to the supervisor about it.
  • oc1timoco
    oc1timoco Posts: 272 Member
    Just do the right thing.. An honest mans ( woman's) pillow is their own piece of mind. Eventually the supervisor will find out by someone. But if you can hit it on lunch or breaks go for it
  • Nissi51
    Nissi51 Posts: 381 Member
    Word of advice: make it your ambition to lead a quiet life and mind your own business. Who cares what buddy is doing, you are in control of YOU!