HERBALIFE-Over 100 pounds to lose

:smile: Is anyone else in the same range that needs friends? I do not have any! I really need support! I have a long way ahead of me and I really hope to finish within 14 months.

I am looking for more friends that use Herbalife and just some people to be accountable to.

I look forward to meeting you!


  • Thin4payton
    Thin4payton Posts: 234 Member
    I would LOVE to do herbalife! I have a shake shop just next door and I get them when I have some extra money. Just having a hard time scraping up the money to really get started. I would love to be your accountability buddy!
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Hi,I don't use herbalife, and only have a few lbs left to lose, but will be your friend anyway :-) send me a request :-)
  • breeautiful128
    breeautiful128 Posts: 6 Member
    How do you add the amount of pounds you've lost to the bottom? I'm sending both of you friend requests!
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Not sure how to set the ticker which says the pounds you've lost, mine is always wrong anyway lol....
  • breeautiful128
    breeautiful128 Posts: 6 Member
    Figure it out. Thank you!
  • emmad2
    emmad2 Posts: 59
    Hi there - i've been doing Herbalife for about 5 weeks and i'm really enjoying it - feel free to add me :-)
  • CC4mSD
    CC4mSD Posts: 1 Member
    Hey I just started doing Herbalife too and on my first week I lost 6lbs! :) Super excited! I've been eating healthy and exercising, along with taking there shakes and I feel great! Good luck! feel free to add me. :)
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Why waste money on the shakes when you have this for free?
  • juanpegler
    juanpegler Posts: 92 Member
    My goal is a total of 47kgs (about 103lbs) I use herbalife but its pretty expensive here so I Only use it as a breakfast shake.

    Feel free to add me.
  • YouHadMyCuriosity
    YouHadMyCuriosity Posts: 218 Member
    My goal is a total of 47kgs (about 103lbs) I use herbalife but its pretty expensive here so I Only use it as a breakfast shake.

    Feel free to add me.

    I was going to respond to OP, but this raised a flag for me- 26 year old male wanting to get down to 103lbs? I am a 25yr old female with a goal weight of 124 (at 5'4)- the lowest I've been as an adult was 112lbs, and I was THIN. Not sure about your height, but if it is anything over 5 ft, please talk to a doctor to make sure you are not harming your body.
  • billymacintosh
    billymacintosh Posts: 71 Member
    My goal is a total of 47kgs (about 103lbs) I use herbalife but its pretty expensive here so I Only use it as a breakfast shake.

    Feel free to add me.

    I was going to respond to OP, but this raised a flag for me- 26 year old male wanting to get down to 103lbs? I am a 25yr old female with a goal weight of 124 (at 5'4)- the lowest I've been as an adult was 112lbs, and I was THIN. Not sure about your height, but if it is anything over 5 ft, please talk to a doctor to make sure you are not harming your body.

    is he not talking losing 103Ibs not getting down to 103Ibs?
  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member
    My goal is a total of 47kgs (about 103lbs) I use herbalife but its pretty expensive here so I Only use it as a breakfast shake.

    Feel free to add me.

    I was going to respond to OP, but this raised a flag for me- 26 year old male wanting to get down to 103lbs? I am a 25yr old female with a goal weight of 124 (at 5'4)- the lowest I've been as an adult was 112lbs, and I was THIN. Not sure about your height, but if it is anything over 5 ft, please talk to a doctor to make sure you are not harming your body.

    is he not talking losing 103Ibs not getting down to 103Ibs?

    That's how I read it, was wanting to lose 103. I don't even think it's physically possible for anyone over 5'5ish to get down to 103 lbs and be more than a corpse

    OP, I don't do Herbalife, but you can add me if you want. I'm looking to lose 58 more lbs
  • juanpegler
    juanpegler Posts: 92 Member
    My goal is a total of 47kgs (about 103lbs) I use herbalife but its pretty expensive here so I Only use it as a breakfast shake.

    Feel free to add me.

    I was going to respond to OP, but this raised a flag for me- 26 year old male wanting to get down to 103lbs? I am a 25yr old female with a goal weight of 124 (at 5'4)- the lowest I've been as an adult was 112lbs, and I was THIN. Not sure about your height, but if it is anything over 5 ft, please talk to a doctor to make sure you are not harming your body.

    LOL sorry I meant losing that much. My muscle mass is about 170lbs at the moment. so no it would not be possible to have that as my goal. I am aiming to be between 190 and 200lbs.
  • YouHadMyCuriosity
    YouHadMyCuriosity Posts: 218 Member
    My goal is a total of 47kgs (about 103lbs) I use herbalife but its pretty expensive here so I Only use it as a breakfast shake.

    Feel free to add me.

    I was going to respond to OP, but this raised a flag for me- 26 year old male wanting to get down to 103lbs? I am a 25yr old female with a goal weight of 124 (at 5'4)- the lowest I've been as an adult was 112lbs, and I was THIN. Not sure about your height, but if it is anything over 5 ft, please talk to a doctor to make sure you are not harming your body.

    LOL sorry I meant losing that much. My muscle mass is about 170lbs at the moment. so no it would not be possible to have that as my goal. I am aiming to be between 190 and 200lbs.

    Oh, I'm so sorry for misunderstanding!!! It's been a long day, my mind is apparently crapping out. Good luck on that goal, you can do! I apologize for misreading that >.<
  • KPBlake
    KPBlake Posts: 25 Member
    Hello there :)
    I just recently started Herbalife on 11/23.
    I had 105lbs to lose! well...a little less now. More like 89 now to get to my goal of 175lbs, which is my first goal weight.
    Feel free to add and message me! I know it's easier and motivating having someone in the same boat with ya, and understands where you're starting!
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    :smile: Is anyone else in the same range that needs friends? I do not have any! I really need support! I have a long way ahead of me and I really hope to finish within 14 months.

    I am looking for more friends that use Herbalife and just some people to be accountable to.

    I look forward to meeting you!

    You might want to rephrase that.... there really is no 'finish....'
  • briandahawaiian
    briandahawaiian Posts: 112 Member
    If you wanna lose weight in your wallet then go for it! I've tried it, lost weight, got off of it and gained it back :( My take, just stick to real food, and if you need a protein shake then go to wally world and buy a tub twice the size for half the price :) best of luck!!
  • xSTx
    xSTx Posts: 56 Member
    Not sure what Herbalife is I'm assuming its a WL program. I've lost over 100lbs eating food and will be friends with anyone!
  • Hi, I've been thinking about starting herbalife. Please keep me updated and add me if you'd like.
  • kennie2
    kennie2 Posts: 1,170 Member
    my gran used to use herbalife in the 90s
    she's still obese, has health problems and is a lot poorer